import { test } from '@playwright/test';
import { DashboardPage } from '../pages/Dashboard';
import { ToolbarPage } from '../pages/Dashboard/common/Toolbar';
import { FormPage } from '../pages/Dashboard/Form';
import setup from '../setup';
test.describe('Mobile Mode', () => {
let dashboard: DashboardPage;
let context: any;
let toolbar: ToolbarPage;
let form: FormPage;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
context = await setup({ page });
dashboard = new DashboardPage(page, context.project);
form = dashboard.form;
toolbar = dashboard.grid.toolbar;
test('activating and deactivating Mobile Mode results correct behavior', async () => {
await dashboard.viewSidebar.changeBetaFeatureToggleValue();
// in non-mobile mode, all menu items are visible
await dashboard.verifyTeamAndSettingsLinkIsVisible();
await dashboard.treeView.createTable({ title: 'test-table-for-mobile-mode' });
// and all toolbar items have icons AND text
await toolbar.verifyFieldsButtonIsVisibleWithTextAndIcon();
await dashboard.toggleMobileMode();
// in mobile-mode, some menu items are hidden
await dashboard.verifyTeamAndSettingsLinkIsNotVisible();
// and toolbar items have icons but no text
await toolbar.verifyFieldsButtonIsVisibleWithoutTextButIcon();
// operations (like creating views, toolbar operations, open treeview for opening tables) still work as expected
await dashboard.treeView.openTable({ title: 'Country' });
await dashboard.viewSidebar.createFormView({ title: 'CountryForm' });
await dashboard.viewSidebar.verifyView({ title: 'CountryForm', index: 1 });
// verify form-view fields order
await form.verifyFormViewFieldsOrder({
fields: ['Country', 'LastUpdate', 'City List'],
// reorder & verify
await form.reorderFields({
sourceField: 'LastUpdate',
destinationField: 'Country',
await form.verifyFormViewFieldsOrder({
fields: ['LastUpdate', 'Country', 'City List'],
await dashboard.treeView.openTable({ mobileMode: true, title: 'test-table-for-mobile-mode' });
// changing back to non-mobile mode leads to the original appearance
await dashboard.toggleMobileMode();
await dashboard.verifyTeamAndSettingsLinkIsVisible();
await toolbar.verifyFieldsButtonIsVisibleWithTextAndIcon();