You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

340 lines
10 KiB

<script lang="ts" setup>
import type { ColumnType } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { isSystemColumn } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { NavigateDir } from '#imports'
interface Props {
column: ColumnType
modelValue: any
editEnabled: boolean
readOnly?: boolean
rowIndex?: number
active?: boolean
virtual?: boolean
const props = defineProps<Props>()
const emit = defineEmits(['update:modelValue', 'save', 'navigate', 'update:editEnabled', 'update:cdf'])
const column = toRef(props, 'column')
const meta = inject(MetaInj, ref())
const active = toRef(props, 'active', false)
const readOnly = toRef(props, 'readOnly', false)
provide(ColumnInj, column)
const editEnabled = useVModel(props, 'editEnabled', emit)
provide(EditModeInj, editEnabled)
provide(ActiveCellInj, active)
provide(ReadonlyInj, readOnly)
const isForm = inject(IsFormInj, ref(false))
const isGrid = inject(IsGridInj, ref(false))
const isPublic = inject(IsPublicInj, ref(false))
const isSurveyForm = inject(IsSurveyFormInj, ref(false))
const isCalendar = inject(IsCalendarInj, ref(false))
const isEditColumnMenu = inject(EditColumnInj, ref(false))
const isExpandedFormOpen = inject(IsExpandedFormOpenInj, ref(false))
const { currentRow } = useSmartsheetRowStoreOrThrow()
const { sqlUis } = storeToRefs(useBase())
const { generatingRows, generatingColumns } = useNocoAi()
const pk = computed(() => {
if (!meta.value?.columns) return
return extractPkFromRow(currentRow.value?.row, meta.value.columns)
const isGenerating = computed(
() =>
pk.value && column.value.id && generatingRows.value.includes(pk.value) && generatingColumns.value.includes(column.value.id),
const sourceId = meta.value?.source_id || column.value?.source_id
const sqlUi = ref(sourceId && sqlUis.value[sourceId] ? sqlUis.value[sourceId] : Object.values(sqlUis.value)[0])
const abstractType = computed(() => column.value && sqlUi.value.getAbstractType(column.value))
const syncValue = useDebounceFn(
() => {
currentRow.value.rowMeta.changed = false
{ maxWait: 2000 },
let saveTimer: number
const updateWhenEditCompleted = () => {
if (editEnabled.value) {
if (saveTimer) clearTimeout(saveTimer)
saveTimer = window.setTimeout(updateWhenEditCompleted, 500)
} else {
const vModel = computed({
get: () => {
return props.modelValue
set: (val) => {
if (isEditColumnMenu.value) {
emit('update:cdf', val)
} else if (val !== props.modelValue) {
currentRow.value.rowMeta.changed = true
emit('update:modelValue', val)
if (column.value.pk || column.value.unique) {
} else if (isAutoSaved(column.value)) {
} else if (!isManualSaved(column.value)) {
const navigate = (dir: NavigateDir, e: KeyboardEvent) => {
if (isJSON(column.value)) return
if (currentRow.value.rowMeta.changed || currentRow.value.rowMeta.new) {
currentRow.value.rowMeta.changed = false
emit('navigate', dir)
if (!isForm.value) e.stopImmediatePropagation()
const isNumericField = computed(() => {
return isNumericFieldType(column.value, abstractType.value)
// disable contexxtmenu event propagation when cell is in
// editable state and typable (e.g. text area)
// this is to prevent the custom grid view context menu from opening
const onContextmenu = (e: MouseEvent) => {
if (props.editEnabled && isTypableInputColumn(column.value)) {
const showCurrentDateOption = computed(() => {
if (!isEditColumnMenu.value || (!isDate(column.value, abstractType.value) && !isDateTime(column.value, abstractType.value)))
return false
return sqlUi.value?.getCurrentDateDefault?.(column.value) ? true : 'disabled'
const currentDate = () => {
vModel.value = sqlUi.value?.getCurrentDateDefault?.(column.value)
const cellType = computed(() => {
if (isAI(column.value)) return 'ai'
if (isTextArea(column.value)) return 'textarea'
if (isGeoData(column.value)) return 'geoData'
if (isBoolean(column.value, abstractType.value)) return 'checkbox'
if (isAttachment(column.value)) return 'attachment'
if (isSingleSelect(column.value)) return 'singleSelect'
if (isMultiSelect(column.value)) return 'multiSelect'
if (isDate(column.value, abstractType.value)) return 'datePicker'
if (isYear(column.value, abstractType.value)) return 'yearPicker'
if (isDateTime(column.value, abstractType.value)) return 'dateTimePicker'
if (isTime(column.value, abstractType.value)) return 'timePicker'
if (isRating(column.value)) return 'rating'
if (isDuration(column.value)) return 'duration'
if (isEmail(column.value)) return 'email'
if (isURL(column.value)) return 'url'
if (isPhoneNumber(column.value)) return 'phoneNumber'
if (isPercent(column.value)) return 'percent'
if (isCurrency(column.value)) return 'currency'
if (isUser(column.value)) return 'user'
if (isDecimal(column.value)) return 'decimal'
if (isFloat(column.value, abstractType.value)) return 'float'
if (isString(column.value, abstractType.value)) return 'text'
if (isInt(column.value, abstractType.value)) return 'integer'
if (isJSON(column.value)) return 'json'
return 'text'
`nc-cell-${(column?.uidt || 'default').toLowerCase()}`,
Nc fix: UI improvements (#8223) * fix(nc-gui): add background color for row on hover in grid view * fix(nc-gui): reduce width of index column * fix(nc-gui): on hover grid row bg opacity issue * fix(nc-gui): reduce font size and grid cell height * fix(nc-gui): reduce font size * fix(nc-gui): set column default width to 180px * fix(nc-gui): revert sidebar changes * fix(nc-gui): disable grid row hover effect if fillMode is true * fix(nc-gui): display checkbox & row expand icon if it is active row * fix(nc-gui): increase the weight of display value cell * fix(nc-gui): grid cell should have constant padding * fix(nc-gui): att cell row height auto increase issue * fix(nc-gui): att cell center align issue * fix(nc-gui): percent cell spacing issue * fix(nc-gui): text overflow ellipsis * fix(nc-gui): single select auto increase height issue if rowHeight is short * fix(nc-gui): grayed out header text color * fix(nc-gui): reduce header icon size * fix(nc-gui): set 12px grid header horizontal padding * fix(nc-gui): center align expand icon for short row height * fix(nc-gui): rich text and select type field auto row height increase issue * fix(nc-gui): lookup cell auto increase height issue * fix(nc-gui): small changes * fix(nc-gui): truncate text after no. of lines base on rowHeight * fix(nc-gui): barcode & qrcode cell row height issue * chore(nc-gui): lint * fix(test): update row height pw test * fix(test): grid toolbar rowHeight test update * fix(nc-gui): ai review changes * fix(test): multiselect pw test update * fix(test): verify multiselct options test update * fix(nc-gui): merge conflicts * fix(nc-gui): small changes * fix(nc-gui): small changes * fix(nc-gui): display value should be in blue color
9 months ago
'nc-display-value-cell': isPrimary(column) && !props.virtual && !isForm && !isCalendar,
isGrid &&
isNumericField &&
!isEditColumnMenu &&
!isForm &&
!isExpandedFormOpen &&
!isRating(column) &&
!isYear(column, abstractType),
'h-10': !isEditColumnMenu && isForm && !isAttachment(column) && !isTextArea(column) && !isJSON(column) && !props.virtual,
'nc-grid-numeric-cell-left': (isForm && isNumericField && isExpandedFormOpen) || isEditColumnMenu,
'!min-h-30': isTextArea(column) && (isForm || isSurveyForm),
'nc-cell-longtext-ai': cellType === 'ai',
class="nc-cell w-full h-full relative"
@keydown.enter.exact="navigate(NavigateDir.NEXT, $event)"
@keydown.shift.enter.exact="navigate(NavigateDir.PREV, $event)"
<template v-if="column">
<div v-if="isGenerating" class="flex items-center gap-2 w-full">
<GeneralLoader />
<NcTooltip class="truncate max-w-[calc(100%_-_24px)]" show-on-truncate-only>
<template #title> {{ $t('general.generating') }} </template>
{{ $t('general.generating') }}
<LazyCellAI v-else-if="cellType === 'ai'" v-model="vModel" @save="emit('save')" />
<LazyCellTextArea v-else-if="cellType === 'textarea'" v-model="vModel" :virtual="props.virtual" />
<LazyCellGeoData v-else-if="cellType === 'geoData'" v-model="vModel" />
<LazyCellCheckbox v-else-if="cellType === 'checkbox'" v-model="vModel" />
v-else-if="cellType === 'attachment'"
v-else-if="cellType === 'singleSelect'"
v-else-if="cellType === 'multiSelect'"
v-else-if="cellType === 'datePicker'"
<LazyCellYearPicker v-else-if="cellType === 'yearPicker'" v-model="vModel" :is-pk="isPrimaryKey(column)" />
v-else-if="cellType === 'dateTimePicker'"
<LazyCellTimePicker v-else-if="cellType === 'timePicker'" v-model="vModel" :is-pk="isPrimaryKey(column)" />
<LazyCellRating v-else-if="cellType === 'rating'" v-model="vModel" />
<LazyCellDuration v-else-if="cellType === 'duration'" v-model="vModel" />
<LazyCellEmail v-else-if="cellType === 'email'" v-model="vModel" />
<LazyCellUrl v-else-if="cellType === 'url'" v-model="vModel" />
<LazyCellPhoneNumber v-else-if="cellType === 'phoneNumber'" v-model="vModel" />
<LazyCellPercent v-else-if="cellType === 'percent'" v-model="vModel" />
<LazyCellCurrency v-else-if="cellType === 'currency'" v-model="vModel" @save="emit('save')" />
<LazyCellUser v-else-if="cellType === 'user'" v-model="vModel" :row-index="props.rowIndex" />
<LazyCellDecimal v-else-if="cellType === 'decimal'" v-model="vModel" />
<LazyCellFloat v-else-if="cellType === 'float'" v-model="vModel" />
<LazyCellText v-else-if="cellType === 'text'" v-model="vModel" />
<LazyCellInteger v-else-if="cellType === 'integer'" v-model="vModel" />
<LazyCellJson v-else-if="cellType === 'json'" v-model="vModel" />
<LazyCellText v-else v-model="vModel" />
((isPublic && readOnly && !isForm) || isSystemColumn(column)) &&
!isAttachment(column) &&
!isTextArea(column) &&
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.nc-grid-numeric-cell-left {
text-align: left;
:deep(input) {
text-align: left;
.nc-grid-numeric-cell-right {
text-align: right;
:deep(input) {
text-align: right;
.nc-cell {
Nc fix: UI improvements (#8223) * fix(nc-gui): add background color for row on hover in grid view * fix(nc-gui): reduce width of index column * fix(nc-gui): on hover grid row bg opacity issue * fix(nc-gui): reduce font size and grid cell height * fix(nc-gui): reduce font size * fix(nc-gui): set column default width to 180px * fix(nc-gui): revert sidebar changes * fix(nc-gui): disable grid row hover effect if fillMode is true * fix(nc-gui): display checkbox & row expand icon if it is active row * fix(nc-gui): increase the weight of display value cell * fix(nc-gui): grid cell should have constant padding * fix(nc-gui): att cell row height auto increase issue * fix(nc-gui): att cell center align issue * fix(nc-gui): percent cell spacing issue * fix(nc-gui): text overflow ellipsis * fix(nc-gui): single select auto increase height issue if rowHeight is short * fix(nc-gui): grayed out header text color * fix(nc-gui): reduce header icon size * fix(nc-gui): set 12px grid header horizontal padding * fix(nc-gui): center align expand icon for short row height * fix(nc-gui): rich text and select type field auto row height increase issue * fix(nc-gui): lookup cell auto increase height issue * fix(nc-gui): small changes * fix(nc-gui): truncate text after no. of lines base on rowHeight * fix(nc-gui): barcode & qrcode cell row height issue * chore(nc-gui): lint * fix(test): update row height pw test * fix(test): grid toolbar rowHeight test update * fix(nc-gui): ai review changes * fix(test): multiselect pw test update * fix(test): verify multiselct options test update * fix(nc-gui): merge conflicts * fix(nc-gui): small changes * fix(nc-gui): small changes * fix(nc-gui): display value should be in blue color
9 months ago
@apply text-sm text-gray-600;
font-weight: 500;
:deep(.nc-cell-field-link) {
@apply !text-sm;
font-weight: 500;
:deep(textarea::placeholder) {
@apply text-gray-400;
font-weight: 300;
&.nc-display-value-cell {
@apply !text-brand-500 !font-semibold;
:deep(.nc-cell-field-link) {
@apply !font-semibold;
&.nc-cell-longtext {
@apply leading-5;
:deep(.ant-picker-input) {
@apply text-sm leading-4;
font-weight: 500;
input {
@apply text-sm leading-4;
font-weight: 500;
:deep(.nc-cell-field) {
@apply px-0;