You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

87 lines
2.8 KiB

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
import { useColors } from '#imports'
import MdiDiscord from '~icons/mdi/discord'
import MdiReddit from '~icons/mdi/reddit'
import MdiTwitter from '~icons/mdi/twitter'
import MdiCalendarMonth from '~icons/mdi/calendar-month'
import BxBxlDiscourse from '~icons/bx/bxl-discourse'
const { locale } = useI18n()
const { colors } = useColors()
const open = (url: string) => {
window.open(url, '_blank')
const isZhLang = $computed(() => locale.value.startsWith('zh'))
<div class="wrapper">
<div v-if="isZhLang">
<p class="caption grey--text block mb-3 text-center pt-2">Please share a word about us</p>
class="flex justify-center mb-2"
:social-medias="['renren', 'douban', 'weibo', 'wechat']"
<v-divider />
<div class="text-center caption grey--text mt-3 mb-1">
Built with Vue JS<br /><img src="vue.svg" class="vue-icon mt-1 mb-n1" alt="vue.js" width="30" />
<template v-else>
<div class="flex justify-end">
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<div class="flex justify-space-between d-100 pr-2">
<MdiDiscord v-t="['e:community:discord']" class="icon text-[#7289DA]" @click="open('https://discord.gg/5RgZmkW')" />
class="icon flex items-center justify-center min-w-[43px]"
<div class="discourse" />
class="icon text-[#FF4600]"
<MdiTwitter v-t="['e:community:twitter']" class="icon text-[#1DA1F2]" @click="open('https://twitter.com/NocoDB')" />
class="icon text-green-500"
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.icon {
@apply cursor-pointer text-4xl rounded-full p-2 bg-gray-100 shadow-md hover:(shadow-lg bg-gray-200) transition-color ease-in duration-100;
.discourse {
height: 22px;
width: 22px;
background-image: url('~/assets/img/discourse-icon.png');
background-size: contain;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
.discourse::before {
visibility: hidden;
content: '';