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21 lines
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7 years ago
"name": "root",
"private": true,
"devDependencies": {
"cypress": "^7.3.0",
"jsdoc-to-markdown": "^5.0.3",
"lerna": "^3.20.1"
7 years ago
"scripts": {
"cypress:run": "cypress run",
"cypress:open": "cypress open",
"test:travis": "git log --pretty=format:'%h' -n 1 --skip 1 | xargs lerna run test:travis --since",
"lerna:install": "git log --pretty=format:'%h' -n 1 --skip 1 | xargs lerna bootstrap --ignore nc-cli --since",
"updated:xc-migrator": "lerna run publish --scope xc-migrator && lerna run xc && lerna publish && npm install -f xc-cli",
"doc": "lerna run doc",
"install:local:dep": "cd packages/nc-lib-gui;npm uninstall -S xc-lib;rm package-lock.json; npm i ../../../xc-lib-private; cd ../xc-instant;npm uninstall -S xc-lib xc-lib-gui;npm i ../../../xc-lib-private;npm i ../xc-lib-gui",
"install:npm:dep": "cd packages/nc-lib-gui;npm uninstall -S xc-lib; npm i -S xc-lib@latest; cd ../xc-instant;npm uninstall -S xc-lib xc-lib-gui;npm i -S xc-lib@latest xc-lib-gui@latest;npm i ../xc-lib-gui"
7 years ago
"dependencies": {}
7 years ago