You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { useStorage } from '@vueuse/core'
import { MemStorage, onScopeDispose, watch } from '#imports'
interface UseSidebarProps {
hasSidebar?: boolean
isOpen?: boolean
useStorage?: boolean
* States for sidebars
* Use `provideSidebar` to provide the state and save to memory or local storage
* Use `useSidebar` to use the state
* If `provideSidebar` is not called explicitly, `useSidebar` will trigger the provider if no state can be found
* Requires an id to work, id should correspond to the sidebar state you want to create or fetch
const sidebarStorage = new MemStorage()
const createSidebar = (id: string, props: UseSidebarProps = {}) => {
const isOpen = ref(props.isOpen ?? false)
const hasSidebar = ref(props.hasSidebar ?? true)
function toggle(state?: boolean) {
isOpen.value = state ?? !isOpen.value
function toggleHasSidebar(state?: boolean) {
hasSidebar.value = state ?? !hasSidebar.value
if (props.useStorage) {
const storage = toRefs(useStorage(id, { isOpen, hasSidebar }, localStorage, { mergeDefaults: true }).value)
syncRef(isOpen, storage.isOpen)
syncRef(hasSidebar, storage.hasSidebar)
(nextHasSidebar) => {
if (!nextHasSidebar) toggle(false)
{ immediate: true },
(nextIsOpen) => {
if (nextIsOpen && !hasSidebar.value) toggleHasSidebar(true)
{ immediate: true },
return {
export const provideSidebar = (id: string, props: UseSidebarProps = {}) => {
if (!id) throw new Error('provideSidebar requires an id')
onScopeDispose(() => {
if (!sidebarStorage.has(id)) {
const sidebar = createSidebar(id, props)
sidebarStorage.set(id, sidebar)
return sidebar
} else {
const sidebar = sidebarStorage.get(id)
if (props.isOpen !== undefined) sidebar.isOpen.value = props.isOpen
if (props.hasSidebar !== undefined) sidebar.hasSidebar.value = props.hasSidebar
return sidebar
export function useSidebar(id: string, props: UseSidebarProps = {}) {
if (!id) throw new Error('useSidebar requires an id')
if (sidebarStorage.has(id)) {
const sidebar = sidebarStorage.get(id)
if (props.isOpen !== undefined) sidebar.isOpen.value = props.isOpen
if (props.hasSidebar !== undefined) sidebar.hasSidebar.value = props.hasSidebar
return sidebar
} else {
return provideSidebar(id, props)