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title: 'Rollup'
description: 'This article explains how to create & work with a Rollup field.'
tags: ['Fields', 'Field types', 'Links based types', 'Rollup']
keywords: ['Fields', 'Field types', 'Links based types', 'Rollup', 'Create rollup field']
`Rollup` fields are used to aggregate data from fields in the related table. Often used to calculate totals, averages, and other aggregate data.
## Create a Rollup Field
1. Click on `+` icon to the right of `Fields header`
2. On the dropdown modal, enter the field name (Optional).
3. Select the field type as `Lookup` from the dropdown.
4. Select the link field from the dropdown. This is the field that links the current table to the related table.
5. Select the field for display from the dropdown. This is the field that will be displayed in the current table.
6. Select the aggregation function from the dropdown. This is the function that will be used to aggregate the data.
7. Click on `Save Field` button.
### Aggregation Functions
Here's a table with brief descriptions for each of the aggregation functions supported by NocoDB:
| Aggregation Function | Description |
| Count | Counts the number of records in a dataset. |
| Minimum | Retrieves the minimum value from a dataset. |
| Maximum | Retrieves the maximum value from a dataset. |
| Average | Calculates the average value in a dataset. |
| Sum | Adds up all the values in a dataset. |
| Count Distinct | Counts the number of distinct values in a dataset. |
| Sum Distinct | Adds up all the distinct values in a dataset. |
| Average Distinct | Calculates the average of distinct values in a dataset. |
## Similar links-based fields
- [Links](010.links.md)
- [Lookup](020.lookup.md)