You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

273 lines
9.2 KiB

import { expect, Locator, Page } from '@playwright/test';
import BasePage from '../Base';
import { DashboardPage } from '../Dashboard';
export class ProjectsPage extends BasePage {
readonly buttonEditProject: Locator;
readonly buttonDeleteProject: Locator;
readonly buttonMoreActions: Locator;
readonly buttonNewProject: Locator;
readonly buttonColorSelector: Locator;
constructor(rootPage: Page) {
this.buttonEditProject = this.get().locator('.nc-action-btn.nc-edit-base');
this.buttonDeleteProject = this.get().locator('.nc-action-btn.nc-delete-base');
this.buttonMoreActions = this.get().locator('.nc-import-menu');
this.buttonNewProject = this.get().locator('.nc-new-base-menu');
this.buttonColorSelector = this.get().locator('div.color-selector');
prefixTitle(title: string) {
const parallelId = process.env.TEST_PARALLEL_INDEX ?? '0';
return `nc_test_${parallelId}_${title}`;
get() {
return this.rootPage.locator('[data-testid="bases-container"]');
// create base
async createProject({ name = 'sample', withoutPrefix }: { name?: string; type?: string; withoutPrefix?: boolean }) {
if (!withoutPrefix) name = this.prefixTitle(name);
// Click "New Base" button
await this.get().locator('.nc-new-base-menu').click();
await this.rootPage.locator(`.nc-metadb-base-name`).waitFor();
await this.rootPage.locator(`input.nc-metadb-base-name`).fill(name);
const createProjectSubmitAction = () => this.rootPage.locator(`button:has-text("Create")`).click();
await this.waitForResponse({
uiAction: createProjectSubmitAction,
httpMethodsToMatch: ['POST'],
requestUrlPathToMatch: '/api/v1/db/meta/projects/',
// wait for dashboard to render
await this.rootPage.locator('.nc-container').waitFor({ state: 'visible' });
// duplicate base
async duplicateProject({
name = 'sample',
includeData = true,
includeViews = true,
}: {
name?: string;
type?: string;
withoutPrefix?: boolean;
includeData: boolean;
includeViews: boolean;
}) {
if (!withoutPrefix) name = this.prefixTitle(name);
// click three-dot
await this.rootPage.getByTestId('p-three-dot-' + name).click();
// check duplicate visible
await expect(this.rootPage.getByTestId('dupe-base-' + name)).toBeVisible();
// click duplicate
await this.rootPage.getByTestId('dupe-base-' + name).click();
// Find the checkbox element with the label "Include data"
const includeDataCheckbox = this.rootPage.getByText('Include data', { exact: true });
// Check the checkbox if it is not already checked
if ((await includeDataCheckbox.isChecked()) && !includeData) {
await includeDataCheckbox.click(); // click the checkbox to check it
// Find the checkbox element with the label "Include data"
const includeViewsCheckbox = this.rootPage.getByText('Include views', { exact: true });
// Check the checkbox if it is not already checked
if ((await includeViewsCheckbox.isChecked()) && !includeViews) {
await includeViewsCheckbox.click(); // click the checkbox to check it
// click duplicate confirmation "Do you want to duplicate 'sampleREST0' base?"
const dupeProjectSubmitAction = () => this.rootPage.getByRole('button', { name: 'Confirm' }).click();
await this.waitForResponse({
uiAction: dupeProjectSubmitAction,
httpMethodsToMatch: ['POST'],
requestUrlPathToMatch: '/api/v1/db/meta/duplicate/',
// wait for duplicate create completed and render kebab
await this.get().locator(`[data-testid="p-three-dot-${name} copy"]`).waitFor();
async checkProjectCreateButton({ exists = true }) {
await expect(this.rootPage.locator('.nc-new-base-menu:visible')).toHaveCount(exists ? 1 : 0);
async reloadProjects() {
const reloadUiAction = () => this.get().locator('[data-testid="bases-reload-button"]').click();
await this.waitForResponse({
uiAction: reloadUiAction,
requestUrlPathToMatch: '/api/v1/db/meta/projects',
httpMethodsToMatch: ['GET'],
async waitToBeRendered() {
await this.get().waitFor({
state: 'visible',
await (await this.get().elementHandle())?.waitForElementState('stable');
// Wait till the ant table is rendered
await this.get().locator('thead.ant-table-thead >> th').nth(0).waitFor({ state: 'visible' });
await expect(this.get().locator('thead.ant-table-thead >> th').nth(0)).toHaveText('Title');
// todo: remove this, all the above asserts are useless.
// The elements are actually invisible from screenshot but in dom level its visible. Lazy loading issue
await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(1200);
async openProject({
waitForAuthTab = true,
}: {
title: string;
withoutPrefix?: boolean;
waitForAuthTab?: boolean;
}) {
if (!withoutPrefix) title = this.prefixTitle(title);
let base: any;
const responsePromise = this.rootPage.waitForResponse(async res => {
let json: any = {};
try {
json = await res.json();
} catch (e) {
return false;
const isRequiredResponse =
res.request().url().includes('/api/v1/db/meta/projects') &&
['GET'].includes(res.request().method()) &&
json?.title === title;
if (isRequiredResponse) {
base = json;
return isRequiredResponse;
await this.get()
.locator(`.ant-table-cell`, {
hasText: title,
await responsePromise;
const dashboard = new DashboardPage(this.rootPage, base);
if (waitForAuthTab) await dashboard.waitForTabRender({ title: 'Team & Auth' });
return base;
async deleteProject({ title, withoutPrefix }: { title: string; withoutPrefix?: boolean }) {
if (!withoutPrefix) title = this.prefixTitle(title);
await this.get().locator(`[data-testid="delete-base-${title}"]`).click();
const deleteProjectAction = () => this.rootPage.locator(`button:has-text("Yes")`).click();
await this.waitForResponse({
uiAction: deleteProjectAction,
httpMethodsToMatch: ['DELETE'],
requestUrlPathToMatch: '/api/v1/db/meta/projects/',
await this.get().locator('.ant-table-row', { hasText: title }).waitFor({ state: 'hidden' });
async renameProject({
}: {
title: string;
newTitle: string;
withoutPrefix?: boolean;
}) {
if (!withoutPrefix) title = this.prefixTitle(title);
if (!withoutPrefix) newTitle = this.prefixTitle(newTitle);
const base = this.rootPage;
const projRow = base.locator(`tr`, {
has: base.locator(`td.ant-table-cell:has-text("${title}")`),
await projRow.locator('.nc-action-btn').nth(0).click();
// there is a flicker; add delay to avoid flakiness
await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(1000);
await base.locator('input.nc-metadb-base-name').fill(newTitle);
// press enter to save
const submitAction = () => base.locator('input.nc-metadb-base-name').press('Enter');
await this.waitForResponse({
uiAction: submitAction,
requestUrlPathToMatch: '/api/v1/db/meta/projects/',
httpMethodsToMatch: ['PATCH'],
async openLanguageMenu() {
await this.rootPage.locator('.nc-menu-translate').click();
async selectLanguage({ index }: { index: number }) {
const modal = this.rootPage.locator('.nc-dropdown-menu-translate');
await modal.locator(`.ant-dropdown-menu-item`).nth(index).click();
async verifyLanguage(param: { json: any }) {
const title = this.rootPage.locator(`.nc-base-page-title`);
const menu = this.rootPage.locator(`.nc-new-base-menu`);
await expect(title).toHaveText(param.json.title.myProject);
await expect(menu).toHaveText(param.json.title.newProj);
await this.rootPage.locator(`[placeholder="${param.json.activity.searchProject}"]`).waitFor();
async openPasswordChangeModal() {
// open change password portal
await this.rootPage.locator('.nc-menu-accounts').click();
await this.rootPage
async waitForRender() {
await this.rootPage.locator('.nc-base-page-title:has-text("My Projects")').waitFor();
async validateRoleAccess(param: { role: string }) {
// new user; by default org level permission is to viewer (can't create base)
await expect(this.buttonNewProject).toBeVisible({ visible: false });
// role specific permissions
switch (param.role) {
case 'creator':
await expect(this.buttonColorSelector).toBeVisible();
await expect(this.buttonEditProject).toBeVisible();
await expect(this.buttonDeleteProject).toBeVisible();
await expect(this.buttonMoreActions).toBeVisible();
case 'editor':
case 'commenter':
case 'viewer':
await expect(this.buttonColorSelector).toBeVisible({ visible: false });
await expect(this.buttonEditProject).toBeVisible({ visible: false });
await expect(this.buttonDeleteProject).toBeVisible({ visible: false });
await expect(this.buttonMoreActions).toBeVisible({ visible: false });