You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

72 lines
2.2 KiB

import { expect, Page } from '@playwright/test';
import BasePage from '../Base';
import { CellPageObject } from '../Dashboard/common/Cell';
export class SharedFormPage extends BasePage {
readonly cell: CellPageObject;
constructor(rootPage: Page) {
this.cell = new CellPageObject(this);
get() {
return this.rootPage.locator('html');
async submit() {
await this.waitForResponse({
uiAction: async () => await this.get().getByTestId('shared-form-submit-button').first().click(),
httpMethodsToMatch: ['POST'],
requestUrlPathToMatch: '/rows',
async verifySuccessMessage() {
await expect(
this.get().locator('.ant-alert-success', {
hasText: 'Successfully submitted form data',
async clickLinkToChildList() {
1 year ago
await this.get().locator('.nc-virtual-cell').hover();
await this.get().locator('.nc-action-icon').click({ force: true });
//await this.get().locator('button[data-testid="nc-child-list-button-link-to"]').click();
async closeLinkToChildList() {
await this.get().locator('.nc-close-btn').click();
async verifyChildList(cardTitle?: string[]) {
await this.get().locator('.nc-modal-link-record').waitFor();
const linkRecord = this.get();
// DOM element validation
// title: Link Record
// button: Add new record
// icon: reload
1 year ago
//await expect(this.get().locator(`.ant-modal-title`)).toHaveText(`Link record`);
// add new record option is not available for shared form
1 year ago
expect(await linkRecord.locator(`button:has-text("Link more records")`).isVisible()).toBeFalsy();
// placeholder: Filter query
1 year ago
expect(await linkRecord.locator('.nc-excluded-search').isVisible()).toBeTruthy();
const childList = linkRecord.locator(`.ant-card`);
expect.poll(() => linkRecord.locator(`.ant-card`).count()).toBe(cardTitle.length);
for (let i = 0; i < cardTitle.length; i++) {
expect(await childList.nth(i).textContent()).toContain(cardTitle[i]);
async selectChildList(cardTitle: string) {
await this.get().locator(`.ant-card:has-text("${cardTitle}"):visible`).click();