<script lang="ts" setup>
import type { TableType, ViewType } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { ViewTypes } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { LockType } from '~/lib'
import UploadIcon from '~icons/nc-icons/upload'
import DownloadIcon from '~icons/nc-icons/download'
const props = defineProps<{
view: ViewType
table: TableType
inSidebar: boolean
const emits = defineEmits(['rename', 'closeModal', 'delete'])
const { isUIAllowed } = useRoles()
const isPublicView = inject(IsPublicInj, ref(false))
const isLocked = inject(IsLockedInj, ref(false))
const { $api, $e } = useNuxtApp()
const { t } = useI18n()
const view = computed(() => props.view)
const table = computed(() => props.table)
const { viewsByTable } = storeToRefs(useViewsStore())
const { loadViews, navigateToView } = useViewsStore()
const { base } = storeToRefs(useBase())
const { refreshCommandPalette } = useCommandPalette()
const lockType = computed(() => (view.value?.lock_type as LockType) || LockType.Collaborative)
const views = computed(() => viewsByTable.value.get(table.value.id!))
const isViewIdCopied = ref(false)
const currentBaseId = computed(() => table.value?.source_id)
const onRenameMenuClick = () => {
const quickImportDialogTypes: QuickImportDialogType[] = ['csv', 'excel']
const quickImportDialogs: Record<(typeof quickImportDialogTypes)[number], Ref<boolean>> = quickImportDialogTypes.reduce(
(acc: any, curr) => {
acc[curr] = ref(false)
return acc
) as Record<QuickImportDialogType, Ref<boolean>>
const onImportClick = (dialog: any) => {
if (isLocked.value) return
dialog.value = true
async function changeLockType(type: LockType) {
$e('a:grid:lockmenu', { lockType: type, sidebar: props.inSidebar })
if (!view.value) return
if (type === 'personal') {
// Coming soon
return message.info(t('msg.toast.futureRelease'))
try {
view.value.lock_type = type
await $api.dbView.update(view.value.id as string, {
lock_type: type,
message.success(`Successfully Switched to ${type} view`)
} catch (e: any) {
message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e))
/** Duplicate a view */
// todo: This is not really a duplication, maybe we need to implement a true duplication?
function onDuplicate() {
const isOpen = ref(true)
const { close } = useDialog(resolveComponent('DlgViewCreate'), {
'modelValue': isOpen,
'title': view.value!.title,
'type': view.value!.type as ViewTypes,
'tableId': table.value!.id,
'selectedViewId': view.value!.id,
'groupingFieldColumnId': view.value!.view!.fk_grp_col_id,
'views': views,
'onUpdate:modelValue': closeDialog,
'onCreated': async (view: ViewType) => {
await loadViews({
force: true,
tableId: table.value!.id!,
tableId: table.value!.id!,
baseId: base.value.id!,
hardReload: view.type === ViewTypes.FORM,
$e('a:view:create', { view: view.type, sidebar: props.inSidebar })
function closeDialog() {
isOpen.value = false
const { copy } = useCopy()
const onViewIdCopy = async () => {
await copy(view.value!.id!)
isViewIdCopied.value = true
const onDelete = async () => {
<NcMenu class="!min-w-70" data-id="toolbar-actions" :data-testid="`view-sidebar-view-actions-${view!.alias || view!.title}`">
<template #title> {{ $t('labels.clickToCopyViewID') }} </template>
<div class="flex items-center justify-between py-2 px-3 cursor-pointer hover:bg-gray-100 group" @click="onViewIdCopy">
<div class="flex text-xs font-bold text-gray-500 ml-1">
$t('labels.viewIdColon', {
viewId: view?.id,
<NcButton size="xsmall" type="secondary" class="!group-hover:bg-gray-100">
<GeneralIcon v-if="isViewIdCopied" icon="check" class="max-h-4 min-w-4" />
<GeneralIcon v-else else icon="copy" class="max-h-4 min-w-4" />
<NcDivider />
<template v-if="!view?.is_default">
<NcMenuItem @click="onRenameMenuClick">
<GeneralIcon icon="edit" />
{{ $t('activity.renameView') }}
<NcMenuItem @click="onDuplicate">
<GeneralIcon icon="duplicate" class="nc-view-copy-icon" />
{{ $t('labels.duplicateView') }}
<NcDivider />
<template v-if="view.type !== ViewTypes.FORM">
<template v-if="isUIAllowed('csvTableImport') && !isPublicView">
<NcSubMenu key="upload">
<template #title>
sidebar: props.inSidebar,
class="nc-base-menu-item group"
<UploadIcon class="w-4 h-4" />
{{ $t('general.upload') }}
<template #expandIcon></template>
<div class="flex py-3 px-4 font-bold uppercase text-xs text-gray-500">{{ $t('activity.uploadData') }}</div>
<template v-for="(dialog, type) in quickImportDialogs">
<NcMenuItem v-if="isUIAllowed(`${type}TableImport`) && !isPublicView" :key="type" @click="onImportClick(dialog)">
sidebar: props.inSidebar,
:class="{ disabled: isLocked }"
<component :is="iconMap.upload" />
{{ `${$t('general.upload')} ${type.toUpperCase()}` }}
<NcSubMenu key="download">
<template #title>
sidebar: props.inSidebar,
class="nc-base-menu-item group nc-view-context-download-option"
<DownloadIcon class="w-4 h-4" />
{{ $t('general.download') }}
<template #expandIcon></template>
<LazySmartsheetToolbarExportSubActions />
<NcDivider />
<NcSubMenu v-if="isUIAllowed('viewCreateOrEdit')" key="lock-type" class="scrollbar-thin-dull max-h-90vh overflow-auto !py-0">
<template #title>
sidebar: props.inSidebar,
class="flex flex-row items-center gap-x-3"
{{ $t('labels.viewMode') }}
<div class="nc-base-menu-item flex !flex-shrink group !py-1 !px-1 rounded-md bg-brand-50">
class="flex nc-view-actions-lock-type !text-brand-500 !flex-shrink"
<div class="flex flex-grow"></div>
<template #expandIcon></template>
<div class="flex py-3 px-4 font-bold uppercase text-xs text-gray-500">{{ $t('labels.viewMode') }}</div>
<a-menu-item class="!mx-1 !py-2 !rounded-md nc-view-action-lock-subaction">
<LazySmartsheetToolbarLockType :type="LockType.Collaborative" @click="changeLockType(LockType.Collaborative)" />
<a-menu-item class="!mx-1 !py-2 !rounded-md nc-view-action-lock-subaction">
<LazySmartsheetToolbarLockType :type="LockType.Locked" @click="changeLockType(LockType.Locked)" />
<template v-if="!view.is_default">
<NcDivider />
<NcMenuItem class="!hover:bg-red-50 !text-red-500" @click="onDelete">
<GeneralIcon icon="delete" class="nc-view-delete-icon" />
$t('general.deleteEntity', {
entity: $t('objects.view'),
<template v-if="currentBaseId">
v-for="tp in quickImportDialogTypes"
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.nc-base-menu-item {
@apply !py-0;
.nc-view-actions-lock-type {
@apply !min-w-0;
<style lang="scss">
.nc-view-actions-lock-type > div {
@apply !py-0;
.nc-view-action-lock-subaction {
@apply !min-w-82;