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title: 'String functions'
description: 'This article explains various string functions that can be used in formula fields.'
tags: ['Fields', 'Field types', 'Formula']
keywords: ['Fields', 'Field types', 'Formula', 'Create formula field', 'String functions']
### String functions
| Name | Syntax | Sample | Output |
| **CONCAT** | `CONCAT(str1, [str2,...])` | `CONCAT({field1}, ' ', {field2})` | Concatenated string of input parameters |
| **LEFT** | `LEFT(str1, n)` | `LEFT({field}, 3)` | `n` characters from the beginning of input parameter |
| **LEN** | `LEN(str)` | `LEN({field})` | Input parameter character length |
| **LOWER** | `LOWER(str)` | `LOWER({field})` | Lower case converted string of input parameter |
| **MID** | `MID(str, position, [count])` | `MID({field}, 3, 2)` | Alias for `SUBSTR` |
| **REPEAT** | `REPEAT(str, count)` | `REPEAT({field}, 2)` | Specified copies of the input parameter string concatenated together |
| **REPLACE** | `REPLACE(str, srchStr, rplcStr)` | `REPLACE({field}, 'int', 'num')` | String, after replacing all occurrences of `srchStr` with `rplcStr` |
| **RIGHT** | `RIGHT(str, n)` | `RIGHT({field}, 3)` | `n` characters from the end of input parameter |
| **SEARCH** | `SEARCH(str, srchStr)` | `SEARCH({field}, 'str')` | Index of `srchStr` specified if found, 0 otherwise |
| **SUBSTR** | `SUBTR(str, position, [count])` | `SUBSTR({field}, 3, 2)` | Substring of length 'count' of input string, from the postition specified |
| **TRIM** | `TRIM(str)` | `TRIM({field})` | Remove trailing and leading whitespaces from input parameter |
| **UPPER** | `UPPER(str)` | `UPPER({field})` | Upper case converted string of input parameter |
| **URL** | `URL(str)` | `URL({field})` | Convert to a hyperlink if it is a valid URL |
## Related Articles
- [Numeric and Logical Operators](015.operators.md)
- [Numeric Functions](020.numeric-functions.md)
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- [Conditional Expressions](050.conditional-expressions.md)