<script lang="ts" setup>
import { Modal, notification } from 'ant-design-vue'
import { inject } from 'vue'
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
import { useNuxtApp } from '#app'
import { useMetas } from '#imports'
import { ColumnInj, MetaInj } from '~/context'
import { extractSdkResponseErrorMsg } from '~/utils'
import MdiEditIcon from '~icons/mdi/pencil'
import MdiStarIcon from '~icons/mdi/star'
import MdiDeleteIcon from '~icons/mdi/delete-outline'
import MdiMenuDownIcon from '~icons/mdi/menu-down'
const { virtual = false } = defineProps<{ virtual?: boolean }>()
const editColumnDropdown = ref(false)
const column = inject(ColumnInj)
const meta = inject(MetaInj)
const { $api } = useNuxtApp()
const { t } = useI18n()
const { getMeta } = useMetas()
const deleteColumn = () =>
title: h('div', ['Do you want to delete ', h('span', { class: 'font-weight-bold' }, [column?.value?.title]), ' column ?']),
okText: t('general.delete'),
okType: 'danger',
cancelText: t('general.cancel'),
async onOk() {
try {
await $api.dbTableColumn.delete(column?.value?.id as string)
getMeta(meta?.value?.id as string, true)
} catch (e) {
message: await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e),
const setAsPrimaryValue = async () => {
try {
await $api.dbTableColumn.primaryColumnSet(column?.value?.id as string)
getMeta(meta?.value?.id as string, true)
message: 'Successfully updated as primary column',
} catch (e) {
message: 'Failed to update primary column',
function onVisibleChange() {
// only allow to close the EditOrAdd component
// by clicking cancel button
editColumnDropdown.value = true
<a-dropdown v-model:visible="editColumnDropdown" :trigger="['click']" @visible-change="onVisibleChange">
<span />
<template #overlay>
@cancel="editColumnDropdown = false"
<a-dropdown :trigger="['hover']">
<MdiMenuDownIcon class="text-grey nc-ui-dt-dropdown" />
<template #overlay>
<a-menu class="shadow bg-white">
<a-menu-item @click="editColumnDropdown = true">
<div class="nc-column-edit nc-header-menu-item">
<MdiEditIcon class="text-primary" />
<!-- Edit -->
{{ $t('general.edit') }}
<a-menu-item v-if="!virtual" v-t="['a:column:set-primary']" @click="setAsPrimaryValue">
<div class="nc-column-edit nc-header-menu-item">
<MdiStarIcon class="text-primary" />
<!-- todo : tooltip -->
<!-- Set as Primary value -->
{{ $t('activity.setPrimary') }}
<!-- <span class="caption font-weight-bold">Primary value will be shown in place of primary key</span> -->
<a-menu-item @click="deleteColumn">
<div class="nc-column-delete nc-header-menu-item">
<MdiDeleteIcon class="text-error" />
<!-- Delete -->
{{ $t('general.delete') }}
<style scoped>
.nc-header-menu-item {
@apply text-xs flex items-center px-1 py-2 gap-1;