You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

163 lines
5.6 KiB

import { expect, Locator } from '@playwright/test';
import BasePage from '../../../Base';
import { GridPage } from '../../Grid';
import { ToolbarPage } from './index';
// @ts-ignore
import fs from 'fs';
import XLSX from 'xlsx';
export class ToolbarViewMenuPage extends BasePage {
readonly toolbar: ToolbarPage;
readonly viewsMenuBtn: Locator;
constructor(toolbar: ToolbarPage) {
this.toolbar = toolbar;
this.viewsMenuBtn = this.toolbar.get().locator(`.nc-actions-menu-btn`);
get() {
return this.rootPage.locator(`.ant-dropdown.nc-dropdown-actions-menu`);
getLockTypeSubMenu() {
return this.rootPage.locator(`[id="sub_menu_1_$$_lock-type-popup"]`);
async verifyDownloadAsCSV({
}: {
downloadLocator: Locator;
expectedDataFile: string;
}) {
const [download] = await Promise.all([
// Start waiting for the download
// Perform the action that initiates download
// Save downloaded file somewhere
await download.saveAs('./output/test.txt');
// verify downloaded content against expected content
const expectedData = fs.readFileSync(expectedDataFile, 'utf8').replace(/\r/g, '').split('\n');
const file = fs.readFileSync('./output/test.txt', 'utf8').replace(/\r/g, '').split('\n');
await expect(file).toEqual(expectedData);
async verifyDownloadAsXLSX({
}: {
downloadLocator: Locator;
expectedDataFile: string;
}) {
const [download] = await Promise.all([
// Start waiting for the download
// Perform the action that initiates download
// Save downloaded file somewhere
await download.saveAs('./output/test.xlsx');
// convert xlsx to csv
const wb = XLSX.readFile('./output/test.xlsx');
XLSX.writeFile(wb, './output/test.txt', { bookType: 'csv' });
// verify downloaded content against expected content
const expectedData = fs.readFileSync(expectedDataFile, 'utf8');
const file = fs.readFileSync('./output/test.txt', 'utf8');
// XLSX writes file with UTF-8 BOM, adds '\ufeff' to cater it
await expect(file).toEqual('\ufeff' + expectedData);
// menu items
// Collaborative View
// Download
// Upload
// Shared View List
// Webhooks
// Get API Snippet
// ERD View
// todo: Move verification out of the click method
async click({ menu, subMenu, verificationInfo }: { menu: string; subMenu?: string; verificationInfo?: any }) {
await this.viewsMenuBtn.click();
await this.get().locator(`.ant-dropdown-menu-title-content:has-text("${menu}")`).first().click();
if (subMenu) {
// for CSV download, pass locator instead of clicking it here
if (subMenu === 'Download as CSV') {
await this.verifyDownloadAsCSV({
downloadLocator: await this.rootPage
expectedDataFile: verificationInfo?.verificationFile ?? './fixtures/expectedBaseDownloadData.txt',
} else if (subMenu === 'Download as XLSX') {
await this.verifyDownloadAsXLSX({
downloadLocator: await this.rootPage
expectedDataFile: verificationInfo?.verificationFile ?? './fixtures/expectedBaseDownloadData.txt',
} else {
await this.rootPage.locator(`.ant-dropdown-menu-title-content:has-text("${subMenu}")`).last().click();
switch (subMenu) {
case 'Download as CSV':
await this.verifyToast({
message: 'Successfully exported all table data',
case 'Download as XLSX':
await this.verifyToast({
message: 'Successfully exported all table data',
case 'Locked View':
await this.verifyToast({
message: 'Successfully Switched to locked view',
case 'Collaborative View':
await this.verifyToast({
message: 'Successfully Switched to collaborative view',
await this.toolbar.parent.waitLoading();
async verifyLockMode() {
await expect(await this.toolbar.get().locator(`.nc-fields-menu-btn.nc-toolbar-btn`)).toBeDisabled();
await expect(await this.toolbar.get().locator(`.nc-filter-menu-btn.nc-toolbar-btn`)).toBeDisabled();
await expect(await this.toolbar.get().locator(`.nc-sort-menu-btn.nc-toolbar-btn`)).toBeDisabled();
await expect(
await this.toolbar.get().locator(`.nc-add-new-row-btn.nc-toolbar-btn > .nc-icon.disabled`)
await (this.toolbar.parent as GridPage).verifyEditDisabled({
columnHeader: 'Country',
async verifyCollaborativeMode() {
await expect(await this.toolbar.get().locator(`.nc-fields-menu-btn.nc-toolbar-btn`)).toBeEnabled();
await expect(await this.toolbar.get().locator(`.nc-filter-menu-btn.nc-toolbar-btn`)).toBeEnabled();
await expect(await this.toolbar.get().locator(`.nc-sort-menu-btn.nc-toolbar-btn`)).toBeEnabled();
await expect(await this.toolbar.get().locator(`.nc-add-new-row-btn.nc-toolbar-btn > .nc-icon`)).toBeVisible();
await (this.toolbar.parent as GridPage).verifyEditEnabled({
columnHeader: 'Country',