You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

124 lines
3.8 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { HookLogType, HookType } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { extractSdkResponseErrorMsg, onBeforeMount, parseProp, timeAgo, useApi } from '#imports'
interface Props {
hook: HookType
const props = defineProps<Props>()
const { api, isLoading } = useApi()
const hookLogs = ref<HookLogType[]>([])
const activeKey = ref()
let totalRows = $ref(0)
const currentPage = $ref(1)
const currentLimit = $ref(3)
async function loadHookLogs(page = currentPage, limit = currentLimit) {
try {
// cater empty records
page = page || 1
const { list, pageInfo } = await api.dbTableWebhookLogs.list(props.hook.id!, {
offset: limit * (page - 1),
hookLogs.value = list
totalRows = pageInfo.totalRows ?? 0
} catch (e: any) {
message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e))
onBeforeMount(async () => {
await loadHookLogs(currentPage, currentLimit)
<a-skeleton v-if="isLoading" />
<a-empty v-else-if="!hookLogs.length" />
<a-collapse v-else v-model:activeKey="activeKey" class="nc-hook-log-collapse">
<a-collapse-panel v-for="(hookLog, idx) of hookLogs" :key="idx">
<template #header>
<div class="w-full cursor-pointer">
<div class="font-weight-medium flex">
<div class="flex-1">
{{ hookLog.type }}: records.{{ hookLog.event }}.{{ hookLog.operation }} ({{ timeAgo(hookLog.created_at) }})
v-if="hookLog.type === 'URL'"
class="mx-1 px-2 py-1 text-white rounded bg-red-500 text-xs"
:class="{ '!bg-green-500': parseProp(hookLog.response).status === 200 }"
{{ parseProp(hookLog.response).status }}
{{ parseProp(hookLog.response).statusText }}
<div v-if="hookLog.type === 'Email'">
<div v-if="hookLog.error_message" class="mx-1 px-2 py-1 text-white rounded text-xs bg-red-500">ERROR</div>
<div v-else class="mx-1 px-2 py-1 text-white rounded text-xs bg-green-500">OK</div>
<div v-if="hookLog.type === 'URL'">
<span class="font-weight-medium text-primary">
{{ parseProp(hookLog.payload).method }}
{{ parseProp(hookLog.payload).path }}
<div v-if="hookLog.type === 'URL'">
<div class="nc-hook-log-request">
<div class="nc-hook-pre-title">Request</div>
<pre class="nc-hook-pre">{{ parseProp(hookLog.response).config.headers }}</pre>
<div class="nc-hook-log-response">
<div class="nc-hook-pre-title">Response</div>
<pre class="nc-hook-pre">{{ parseProp(hookLog.response).headers }}</pre>
<div class="nc-hook-log-payload">
<div class="nc-hook-pre-title">Payload</div>
<pre class="nc-hook-pre">{{ parseProp(parseProp(hookLog.response).config.data) }}</pre>
<div v-else-if="hookLog.type === 'Email'">
<div v-if="hookLog.error_message" class="mb-4">
{{ hookLog.error_message }}
<div class="nc-hook-log-payload">
<div class="nc-hook-pre-title">Payload</div>
<pre class="nc-hook-pre">{{ parseProp(hookLog.payload) }}</pre>
<style scoped lang="scss">
.nc-hook-log-collapse {
.nc-hook-pre-title {
@apply font-bold mb-2;
.nc-hook-pre {
@apply bg-gray-100;
padding: 10px;