< script setup lang = "ts" >
import Draggable from 'vuedraggable'
import { UITypes } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { IsKanbanInj , enumColor , onMounted , useColumnCreateStoreOrThrow , useVModel , watch } from '#imports'
const props = defineProps < {
value : any
} > ( )
const emit = defineEmits ( [ 'update:value' ] )
const vModel = useVModel ( props , 'value' , emit )
const { isPg , isMysql } = useProject ( )
const { setAdditionalValidations , validateInfos } = useColumnCreateStoreOrThrow ( )
let options = $ref < any [ ] > ( [ ] )
const colorMenus = $ref < any > ( { } )
const colors = $ref ( enumColor . light )
const inputs = ref ( )
const defaultOption = ref ( )
const isKanban = inject ( IsKanbanInj , ref ( false ) )
const validators = {
'colOptions.options' : [
validator : ( _ : any , _opt : any ) => {
return new Promise < void > ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
for ( const opt of options ) {
if ( ! opt . title . length ) {
return reject ( new Error ( "Select options can't be null" ) )
if ( vModel . value . uidt === UITypes . MultiSelect && opt . title . includes ( ',' ) ) {
return reject ( new Error ( "MultiSelect columns can't have commas(',')" ) )
if ( options . filter ( ( el ) => el . title === opt . title ) . length !== 1 ) {
return reject ( new Error ( "Select options can't have duplicates" ) )
resolve ( )
} )
} ,
} ,
] ,
setAdditionalValidations ( {
... validators ,
} )
onMounted ( ( ) => {
if ( ! vModel . value . colOptions ? . options ) {
vModel . value . colOptions = {
options : [ ] ,
options = vModel . value . colOptions . options
// Support for older options
for ( const op of options . filter ( ( el ) => el . order === null ) ) {
op . title = op . title . replace ( /^'/ , '' ) . replace ( /'$/ , '' )
if ( vModel . value . cdf ) {
// Postgres returns default value wrapped with single quotes & casted with type so we have to get value between single quotes to keep it unified for all databases
if ( isPg . value ) {
vModel . value . cdf = vModel . value . cdf . substring ( vModel . value . cdf . indexOf ( ` ' ` ) + 1 , vModel . value . cdf . lastIndexOf ( ` ' ` ) )
// Mysql escapes single quotes with backslash so we keep quotes but others have to unescaped
if ( ! isMysql . value ) {
vModel . value . cdf = vModel . value . cdf . replace ( /''/g , "'" )
const fndDefaultOption = options . find ( ( el ) => el . title === vModel . value . cdf )
if ( fndDefaultOption ) {
defaultOption . value = fndDefaultOption
} )
const optionChanged = ( changedId : string ) => {
if ( changedId && changedId === defaultOption . value ? . id ) {
vModel . value . cdf = defaultOption . value . title
const optionDropped = ( changedId : string ) => {
if ( changedId && changedId === defaultOption . value ? . id ) {
vModel . value . cdf = null
defaultOption . value = null
const getNextColor = ( ) => {
let tempColor = colors [ 0 ]
if ( options . length && options [ options . length - 1 ] . color ) {
const lastColor = colors . indexOf ( options [ options . length - 1 ] . color )
tempColor = colors [ ( lastColor + 1 ) % colors . length ]
return tempColor
const addNewOption = ( ) => {
const tempOption = {
title : '' ,
color : getNextColor ( ) ,
options . push ( tempOption )
const removeOption = ( index : number ) => {
const optionId = options [ index ] ? . id
options . splice ( index , 1 )
optionDropped ( optionId )
// focus last created input
watch ( inputs , ( ) => {
if ( inputs . value ? . $el ) {
inputs . value . $el . focus ( )
} )
< / script >
< template >
< div class = "w-full" >
< div class = "max-h-[250px] overflow-x-auto scrollbar-thin-dull pr-3" >
< Draggable :list ="options" item -key = " id " handle = ".nc-child-draggable-icon" >
< template # item = "{ element, index }" >
< div class = "flex py-1 items-center nc-select-option" >
< MdiDragVertical
v - if = "!isKanban"
class = "nc-child-draggable-icon handle"
: data - pw = "`select-option-column-handle-icon-${element.title}`"
/ >
< a -dropdown
v - model : visible = "colorMenus[index]"
: trigger = "['click']"
overlay - class - name = "nc-dropdown-select-color-options"
< template # overlay >
< LazyGeneralColorPicker
v - model = "element.color"
: pick - button = "true"
@ update : model - value = "colorMenus[index] = false"
/ >
< / template >
< MdiArrowDownDropCircle
class = "mr-2 text-[1.5em] outline-0 hover:!text-[1.75em]"
: class = "{ 'text-[1.75em]': colorMenus[index] }"
: style = "{ color: element.color }"
/ >
< / a - d r o p d o w n >
< a -input
ref = "inputs"
v - model : value = "element.title"
class = "caption"
: data - pw = "`select-column-option-input-${index}`"
@ change = "optionChanged(element.id)"
/ >
< MdiClose
class = "ml-2 hover:!text-black"
: style = "{ color: 'red' }"
: data - pw = "`select-column-option-remove-${index}`"
@ click = "removeOption(index)"
/ >
< / div >
< / template >
< template # footer >
< div v-if ="validateInfos?.['colOptions.options']?.help?.[0]?.[0]" class="text-error text-[10px] my-2" >
{ { validateInfos [ 'colOptions.options' ] . help [ 0 ] [ 0 ] } }
< / div >
< / template >
< / Draggable >
< / div >
< a -button type = "dashed" class = "w-full caption mt-2" @click ="addNewOption()" >
< div class = "flex items-center" >
< MdiPlus / >
< span class = "flex-auto" > Add option < / span >
< / div >
< / a - b u t t o n >
< / div >
< / template >