< script lang = "ts" setup >
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
import { UITypes } from 'nocodb-sdk'
const emit = defineEmits ( [ 'newRecord' , 'expandRecord' ] )
const {
selectedDate ,
selectedMonth ,
formattedData ,
formattedSideBarData ,
calDataType ,
sideBarFilterOption ,
displayField ,
calendarRange ,
viewMetaProperties ,
showSideMenu ,
updateRowProperty ,
updateFormat ,
} = useCalendarViewStoreOrThrow ( )
const { $e } = useNuxtApp ( )
const isMondayFirst = ref ( true )
const { isUIAllowed } = useRoles ( )
const meta = inject ( MetaInj , ref ( ) )
const maxVisibleDays = computed ( ( ) => {
return viewMetaProperties . value ? . hide _weekend ? 5 : 7
} )
const days = computed ( ( ) => {
let days = [ ]
if ( isMondayFirst . value ) {
days = [ 'Mon' , 'Tue' , 'Wed' , 'Thu' , 'Fri' , 'Sat' , 'Sun' ]
} else {
days = [ 'Sun' , 'Mon' , 'Tue' , 'Wed' , 'Thu' , 'Fri' , 'Sat' ]
if ( maxVisibleDays . value === 5 ) {
days = days . filter ( ( day ) => day !== 'Sat' && day !== 'Sun' )
return days
} )
const calendarGridContainer = ref ( )
const { width : gridContainerWidth , height : gridContainerHeight } = useElementSize ( calendarGridContainer )
const dragElement = ref < HTMLElement | null > ( null )
const draggingId = ref < string | null > ( null )
const resizeInProgress = ref ( false )
const isDragging = ref ( false )
const dragRecord = ref < Row | null > ( null )
const hoverRecord = ref < string | null > ( )
const dragTimeout = ref < ReturnType < typeof setTimeout > > ( )
const focusedDate = ref < dayjs .Dayjs | null > ( null )
const resizeDirection = ref < 'right' | 'left' > ( )
const resizeRecord = ref < Row | null > ( null )
const fields = inject ( FieldsInj , ref ( ) )
const { fields : _fields } = useViewColumnsOrThrow ( )
const fieldStyles = computed ( ( ) => {
return ( _fields . value ? ? [ ] ) . reduce ( ( acc , field ) => {
acc [ field . fk _column _id ! ] = {
bold : ! ! field . bold ,
italic : ! ! field . italic ,
underline : ! ! field . underline ,
return acc
} , { } as Record < string , { bold ? : boolean ; italic ? : boolean ; underline ? : boolean } > )
} )
const calendarData = computed ( ( ) => {
const startOfMonth = selectedMonth . value . startOf ( 'month' )
const firstDayOffset = isMondayFirst . value ? 0 : - 1
const firstDayToDisplay = startOfMonth . startOf ( 'week' ) . add ( firstDayOffset , 'day' )
const today = dayjs ( )
const daysInView = Math . min (
35 ,
Math . ceil ( ( startOfMonth . daysInMonth ( ) + startOfMonth . day ( ) + ( isMondayFirst . value ? 0 : 1 ) ) / 7 ) * 7 ,
return {
weeks : Array . from ( { length : daysInView / 7 } , ( _ , weekIndex ) => ( {
weekIndex ,
days : Array . from ( { length : 7 } , ( _ , dayIndex ) => {
const day = firstDayToDisplay . add ( weekIndex * 7 + dayIndex , 'day' )
return {
date : day ,
key : ` ${ weekIndex } - ${ dayIndex } ` ,
isWeekend : day . get ( 'day' ) === 0 || day . get ( 'day' ) === 6 ,
isToday : day . isSame ( today , 'date' ) ,
isInPagedMonth : day . isSame ( startOfMonth , 'month' ) ,
isVisible : maxVisibleDays . value === 5 ? day . get ( 'day' ) !== 0 && day . get ( 'day' ) !== 6 : true ,
dayNumber : day . format ( 'DD' ) ,
} ) ,
} ) ) ,
gridClass : {
'grid-cols-7' : maxVisibleDays . value === 7 ,
'grid-cols-5' : maxVisibleDays . value === 5 ,
'grid' : true ,
'grow' : true ,
} ,
} )
const recordsToDisplay = computed < {
records : Row [ ]
count : { [ p : string ] : { overflow : boolean ; count : number ; overflowCount : number } }
} > ( ( ) => {
if ( ! calendarData . value || ! calendarRange . value ) return { records : [ ] , count : { } }
const perWidth = gridContainerWidth . value / maxVisibleDays . value
const perHeight = gridContainerHeight . value / calendarData . value . weeks . length
const perRecordHeight = 28
const spaceBetweenRecords = 27
const maxLanes = Math . floor ( ( perHeight - spaceBetweenRecords ) / ( perRecordHeight + 8 ) )
// Track records and lanes for each day
const recordsInDay : {
[ key : string ] : {
overflow : boolean
count : number
overflowCount : number
lanes : boolean [ ]
} = { }
const findAvailableLane = ( dateKey : string , duration : number = 1 ) : number => {
if ( ! recordsInDay [ dateKey ] ) {
recordsInDay [ dateKey ] = { overflow : false , count : 0 , overflowCount : 0 , lanes : [ ] }
const { lanes } = recordsInDay [ dateKey ]
for ( let i = 0 ; i < maxLanes ; i ++ ) {
if ( ! lanes [ i ] ) {
// Check if the lane is available for the entire duration
let isAvailable = true
for ( let j = 0 ; j < duration ; j ++ ) {
const checkDate = dayjs ( dateKey ) . add ( j , 'day' ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' )
if ( recordsInDay [ checkDate ] ? . lanes [ i ] ) {
isAvailable = false
if ( isAvailable ) return i
return - 1 // No available lane
const occupyLane = ( dateKey : string , lane : number , duration : number = 1 ) => {
for ( let i = 0 ; i < duration ; i ++ ) {
const occupyDate = dayjs ( dateKey ) . add ( i , 'day' ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' )
if ( ! recordsInDay [ occupyDate ] ) {
recordsInDay [ occupyDate ] = { overflow : false , count : 0 , overflowCount : 0 , lanes : [ ] }
recordsInDay [ occupyDate ] . lanes [ lane ] = true
recordsInDay [ occupyDate ] . count ++
const recordsToDisplay : Array < Row > = [ ]
calendarRange . value . forEach ( ( range ) => {
const startCol = range . fk _from _col
const endCol = range . fk _to _col
// Filter out records that don't satisfy the range and sort them by start date
const sortedFormattedData = [ ... formattedData . value ]
. filter ( ( record ) => {
if ( startCol && endCol ) {
const fromDate = record . row [ startCol . title ! ] ? dayjs ( record . row [ startCol . title ! ] ) : null
const toDate = record . row [ endCol . title ! ] ? dayjs ( record . row [ endCol . title ! ] ) : null
return fromDate && toDate && ! toDate . isBefore ( fromDate )
} else if ( startCol && ! endCol ) {
const fromDate = record . row [ startCol ! . title ! ] ? dayjs ( record . row [ startCol ! . title ! ] ) : null
return ! ! fromDate
return false
} )
. sort ( ( a , b ) => {
const aStart = dayjs ( a . row [ startCol . title ! ] )
const aEnd = endCol ? dayjs ( a . row [ endCol . title ! ] ) : aStart
const bStart = dayjs ( b . row [ startCol . title ! ] )
const bEnd = endCol ? dayjs ( b . row [ endCol . title ! ] ) : bStart
return bEnd . diff ( bStart ) - aEnd . diff ( aStart )
} )
sortedFormattedData . forEach ( ( record : Row ) => {
if ( ! endCol && startCol ) {
// If there is no end date, we just display the record on the start date
const startDate = dayjs ( record . row [ startCol . title ! ] )
const dateKey = startDate . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' )
const lane = findAvailableLane ( dateKey )
if ( lane === - 1 ) {
recordsInDay [ dateKey ] . overflow = true
recordsInDay [ dateKey ] . overflowCount ++
return // Skip this record as there's no available lane
occupyLane ( dateKey , lane )
const weekIndex = calendarData . value . weeks . findIndex ( ( week ) =>
week . days . some ( ( day ) => dayjs ( day . date ) . isSame ( startDate , 'day' ) ) ,
const dayIndex = calendarData . value . weeks [ weekIndex ] ? . days . findIndex ( ( day ) => dayjs ( day . date ) . isSame ( startDate , 'day' ) )
const id = record . rowMeta . id ? ? generateRandomNumber ( )
const isRecordDraggingOrResizeState = id === draggingId . value || id === resizeRecord . value ? . rowMeta . id
const style : Partial < CSSStyleDeclaration > = {
left : ` ${ dayIndex * perWidth } px ` ,
width : ` ${ perWidth } px ` ,
top : isRecordDraggingOrResizeState
? ` ${ weekIndex * perHeight } px `
: ` ${ weekIndex * perHeight + ( spaceBetweenRecords + lane * ( perRecordHeight + 4 ) ) } px ` ,
if ( isRecordDraggingOrResizeState ) {
style . zIndex = '100'
style . display = 'block'
if ( maxVisibleDays . value === 5 && ( dayIndex === 5 || dayIndex === 6 ) && ! isRecordDraggingOrResizeState ) {
style . display = 'none'
recordsToDisplay . push ( {
... record ,
rowMeta : {
... record . rowMeta ,
style ,
maxSpanning : 1 ,
position : 'rounded' ,
range ,
id ,
} ,
} )
} else if ( startCol && endCol ) {
// Multi-day event logic
let startDate = dayjs ( record . row [ startCol . title ! ] )
const endDate = dayjs ( record . row [ endCol . title ! ] )
let currentWeekStart = startDate . startOf ( 'week' )
if ( startDate . isBefore ( currentWeekStart ) ) {
startDate = calendarData . value . weeks [ 0 ] . days [ 0 ] . date
const id = record . rowMeta . id ? ? generateRandomNumber ( )
// Since the records can span multiple weeks, to display, we render multiple elements
// for each week the record spans. The id is used to identify the elements that belong to the same record
let recordIndex = 0
while (
currentWeekStart . isSameOrBefore ( endDate , 'day' ) &&
// If the current week start is before the last day of the last week
currentWeekStart . isBefore ( calendarData . value . weeks [ calendarData . value . weeks . length - 1 ] . days [ 6 ] . date )
) {
// We update the record start to currentWeekStart if it is before the start date
// and record end to currentWeekEnd if it is after the end date
let currentWeekEnd = currentWeekStart . endOf ( 'week' )
// If the maxVisibleDays is 5, we skip the weekends
if ( maxVisibleDays . value === 5 ) {
currentWeekEnd = currentWeekEnd . subtract ( 2 , 'day' )
const recordStart = currentWeekStart . isBefore ( startDate ) ? startDate : currentWeekStart
const recordEnd = currentWeekEnd . isAfter ( endDate ) ? endDate : currentWeekEnd
if ( recordEnd . isBefore ( calendarData . value . weeks [ 0 ] . days [ 0 ] . date ) ) {
currentWeekStart = currentWeekStart . add ( 1 , 'week' )
const duration = recordEnd . diff ( recordStart , 'day' ) + 1
const dateKey = recordStart . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' )
const lane = findAvailableLane ( dateKey , duration )
if ( lane === - 1 ) {
for ( let i = 0 ; i < duration ; i ++ ) {
const overflowDate = recordStart . add ( i , 'day' ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' )
if ( recordsInDay [ overflowDate ] ) {
recordsInDay [ overflowDate ] . overflow = true
recordsInDay [ overflowDate ] . overflowCount ++
currentWeekStart = currentWeekStart . add ( 1 , 'week' )
occupyLane ( dateKey , lane , duration )
const weekIndex = calendarData . value . weeks . findIndex ( ( week ) =>
week . days . some ( ( day ) => dayjs ( day . date ) . isSame ( recordStart , 'day' ) ) ,
const startDayIndex = calendarData . value . weeks [ weekIndex ] ? . days . findIndex ( ( day ) =>
dayjs ( day . date ) . isSame ( recordStart , 'day' ) ,
const endDayIndex = calendarData . value . weeks [ weekIndex ] ? . days . findIndex ( ( day ) =>
dayjs ( day . date ) . isSame ( recordEnd , 'day' ) ,
const isRecordDraggingOrResizeState = id === draggingId . value || id === resizeRecord . value ? . rowMeta . id
const style : Partial < CSSStyleDeclaration > = {
left : ` ${ startDayIndex * perWidth - 0.5 } px ` ,
width : ` ${ ( endDayIndex - startDayIndex + 1 ) * perWidth } px ` ,
top : isRecordDraggingOrResizeState
? ` ${ weekIndex * perHeight + perRecordHeight } px `
: ` ${ weekIndex * perHeight + ( spaceBetweenRecords + lane * ( perRecordHeight + 4 ) ) } px ` ,
if ( isRecordDraggingOrResizeState ) {
style . zIndex = '100'
let position = 'rounded'
// Here we are checking if the startDay is before all the dates shown in UI rather that the current month
const isStartMonthBeforeCurrentWeek = calendarData . value . weeks [ weekIndex - 1 ]
? dayjs ( calendarData . value . weeks [ weekIndex - 1 ] . days [ 0 ] . date ) . isBefore ( recordStart , 'month' )
: false
if (
startDate . isSame ( currentWeekStart , 'week' ) &&
endDate . isSame ( currentWeekEnd , 'week' ) &&
endDate . isSameOrBefore ( currentWeekEnd ) // Weekend check
) {
position = 'rounded'
} else if ( startDate . isSame ( recordStart , 'week' ) ) {
if ( isStartMonthBeforeCurrentWeek ) {
if ( endDate . isSame ( currentWeekEnd , 'week' ) ) {
position = 'rounded'
} else position = 'leftRounded'
} else position = 'leftRounded'
} else if ( endDate . isSame ( currentWeekEnd , 'week' ) ) {
position = 'rightRounded'
} else {
position = 'none'
recordsToDisplay . push ( {
... record ,
rowMeta : {
... record . rowMeta ,
position ,
style ,
range ,
maxSpanning : endDayIndex - startDayIndex + 1 ,
id ,
recordIndex ,
} ,
} )
recordIndex ++
currentWeekStart = currentWeekStart . add ( 1 , 'week' )
} )
} )
return {
records : recordsToDisplay ,
count : recordsInDay ,
} )
const dragOffset = ref < {
x : number | null
y : number | null
} > ( { x : null , y : null } )
const calculateNewRow = ( event : MouseEvent , updateSideBar ? : boolean , skipChangeCheck ? : boolean ) => {
const { top , height , width , left } = calendarGridContainer . value . getBoundingClientRect ( )
let relativeX = event . clientX - left
if ( dragOffset . value . x ) {
relativeX -= dragOffset . value . x
const relativeY = event . clientY - top
const percentX = Math . max ( 0 , Math . min ( 1 , relativeX / width ) )
const percentY = Math . max ( 0 , Math . min ( 1 , relativeY / height ) )
const fromCol = dragRecord . value ? . rowMeta . range ? . fk _from _col
const toCol = dragRecord . value ? . rowMeta . range ? . fk _to _col
if ( ! fromCol ) return { newRow : null , updateProperty : [ ] }
const week = Math . floor ( percentY * calendarData . value . weeks . length )
const day = Math . floor ( percentX * maxVisibleDays . value )
let newStartDate = calendarData . value . weeks [ week ] ? dayjs ( calendarData . value . weeks [ week ] . days [ day ] . date ) : null
if ( ! newStartDate ) return { newRow : null , updateProperty : [ ] }
let fromDate = dayjs ( dragRecord . value . row [ fromCol . title ! ] )
if ( ! fromDate . isValid ( ) ) {
fromDate = dayjs ( )
newStartDate = newStartDate . add ( fromDate . hour ( ) , 'hour' ) . add ( fromDate . minute ( ) , 'minute' ) . add ( fromDate . second ( ) , 'second' )
let endDate
const newRow = {
... dragRecord . value ,
row : {
... dragRecord . value ? . row ,
[ fromCol ! . title ! ] : dayjs ( newStartDate ) . format ( updateFormat . value ) ,
} ,
const updateProperty = [ fromCol ! . title ! ]
if ( toCol ) {
const fromDate = dragRecord . value ? . row [ fromCol ! . title ! ] ? dayjs ( dragRecord . value . row [ fromCol ! . title ! ] ) : null
const toDate = dragRecord . value ? . row [ toCol ! . title ! ] ? dayjs ( dragRecord . value ? . row [ toCol ! . title ! ] ) : null
if ( fromDate && toDate ) {
endDate = dayjs ( newStartDate ) . add ( toDate . diff ( fromDate , 'day' ) , 'day' )
} else if ( fromDate && ! toDate ) {
endDate = dayjs ( newStartDate ) . endOf ( 'day' )
} else if ( ! fromDate && toDate ) {
endDate = dayjs ( newStartDate ) . endOf ( 'day' )
} else {
endDate = newStartDate . clone ( )
newRow . row [ toCol ! . title ! ] = dayjs ( endDate ) . format ( updateFormat . value )
updateProperty . push ( toCol ! . title ! )
// If from and to columns of the dragRecord and the newRow are the same, we don't manipulate the formattedRecords and formattedSideBarData. This removes unwanted computation
if ( dragRecord . value . row [ fromCol . title ! ] === newRow . row [ fromCol . title ! ] && ! skipChangeCheck ) {
return { newRow : null , updatedProperty : [ ] }
if ( ! newRow ) return { newRow : null , updateProperty : [ ] }
const newPk = extractPkFromRow ( newRow . row , meta . value ! . columns ! )
newRow . rowMeta . id = draggingId ? . value
if ( updateSideBar ) {
formattedData . value = [ ... ( formattedData . value as Row [ ] ) , newRow as Row ]
formattedSideBarData . value = formattedSideBarData . value . filter ( ( r ) => {
const pk = extractPkFromRow ( r . row , meta . value ! . columns ! )
return pk !== newPk
} )
} else {
formattedData . value = formattedData . value . map ( ( r ) => {
const pk = extractPkFromRow ( r . row , meta . value ! . columns ! )
return pk === newPk ? newRow : r
} ) as Row [ ]
return {
newRow ,
updateProperty ,
const onDrag = ( event : MouseEvent ) => {
if ( ! isUIAllowed ( 'dataEdit' ) || ! dragRecord . value ) return
calculateNewRow ( event , false )
const useDebouncedRowUpdate = useDebounceFn ( ( row : Row , updateProperty : string [ ] , isDelete : boolean ) => {
updateRowProperty ( row , updateProperty , isDelete )
} , 500 )
const onResize = ( event : MouseEvent ) => {
if ( ! isUIAllowed ( 'dataEdit' ) || ! resizeRecord . value ) return
const { top , height , width , left } = calendarGridContainer . value . getBoundingClientRect ( )
const percentY = ( event . clientY - top - window . scrollY ) / height
const percentX = ( event . clientX - left - window . scrollX ) / width
const ogEndDate = resizeRecord . value . row [ resizeRecord . value . rowMeta ! . range ! . fk _to _col ! . title ! ]
const ogStartDate = resizeRecord . value . row [ resizeRecord . value . rowMeta ! . range ! . fk _from _col ! . title ! ]
const fromCol = resizeRecord . value . rowMeta . range ? . fk _from _col
const toCol = resizeRecord . value . rowMeta . range ? . fk _to _col
const week = Math . floor ( percentY * calendarData . value . weeks . length )
const day = Math . floor ( percentX * maxVisibleDays . value )
let updateProperty : string [ ] = [ ]
let newRow : Row
if ( resizeDirection . value === 'right' ) {
let newEndDate = calendarData . value . weeks [ week ] ? dayjs ( calendarData . value . weeks [ week ] . days [ day ] . date ) . endOf ( 'day' ) : null
updateProperty = [ toCol ! . title ! ]
if ( dayjs ( newEndDate ) . isBefore ( ogStartDate ) ) {
newEndDate = dayjs ( ogStartDate ) . clone ( ) . endOf ( 'day' )
if ( ! newEndDate ) return
newRow = {
... resizeRecord . value ,
row : {
... resizeRecord . value . row ,
[ toCol ! . title ! ] : dayjs ( newEndDate ) . format ( updateFormat . value ) ,
} ,
} else {
let newStartDate = calendarData . value . weeks [ week ] ? dayjs ( calendarData . value . weeks [ week ] . days [ day ] . date ) : null
updateProperty = [ fromCol ! . title ! ]
if ( dayjs ( newStartDate ) . isAfter ( ogEndDate ) ) {
newStartDate = dayjs ( ogEndDate ) . clone ( )
if ( ! newStartDate ) return
newRow = {
... resizeRecord . value ,
row : {
... resizeRecord . value . row ,
[ fromCol ! . title ! ] : dayjs ( newStartDate ) . format ( updateFormat . value ) ,
} ,
newRow . rowMeta . id = resizeRecord . value . rowMeta . id
const newPk = extractPkFromRow ( newRow . row , meta . value ! . columns ! )
formattedData . value = formattedData . value . map ( ( r ) => {
const pk = extractPkFromRow ( r . row , meta . value ! . columns ! )
return pk === newPk ? newRow : r
} )
if ( newRow ) {
useDebouncedRowUpdate ( newRow , updateProperty , false )
const onResizeEnd = ( ) => {
resizeInProgress . value = false
resizeDirection . value = undefined
resizeRecord . value = null
document . removeEventListener ( 'mousemove' , onResize )
document . removeEventListener ( 'mouseup' , onResizeEnd )
const onResizeStart = ( direction : 'right' | 'left' , event : MouseEvent , record : Row ) => {
if ( ! isUIAllowed ( 'dataEdit' ) || draggingId . value ) return
if ( record . rowMeta . range ? . is _readonly ) return
// selectedDate.value = null
resizeInProgress . value = true
resizeDirection . value = direction
resizeRecord . value = record
document . addEventListener ( 'mousemove' , onResize )
document . addEventListener ( 'mouseup' , onResizeEnd )
const stopDrag = ( event : MouseEvent ) => {
clearTimeout ( dragTimeout . value )
if ( ! isUIAllowed ( 'dataEdit' ) || ! dragRecord . value || ! isDragging . value ) return
if ( dragRecord . value . rowMeta . range ? . is _readonly ) return
event . preventDefault ( )
dragElement . value ! . style . boxShadow = 'none'
const { newRow , updateProperty } = calculateNewRow ( event , false , true )
if ( dragElement . value ) {
dragElement . value . style . boxShadow = 'none'
isDragging . value = false
draggingId . value = null
dragElement . value = null
dragRecord . value = null
updateRowProperty ( newRow , updateProperty , false )
focusedDate . value = null
dragOffset . value = {
x : null ,
y : null ,
$e ( 'c:calendar:month:drag-record' )
document . removeEventListener ( 'mousemove' , onDrag )
document . removeEventListener ( 'mouseup' , stopDrag )
const dragStart = ( event : MouseEvent , record : Row ) => {
if ( resizeInProgress . value || ! record . rowMeta . id ) return
let target = event . target as HTMLElement
isDragging . value = false
dragTimeout . value = setTimeout ( ( ) => {
if ( ! isUIAllowed ( 'dataEdit' ) ) return
if ( record . rowMeta . range ? . is _readonly ) return
isDragging . value = true
while ( ! target . classList . contains ( 'draggable-record' ) ) {
target = target . parentElement as HTMLElement
// TODO: @DarkPhoenix2704
// const initialDragElement = document.querySelector(`[data-unique-id="${record.rowMeta.id}-0"]`)
// selectedDate.value = null
isDragging . value = true
dragElement . value = target
draggingId . value = record . rowMeta ! . id !
dragRecord . value = record
dragOffset . value = {
x : dragRecord . value ? . rowMeta . maxSpanning > 1 ? event . clientX - target . getBoundingClientRect ( ) . left : 0 ,
y : event . clientY ,
document . addEventListener ( 'mousemove' , onDrag )
document . addEventListener ( 'mouseup' , stopDrag )
} , 500 )
const onMouseUp = ( ) => {
clearTimeout ( dragTimeout . value )
document . removeEventListener ( 'mouseup' , onMouseUp )
if ( ! isDragging . value ) {
emit ( 'expandRecord' , record )
document . addEventListener ( 'mouseup' , onMouseUp )
const dropEvent = ( event : DragEvent ) => {
if ( ! isUIAllowed ( 'dataEdit' ) ) return
event . preventDefault ( )
const data = event . dataTransfer ? . getData ( 'text/plain' )
if ( data ) {
const {
record ,
isWithoutDates ,
} : {
record : Row
isWithoutDates : boolean
} = JSON . parse ( data )
if ( record . rowMeta . range ? . is _readonly ) return
dragRecord . value = record
const { newRow , updateProperty } = calculateNewRow ( event , isWithoutDates )
if ( dragElement . value ) {
dragElement . value . style . boxShadow = 'none'
dragElement . value = null
updateRowProperty ( newRow , updateProperty , false )
$e ( 'c:calendar:day:drag-record' )
const selectDate = ( date : dayjs . Dayjs ) => {
dragRecord . value = null
draggingId . value = null
resizeRecord . value = null
resizeInProgress . value = false
resizeDirection . value = undefined
focusedDate . value = null
selectedDate . value = date
const viewMore = ( date : dayjs . Dayjs ) => {
sideBarFilterOption . value = 'selectedDate' as const
selectedDate . value = date
showSideMenu . value = true
const isDateSelected = ( date : dayjs . Dayjs ) => {
if ( ! selectedDate . value ) return false
return dayjs ( date ) . isSame ( selectedDate . value , 'day' )
// TODO: Add Support for multiple ranges when multiple ranges are supported
const addRecord = ( date : dayjs . Dayjs ) => {
if ( ! isUIAllowed ( 'dataEdit' ) || ! calendarRange . value ) return
const fromCol = calendarRange . value [ 0 ] . fk _from _col
if ( ! fromCol ) return
const newRecord = {
row : {
[ fromCol . title ! ] : date . format ( updateFormat . value ) ,
} ,
emit ( 'newRecord' , newRecord )
< / script >
< template >
< div v-if ="calendarRange" class="h-full prevent-select relative" data-testid="nc-calendar-month-view" >
< div
class = "grid"
: class = " {
'grid-cols-7' : maxVisibleDays === 7 ,
'grid-cols-5' : maxVisibleDays === 5 ,
} "
< div
v - for = "(day, index) in days"
: key = "index"
class = "text-center bg-gray-50 py-1 border-r-1 last:border-r-0 border-gray-100 font-semibold leading-4 uppercase text-[10px] text-gray-500"
{ { day } }
< / div >
< / div >
< div
ref = "calendarGridContainer"
: class = " {
'grid-rows-5' : calendarData . weeks . length === 5 ,
'grid-rows-6' : calendarData . weeks . length === 6 ,
'grid-rows-7' : calendarData . weeks . length === 7 ,
} "
class = "grid"
style = "height: calc(100% - 1.59rem)"
@ drop = "dropEvent"
< div
v - for = "week in calendarData.weeks"
: key = "week.weekIndex"
: class = "calendarData.gridClass"
data - testid = "nc-calendar-month-week"
< template v-for ="(day, i) in week.days" >
< div
v - if = "day.isVisible"
: key = "day.key"
: class = " {
'selected-date' : isDateSelected ( day . date ) || ( focusedDate && dayjs ( day . date ) . isSame ( focusedDate , 'day' ) ) ,
'!text-gray-400' : ! day . isInPagedMonth ,
'!bg-gray-50 !hover:bg-gray-100 !border-gray-200' : day . isWeekend ,
'!border-r-gray-200' : week . days [ i + 1 ] ? . isWeekend ,
'border-t-1' : week . weekIndex === 0 ,
} "
class = "text-right relative group last:border-r-0 transition text-sm h-full border-r-1 border-b-1 border-gray-100 font-medium hover:bg-gray-50 text-gray-800 bg-white"
data - testid = "nc-calendar-month-day"
@ click = "selectDate(day.date)"
@ dblclick = "addRecord(day.date)"
< div v-if ="isUIAllowed('dataEdit')" class="flex justify-between p-1" >
< span
: class = " {
'block group-hover:hidden' : ! isDateSelected ( day . date ) && [ UITypes . DateTime , UITypes . Date ] . includes ( calDataType ) ,
'hidden' : isDateSelected ( day . date ) && [ UITypes . DateTime , UITypes . Date ] . includes ( calDataType ) ,
} "
> < / span >
< NcDropdown v -if = " calendarRange.length > 1 " auto - close >
< NcButton
: class = " {
'!block' : isDateSelected ( day . date ) ,
'!hidden' : ! isDateSelected ( day . date ) ,
} "
class = "!group-hover:block rounded"
size = "small"
type = "secondary"
< component :is ="iconMap.plus" class = "h-4 w-4" / >
< / NcButton >
< template # overlay >
< NcMenu class = "w-64" >
< NcMenuItem > Select date field to add < / NcMenuItem >
< NcMenuItem
v - for = "(range, index) in calendarRange"
: key = "index"
class = "text-gray-800 font-semibold text-sm"
@ click = "
( ) => {
const record = {
row : {
[ range . fk _from _col ! . title ! ] : ( day . date ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ' ) ,
... ( range . fk _to _col
? {
[ range . fk _to _col ! . title ! ] : ( day . date ) . endOf ( 'day' ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ' ) ,
: { } ) ,
} ,
emit ( 'newRecord' , record )
< div class = "flex items-center gap-1" >
< LazySmartsheetHeaderCellIcon :column-meta ="range.fk_from_col" / >
< span class = "ml-1" > { { range . fk _from _col ! . title } } < / span >
< / div >
< / NcMenuItem >
< / NcMenu >
< / template >
< / NcDropdown >
< NcButton
v - else - if = "[UITypes.DateTime, UITypes.Date].includes(calDataType)"
: class = " {
'!block' : isDateSelected ( day . date ) ,
'!hidden' : ! isDateSelected ( day . date ) ,
} "
class = "!group-hover:block !w-6 !h-6 !rounded"
size = "xsmall"
type = "secondary"
@ click = "
( ) => {
const record = {
row : {
[ calendarRange [ 0 ] . fk _from _col ! . title ! ] : ( day . date ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ' ) ,
... ( calendarRange [ 0 ] . fk _to _col
? {
[ calendarRange [ 0 ] . fk _to _col ! . title ! ] : ( day . date ) . endOf ( 'day' ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ' ) ,
: { } ) ,
} ,
emit ( 'newRecord' , record )
< component :is ="iconMap.plus" / >
< / NcButton >
< span
: class = " {
'bg-brand-50 text-brand-500 !font-bold' : day . isToday ,
} "
class = "px-1.3 py-1 text-[13px] text-sm leading-3 font-medium rounded-lg"
{ { day . dayNumber } }
< / span >
< / div >
< div v-if ="!isUIAllowed('dataEdit')" class="leading-3 text-[13px] p-3" > {{ day.dayNumber }} < / div >
< NcButton
v - if = "
recordsToDisplay . count [ dayjs ( day . date ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ] &&
recordsToDisplay . count [ dayjs ( day . date ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ] ? . overflow &&
! draggingId
v - e = "`['c:calendar:month-view-more']`"
class = "!absolute bottom-1 right-1 text-center min-w-4.5 mx-auto z-3 text-gray-500"
size = "xxsmall"
type = "secondary"
@ click = "viewMore(day.date)"
< span class = "text-xs px-1" >
+ { { recordsToDisplay . count [ dayjs ( day . date ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ] ? . overflowCount } }
< / span >
< / NcButton >
< / div >
< / template >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "absolute inset-0 z-2 pointer-events-none mt-8 pb-7.5" data -testid = " nc -calendar -month -record -container " >
< template v-for ="record in recordsToDisplay.records" >
< div
v - if = "record.rowMeta.style?.display !== 'none'"
: key = "record.rowMeta.id"
: data - testid = "`nc-calendar-month-record-${record.row[displayField!.title!]}`"
: data - unique - id = "`${record.rowMeta.id}`"
: style = " {
... record . rowMeta . style ,
zIndex : record . rowMeta . id === draggingId ? 100 : 0 ,
lineHeight : '18px' ,
opacity :
( draggingId === null || record . rowMeta . id === draggingId ) &&
( resizeRecord === null || record . rowMeta . id === resizeRecord ? . rowMeta . id )
? 1
: 0.3 ,
} "
: class = " {
'cursor-pointer' : ! resizeInProgress ,
} "
class = "absolute group draggable-record transition pointer-events-auto"
@ mouseleave = "hoverRecord = null"
@ mouseover = "hoverRecord = record.rowMeta.id"
@ mousedown . stop = "dragStart($event, record)"
< LazySmartsheetRow :row ="record" >
< LazySmartsheetCalendarRecordCard
: hover = "hoverRecord === record.rowMeta.id"
: position = "record.rowMeta.position"
: record = "record"
: dragging = "draggingId === record.rowMeta.id || resizeRecord?.rowMeta?.id === record.rowMeta.id"
: resize = "!!record.rowMeta.range?.fk_to_col && isUIAllowed('dataEdit')"
@ resize - start = "onResizeStart"
< template v -if = " [ UITypes.DateTime , UITypes.LastModifiedTime , UITypes.CreatedTime ] .includes ( calDataType ) " # time >
< span class = "text-xs font-medium text-gray-400" >
{ { dayjs ( record . row [ record . rowMeta . range ? . fk _from _col ! . title ! ] ) . format ( 'h:mma' ) . slice ( 0 , - 1 ) } }
< / span >
< / template >
< template v-for ="(field, id) in fields" :key="field.id" >
< LazySmartsheetPlainCell
v - if = "!isRowEmpty(record, field!)"
v - model = "record.row[field!.title!]"
class = "text-xs"
: bold = "fieldStyles[field.id].bold"
: column = "field"
: italic = "fieldStyles[field.id].italic"
: underline = "fieldStyles[field.id].underline"
/ >
< / template >
< / LazySmartsheetCalendarRecordCard >
< / LazySmartsheetRow >
< / div >
< / template >
< / div >
< / div >
< / template >
< style lang = "scss" scoped >
. prevent - select {
- webkit - user - select : none ; /* Safari */
- ms - user - select : none ; /* IE 10 and IE 11 */
user - select : none ; /* Standard syntax */
. grid - cols - 5 {
grid - template - columns : repeat ( 5 , minmax ( 0 , 1 fr ) ) ;
. selected - date {
@ apply relative ;
& : after {
@ apply rounded - sm pointer - events - none absolute inset - 0 w - full h - full ;
content : '' ;
z - index : 2 ;
box - shadow : 0 0 0 2 px # 3366 ff ! important ;
< / style >