You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

447 lines
14 KiB

import type { AttachmentReqType, AttachmentType } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { populateUniqueFileName } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import DOMPurify from 'isomorphic-dompurify'
import RenameFile from './RenameFile.vue'
import MdiPdfBox from '~icons/nc-icons-v2/file-type-pdf'
import MdiFileWordOutline from '~icons/nc-icons-v2/file-type-word'
import MdiFilePowerpointBox from '~icons/nc-icons-v2/file-type-presentation'
import MdiFileExcelOutline from '~icons/nc-icons-v2/file-type-csv'
import IcOutlineInsertDriveFile from '~icons/nc-icons-v2/file-type-unknown'
export const [useProvideAttachmentCell, useAttachmentCell] = useInjectionState(
(updateModelValue: (data: string | Record<string, any>[]) => void) => {
const { $api } = useNuxtApp()
const baseURL = $api.instance.defaults.baseURL
const { row } = useSmartsheetRowStoreOrThrow()
const { fetchSharedViewAttachment } = useSharedView()
const isReadonly = inject(ReadonlyInj, ref(false))
const { t } = useI18n()
const isPublic = inject(IsPublicInj, ref(false))
const isForm = inject(IsFormInj, ref(false))
const meta = inject(MetaInj, ref())
const column = inject(ColumnInj, ref())
const editEnabled = inject(EditModeInj, ref(false))
/** keep user selected File object */
const storedFiles = ref<AttachmentType[]>([])
const attachments = ref<AttachmentType[]>([])
const modalRendered = ref(false)
const modalVisible = ref(false)
/** for image carousel */
const selectedFile = ref()
const videoStream = ref<MediaStream | null>(null)
const permissionGranted = ref(false)
const { base } = storeToRefs(useBase())
const { api, isLoading } = useApi()
const { files, open } = useFileDialog({
reset: true,
const isRenameModalOpen = ref(false)
const { appInfo } = useGlobal()
const defaultAttachmentMeta = {
...(appInfo.value.ee && {
// Maximum Number of Attachments per cell
maxNumberOfAttachments: Math.max(1, +appInfo.value.ncMaxAttachmentsAllowed || 50) || 50,
// Maximum File Size per file
maxAttachmentSize: Math.max(1, +appInfo.value.ncAttachmentFieldSize || 20) || 20,
supportedAttachmentMimeTypes: ['*'],
const startCamera = async () => {
if (!videoStream.value) {
videoStream.value = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true })
permissionGranted.value = true
const stopCamera = () => {
videoStream.value?.getTracks().forEach((track) => track.stop())
videoStream.value = null
/** our currently visible items, either the locally stored or the ones from db, depending on isPublic & isForm status */
const visibleItems = computed<any[]>(() => (isPublic.value && isForm.value ? storedFiles.value : attachments.value))
/** for bulk download */
const selectedVisibleItems = ref<boolean[]>(Array.from({ length: visibleItems.value.length }, () => false))
/** remove a file from our stored attachments (either locally stored or saved ones) */
function removeFile(i: number) {
if (isPublic.value) {
storedFiles.value.splice(i, 1)
attachments.value.splice(i, 1)
selectedVisibleItems.value.splice(i, 1)
} else {
attachments.value.splice(i, 1)
selectedVisibleItems.value.splice(i, 1)
/** save a file on select / drop, either locally (in-memory) or in the db */
async function onFileSelect(selectedFiles: FileList | File[], selectedFileUrls?: AttachmentReqType[]) {
if (!selectedFiles.length && !selectedFileUrls?.length) return
const attachmentMeta = {
const newAttachments: AttachmentType[] = []
const files: File[] = []
const imageUrls: AttachmentReqType[] = []
for (const file of selectedFiles.length ? selectedFiles : selectedFileUrls || []) {
if (appInfo.value.ee) {
// verify number of files
if (
visibleItems.value.length + (selectedFiles.length || selectedFileUrls?.length || 0) >
) {
`You can only upload at most ${attachmentMeta.maxNumberOfAttachments} file${
attachmentMeta.maxNumberOfAttachments > 1 ? 's' : ''
} to this cell.`,
// verify file size
if (file?.size && file.size > attachmentMeta.maxAttachmentSize) {
`The size of ${
(file as File)?.name || (file as AttachmentReqType)?.fileName
} exceeds the maximum file size ${getReadableFileSize(attachmentMeta.maxAttachmentSize)}.`,
// verify mime type
if (
!attachmentMeta.supportedAttachmentMimeTypes.includes('*') &&
!attachmentMeta.supportedAttachmentMimeTypes.includes((file as File).type || (file as AttachmentReqType).mimetype) &&
((file as File)?.type || (file as AttachmentReqType).mimetype)?.split('/')[0],
) {
`${(file as File)?.name || (file as AttachmentReqType)?.fileName} has the mime type ${
(file as File)?.type || (file as AttachmentReqType)?.mimetype
} which is not allowed in this column.`,
if (selectedFiles.length) {
files.push(file as File)
} else {
const fileName = populateUniqueFileName(
(file as AttachmentReqType).fileName ?? '',
[...attachments.value, ...imageUrls].map((fn) => fn?.title || fn?.fileName),
(file as File)?.type || (file as AttachmentReqType)?.mimetype || '',
imageUrls.push({ ...(file as AttachmentReqType), fileName, title: fileName })
if (files.length && isPublic.value && isForm.value) {
const newFiles = await Promise.all<AttachmentType>(
(file) =>
new Promise<AttachmentType>((resolve) => {
const res: { file: File; title: string; mimetype: string; data?: any } = {
title: file.name,
mimetype: file.type,
if (isImage(file.name, (<any>file).mimetype ?? file.type)) {
const reader = new FileReader()
reader.onload = (e) => {
res.data = e.target?.result
reader.onerror = () => {
} else {
attachments.value = [...attachments.value, ...newFiles]
return updateModelValue(attachments.value)
} else if (isPublic.value && isForm.value) {
attachments.value = [...attachments.value, ...imageUrls]
return updateModelValue(attachments.value)
if (files.length) {
try {
const data = await api.storage.upload(
path: [NOCO, base.value.id, meta.value?.id, column.value?.id].join('/'),
// add suffix in duplicate file title
for (const uploadedFile of data) {
title: populateUniqueFileName(
[...attachments.value, ...newAttachments].map((fn) => fn?.title || fn?.fileName),
} catch (e: any) {
message.error(e.message || t('msg.error.internalError'))
} else if (imageUrls.length) {
const data = uploadViaUrl(imageUrls)
if (!data) return
if (newAttachments?.length) updateModelValue([...attachments.value, ...newAttachments])
async function uploadViaUrl(url: AttachmentReqType | AttachmentReqType[], returnError = false) {
const imageUrl = Array.isArray(url) ? url : [url]
try {
const data = await api.storage.uploadByUrl(
path: [NOCO, base.value.id, meta.value?.id, column.value?.id].join('/'),
return data
} catch (e: any) {
if (returnError) {
return "File couldn't be uploaded. Verify URL & try again."
message.error("File couldn't be uploaded. Verify URL & try again.")
return null
function updateAttachmentTitle(idx: number, title: string) {
attachments.value[idx].title = title
async function renameFile(attachment: AttachmentType, idx: number, updateSelectedFile?: boolean) {
return new Promise<boolean>((resolve) => {
isRenameModalOpen.value = true
const { close } = useDialog(RenameFile, {
title: attachment.title,
onRename: (newTitle: string) => {
updateAttachmentTitle(idx, newTitle)
if (updateSelectedFile) {
selectedFile.value = { ...attachment, title: newTitle }
isRenameModalOpen.value = false
onCancel: () => {
isRenameModalOpen.value = false
/** save files on drop */
async function onDrop(droppedFiles: FileList | File[] | null, event: DragEvent) {
feat: Improved UI (#6222) * feat: Improved ui (#6156) * refactor: revert Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> feat: shared base Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> fix: remove duplicate import statement Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> fix: disable starred & license menu Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> test: fix airtable wait issue Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> test: enable mysql in ci Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> test: fix checkbox order for sqlite Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> test: disable quick tests Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> test: fix dbType env variable for CI Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> test: workspace API access error fix Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> test: enable SQLite CI CD Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> test: use DB_TYPE env variable Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> test: enable SQLite UT Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> test: isHub cleanup Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> test: add check for EE Timezone spec Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> chore: cleanup Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> chore: cleanup Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> test: EE check fix Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> chore: test correction Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> chore: sync latest changes Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> test: set EE=false Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> test: set NC Edition to community in workflow file Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> chore: update sdk build command Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> refactor: i18n and other changes Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> feat: new ui Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> * chore: sync tests Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> * chore: lint Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> * fix: shared view/base related bugs Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> * test: checkbox verification sort order fix Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> * test: fix sqlite reset Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> * test: enable selfhosted runners Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> * docs: table ops (draft) Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> * Docs: screenshots for table-operations.md * refactor: introduce missing buttons Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> * fix: get all fields Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> * test: UT fix- new data API response Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> * test: EE is false Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> * test: webhook lookup as string in CE Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> * fix: include created_at and updated_at Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> * test: fix UT newDataAPI response for PG Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> * fix: separate api for webhook related plugins Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> * test: msyql filter corrections Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> * test: mysql group by test corrections Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> * test: fix datatype for rating field in groupby spec for pg Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> * test: kanban datatype correction Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> * test: column edit for mysql- rating field Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> * test: misc fixes Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> * test: enable 4 workers Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> * test: enable 2 workers per shard only Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> * docs: table CRUD * Rename table-operations.md to table-crud.md * Create column-crud.md * docs: row CRUD * Rename row.md to row-crud.md * docs: project crud * docs: toolbar (skeleton) * refactor: single page UI and bug fixes Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> * chore: sync tests playwright Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> * chore: add missing dependency Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> * feat: single page ui, test corrections Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> * chore: tests Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> * test: project rename test correction Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> * chore: remove only Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> * test: remove wrong import statement Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> * fix: delete option not visible in project context menu Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> * test: move ws access within isEE() Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> * test: fix groupby * test: groupby fix Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> * docs: signup & landing page * docs: project crud * docs: project-crud misc * docs: toolbar fields * docs: toolbar / filters * docs: toolbar / group by * docs: toolbar / sort * docs: toolbar / row height * docs: filters additional options * docs: file re-order Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> * docs: add links to column types * docs: code snippets * docs: links * docs: lookup * docs: rollup * docs: formula * docs: primary key * docs: display value * docs: development setup * docs: swagger * fix(nc-gui): encodeURIComponent for row id - closes: #6202 * docs: language * docs: expanded record * docs: import airtable * docs: airtable * docs: webhook * docs: revert file rename Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> * docs: account settings * docs: audit * docs: meta management * docs: project settings * docs: shared base * docs: shared view * docs: meta sync * docs: team-auth * docs: views * docs: fix URL * docs: URL corrections * fix: shared base, view related bugs Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> * test: EE check for WSaccess Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> * test: exclude EE tests Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> * fix: missing project delete closes #6215 Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> * fix: merge existing project meta if found closes #6216 Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> * fix: merge existing project meta if found closes #6216 Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> --------- Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: DarkPhoenix2704 <anbarasun123@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Wing-Kam Wong <wingkwong.code@gmail.com> * refactor: docs and other bug fixes Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> * feat: populate default project on super admin signup Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> * fix: include created project details in signup response if avail, missing Dockerfile Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> * chore: use custom function for resolving ts path aliases Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> * chore: add missing generate script Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> * chore: webpack build correction - ts path resolve Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> --------- Signed-off-by: Pranav C <pranavxc@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: mertmit <mertmit99@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: DarkPhoenix2704 <anbarasun123@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Wing-Kam Wong <wingkwong.code@gmail.com>
1 year ago
if (isReadonly.value) return
if (droppedFiles) {
// set files
await onFileSelect(droppedFiles)
} else {
// Sanitize the dataTransfer HTML string
const sanitizedHtml = DOMPurify.sanitize(event.dataTransfer?.getData('text/html') ?? '') ?? ''
const imageUrl = extractImageSrcFromRawHtml(sanitizedHtml) ?? ''
if (!imageUrl) {
const imageData = (await getImageDataFromUrl(imageUrl)) as AttachmentReqType
if (imageData?.mimetype) {
await onFileSelect(
url: imageUrl,
fileName: `image.${imageData?.mimetype?.split('/')[1]}`,
title: `image.${imageData?.mimetype?.split('/')[1]}`,
} else {
/** bulk download selected files */
async function bulkDownloadAttachments() {
await Promise.all(selectedVisibleItems.value.map(async (v, i) => v && (await downloadAttachment(visibleItems.value[i]))))
selectedVisibleItems.value = Array.from({ length: visibleItems.value.length }, () => false)
/** download a file */
async function downloadAttachment(item: AttachmentType) {
if (!meta.value || !column.value) return
const modelId = meta.value.id
const columnId = column.value.id
const rowId = extractPkFromRow(unref(row).row, meta.value.columns!)
const src = item.url || item.path
if (modelId && columnId && rowId && src) {
const apiPromise = isPublic.value
? () => fetchSharedViewAttachment(columnId, rowId, src)
: () =>
$api.dbDataTableRow.attachmentDownload(modelId, columnId, rowId, {
urlOrPath: src,
await apiPromise().then((res) => {
if (res?.path) {
window.open(`${baseURL}/${res.path}`, '_self')
} else if (res?.url) {
window.open(res.url, '_self')
} else {
message.error('Failed to download file')
} else {
message.error('Failed to download file')
async function getImageDataFromUrl(imageUrl: string) {
try {
const response = await fetch(imageUrl)
if (response.ok) {
if (response.headers.get('content-type')?.startsWith('image/')) {
return {
mimetype: response.headers.get('content-type') || undefined,
size: +(response.headers.get('content-length') || 0) || undefined,
} as { mimetype?: string; size?: number }
} else if (imageUrl.slice(imageUrl.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase().length) {
return {
mimetype: `image/${imageUrl.slice(imageUrl.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase()}`,
size: +(response.headers.get('content-length') || 0) || undefined,
} as { mimetype?: string; size?: number }
} catch (err) {
const FileIcon = (icon: string) => {
switch (icon) {
case 'mdi-pdf-box':
return MdiPdfBox
case 'mdi-file-word-outline':
return MdiFileWordOutline
case 'mdi-file-powerpoint-box':
return MdiFilePowerpointBox
case 'mdi-file-excel-outline':
return MdiFileExcelOutline
return IcOutlineInsertDriveFile
watch(files, (nextFiles) => nextFiles && onFileSelect(nextFiles))
return {
open: () => open(),