You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

109 lines
3.1 KiB

<div class="h-100" style="overflow: auto">
<v-toolbar height="30" class="elevation-0">
<v-spacer />
<v-btn small outlined @click="loadAudits">
<v-icon small class="mr-2"> refresh </v-icon>
<!-- Reload -->
{{ $t('general.reload') }}
<v-container class="d-flex flex-column tableScroll">
<v-simple-table v-if="audits" dense style="max-width: 1000px; overflow: auto" class="mx-auto flex-grow-1">
<th class="caption">
<!--Operation Type-->
{{ $t('labels.operationType') }}
<th class="caption">
{{ $t('labels.operationSubType') }}
<th class="caption">
{{ $t('labels.description') }}
<th class="caption">
{{ $t('objects.user') }}
<!-- <th class="caption">Ip</th>-->
<th class="caption">
{{ $t('labels.created') }}
<tr v-for="(audit, i) in audits" :key="i">
<td class="caption">
{{ audit.op_type }}
<td class="caption">
{{ audit.op_sub_type }}
<td class="caption">
{{ audit.description }}
<td class="caption">
{{ audit.user == null ? 'Shared base' : audit.user }}
<!-- <td class="caption">-->
<!-- {{ audit.ip }}-->
<!-- </td>-->
<td class="caption">
<v-tooltip bottom>
<template #activator="{ on }">
<span v-on="on">{{ calculateDiff(audit.created_at) }}</span>
<span class="caption">{{ audit.created_at }}</span>
<v-pagination v-model="page" :length="Math.ceil(count / limit)" :total-visible="8" @input="loadAudits" />
import { calculateDiff } from '~/helpers';
export default {
name: 'Audit',
data: () => ({
audits: null,
count: 0,
limit: 25,
page: 1,
created() {
methods: {
async loadAudits() {
// const { list, count } = await this.$store.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOp', [null, 'xcAuditList', {
// limit: this.limit,
// offset: this.limit * (this.page - 1)
// }])
const { list, pageInfo } = await this.$api.project.auditList(this.$store.state.project.projectId, {
limit: this.limit,
offset: this.limit * (this.page - 1),
this.audits = list;
this.count = pageInfo.totalRows;
<style scoped lang="scss">
.tableScroll {
height: calc(90vh - 150px);