
104 lines
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import type { VNode } from '@vue/runtime-dom'
import { isVNode, render } from '@vue/runtime-dom'
import type { ComponentPublicInstance } from '@vue/runtime-core'
import { isClient } from '@vueuse/core'
import { createEventHook, h, ref, toReactive, tryOnScopeDispose, useNuxtApp, watch } from '#imports'
* Programmatically create a component and attach it to the body (or a specific mount target), like a dialog or modal.
* This composable is not SSR friendly - it should be used only on the client.
* @param componentOrVNode The component to create and attach. Can be a VNode or a component definition.
* @param props The props to pass to the component.
* @param mountTarget The target to attach the component to. Defaults to the document body
* @example
* import { useDialog } from '#imports'
* import DlgQuickImport from '~/components/dlg/QuickImport.vue'
* function openQuickImportDialog(type: string) {
* // create a ref for showing/hiding the modal
* const isOpen = ref(true)
* const { close, vNode } = useDialog(DlgQuickImport, {
* 'modelValue': isOpen,
* 'importType': type,
* 'onUpdate:modelValue': closeDialog,
* })
* function closeDialog() {
* // hide the modal
* isOpen.value = false
* // debounce destroying the component, so the modal transition can finish
* close(1000)
* }
* }
export function useDialog(
componentOrVNode: any,
props: NonNullable<Parameters<typeof h>[1]> = {},
mountTarget?: Element | ComponentPublicInstance,
) {
if (typeof document === 'undefined' || !isClient) {
console.warn('[useDialog]: Cannot use outside of browser!')
const closeHook = createEventHook<void>()
const mountedHook = createEventHook<void>()
const isMounted = $ref(false)
const domNode = document.createElement('div')
const vNodeRef = ref<VNode>()
mountTarget = mountTarget ? ('$el' in mountTarget ? (mountTarget.$el as HTMLElement) : mountTarget) : document.body
/** if specified, append vnode to mount target instead of document.body */
/** When props change, we want to re-render the element with the new prop values */
const stop = watch(
(reactiveProps) => {
const vNode = isVNode(componentOrVNode) ? componentOrVNode : h(componentOrVNode, reactiveProps)
vNode.appContext = useNuxtApp().vueApp._context
vNodeRef.value = vNode
render(vNode, domNode)
if (!isMounted) mountedHook.trigger()
{ deep: true, immediate: true, flush: 'post' },
/** When calling scope is disposed, destroy component */
/** destroy component, can be debounced */
function close(debounce = 0) {
setTimeout(() => {
render(null, domNode)
setTimeout(() => {
;(mountTarget as HTMLElement)!.removeChild(domNode)
}, 100)
}, debounce)
return {
onClose: closeHook.on,
onMounted: mountedHook.on,
vNode: vNodeRef,