<script lang="ts" setup>
import type { VNodeRef } from '@vue/runtime-core'
import { EditModeInj, IsExpandedFormOpenInj, IsSurveyFormInj, computed, inject, useI18n, validateEmail } from '#imports'
interface Props {
modelValue: string | null | undefined
const { modelValue: value } = defineProps<Props>()
const emit = defineEmits(['update:modelValue'])
const { t } = useI18n()
const { showNull } = useGlobal()
const editEnabled = inject(EditModeInj)!
const column = inject(ColumnInj)!
// Used in the logic of when to display error since we are not storing the email if it's not valid
const localState = ref(value)
const isSurveyForm = inject(IsSurveyFormInj, ref(false))
const vModel = computed({
get: () => value,
set: (val) => {
localState.value = val
if (!parseProp(column.value.meta)?.validate || (val && validateEmail(val)) || !val || isSurveyForm.value) {
emit('update:modelValue', val)
const validEmail = computed(() => vModel.value && validateEmail(vModel.value))
const isExpandedFormOpen = inject(IsExpandedFormOpenInj)!
const focus: VNodeRef = (el) => !isExpandedFormOpen && (el as HTMLInputElement)?.focus()
() => editEnabled.value,
() => {
if (parseProp(column.value.meta)?.validate && !editEnabled.value && localState.value && !validateEmail(localState.value)) {
localState.value = undefined
localState.value = value
class="w-full outline-none text-sm px-2"
@blur="editEnabled = false"
<span v-else-if="vModel === null && showNull" class="nc-null">NULL</span>
<a v-else-if="validEmail" class="text-sm underline hover:opacity-75" :href="`mailto:${vModel}`" target="_blank">
{{ vModel }}
<span v-else>{{ vModel }}</span>