< template >
< v -container class = "text-center" fluid >
< v -row class = "fluid" align = "center" >
< v -col class = "align-center" >
< v -row align = "center" >
< v -col md = "4" offset -md = " 4 " >
< v -card class = "pa-10 elevation-10 mt-10" color = "" >
< div
style = " position : absolute ; top : - 45 px ;
left : - moz - calc ( 50 % - 45 px ) ;
left : - webkit - calc ( 50 % - 45 px ) ;
left : calc ( 50 % - 45 px ) ;
border - radius : 15 px ;
class = "primary"
< v -img
class = "mx-auto"
width = "90"
height = "90"
: src = "require('~/assets/img/icons/512x512-trans.png')"
< / v - i m g >
< / div >
< h1 class = "mt-4" > SIGN UP
{ { $route . query . redirect _to === '/referral' ? '& REFER' : '' } }
{ { $route . query . redirect _to === '/pricing' ? '& BUY' : '' } }
< / h1 >
< div >
< v -alert type = "error" dismissible v-model ="formUtil.formErr" >
{ { formUtil . formErrMsg } }
< / v - a l e r t >
< / div >
< v -form v -if = " type = = = ' jwt ' " v -model = " formUtil.valid " ref = "formType" @submit ="MtdOnSignup" elevation -20 >
< p v-if ="firstUser" class="success--text" >
You will be the 'Super Admin'
< / p >
< v -text -field
label = "Enter your work email"
v - model = "form.email"
: rules = "formRules.email"
required >
< / v - t e x t - f i e l d >
< v -text -field
name = "input-10-2"
label = "Enter your password"
min = "8"
: append - icon = "formUtil.e3 ? 'visibility' : 'visibility_off'"
@ click : append = "() => (formUtil.e3 = !formUtil.e3)"
v - model = "form.password"
: rules = "formRules.password"
: type = "formUtil.e3 ? 'password' : 'text'" required >
< template v -slot : progress > < / template >
< / v - t e x t - f i e l d >
<!-- -- >
<!-- < vue -recaptcha @verify ="onNormalVerify" sitekey = "6LfbcqMUAAAAAAb_2319UdF8m68JHSYVy_m4wPBx" - - >
<!-- style = "transform:scale(0.7);-webkit-transform:scale(0.7);transform-origin:0 0;-webkit-transform-origin:0 0;" > -- >
<!-- < / v u e - r e c a p t c h a > - - >
< v -btn @click ="MtdOnSignup" color = "primary" class = "btn--large"
: disabled = "!formUtil.recpatcha || !formUtil.valid" v - ge = "['Sign Up ','']" >
& nbsp ; Sign Up & nbsp ;
< v -progress -circular
class = "pb-3 pt-0 mt-0"
: value = "formUtil.passwordProgress"
width = "2"
size = "18"
color = "success" >
< / v - p r o g r e s s - c i r c u l a r >
< / v - b t n >
< br >
< br >
< br >
< p class = "font-weight-light caption grey--text" v-ge ="['Already have an account ?','']" > Already have an account ?
< router -link to = "/user/authentication/signin" > Sign In < / r o u t e r - l i n k >
< / p >
< / v - f o r m >
<!-- < p class = "title" > -- >
<!-- OR -- >
<!-- < / p > -- >
< v -form v -else -if = " type = = = ' masterKey ' " v -model = " formUtil.valid1 " ref = "formType1" @submit ="MtdOnSignup"
elevation - 20 >
< v -text -field
label = "Admin Secret"
v - model = "form.secret"
: rules = "formRules.secret"
min = "8"
: append - icon = "formUtil.e4 ? 'visibility' : 'visibility_off'"
@ click : append = "() => (formUtil.e4 = !formUtil.e4)"
: type = "formUtil.e4 ? 'password' : 'text'"
required >
< / v - t e x t - f i e l d >
<!-- -- >
<!-- < vue -recaptcha @verify ="onNormalVerify" sitekey = "6LfbcqMUAAAAAAb_2319UdF8m68JHSYVy_m4wPBx" - - >
<!-- style = "transform:scale(0.7);-webkit-transform:scale(0.7);transform-origin:0 0;-webkit-transform-origin:0 0;" > -- >
<!-- < / v u e - r e c a p t c h a > - - >
< v -btn @click ="MtdOnSignup" color = "primary" class = "btn--large"
: disabled = "!formUtil.recpatcha || !formUtil.valid1" v - ge = "['Authenticate','']" >
Authenticate & nbsp ;
< / v - b t n >
< / v - f o r m >
< br >
< div >
< v -btn
v - if = "googleAuthEnabled"
: href = "_isDev ?'http://localhost:8080/auth/google':'../auth/google'" outlined large elevation - 10
color = "blue" >
< img :src ="require('~/assets/img/gmail.png')"
class = "img-responsive" alt = "google"
width = "24px" >
< b > & nbsp ; & nbsp ; Sign In with Google < / b >
< / v - b t n >
<!-- < v -btn - - >
<!-- class = "mt-5" -- >
<!-- @ click = "openGithubSiginInBrowser" -- >
<!-- outlined large elevation - 10 block color = "blue" -- >
<!-- v - ge = "['Sign In with Github','']" > -- >
<!-- < img src = "~/assets/img/github.png" - - >
<!-- class = "img-responsive" alt = "google" -- >
<!-- width = "24px" > -- >
<!-- < b > & nbsp ; & nbsp ; Sign In with Github < / b > -- >
<!-- < / v - b t n > - - >
< / div >
< template v-if ="type==='none'" >
< br / >
< v -alert type = "warning" outlined icon = "mdi-alert" >
<!-- < v -icon color = "warning" > mdi - alert < / v - i c o n > - - >
Authentication not configured in configuration
< / v - a l e r t >
< / template >
< / v - c a r d >
< br >
< v -row justify = "center" >
< p class = "text-right grey--text font-weight-light caption" > By signing up , you agree to
< span @click ="openUrl('https://nocodb.com/terms-of-service')" class = "grey--text pointer" > < u > Terms of service < / u > < / span >
< / p > & nbsp ;
< div class = "d-flex align-center mb-4 justify-center" >
< v -checkbox v-model ="subscribe" color="grey" dense hide-details class="mt-0 pt-0" > < / v-checkbox >
< label class = "caption grey--text font-weight-light" > Subscribe to our weekly newsletter < / label >
< / div >
< / v - r o w >
<!-- < br > -- >
<!-- < h3 > OR < / h3 > -- >
<!-- < br > -- >
<!-- < v -card class = "pa-3 elevation-10" color = "" > -- >
<!-- < p > or sign up with one of these services < / p > -- >
<!-- < a href = "/api/auth/google?redirect_to=/" > < img src = "" ~ / assets / img / / btn_google_signin_dark_normal_web @ 2x.png " - - >
<!-- class = "img-responsive" alt = "google" wifth = "128px" > < / a > -- >
<!-- & lt ; ! & ndash ; < br > & ndash ; & gt ; -- >
<!-- & lt ; ! & ndash ; < a href = "/api/auth/facebook?redirect_to=/" > < img src = "/facebook.png" class = "img-responsive" alt = "facebook" > < / a > & ndash ; & gt ; -- >
<!-- < / v - c a r d > - - >
<!-- < br > -- >
<!-- < br > -- >
< / v - c o l >
< / v - r o w >
< / v - c o l >
< / v - r o w >
< / v - c o n t a i n e r >
< / template >
< script >
// const {shell} = require("electron").remote.require(
// "./libs"
// );
import { mapGetters , mapActions } from 'vuex'
// import VueRecaptcha from 'vue-recaptcha';
export default {
layout : 'empty' ,
components : {
// VueRecaptcha
} ,
data ( ) {
return {
subscribe : true ,
isDev : ( process . env . NODE _ENV === 'dev' ) ,
dialog : false ,
form : {
email : null ,
password : null ,
} ,
formRules : {
email : [
v => ! ! v || 'E-mail is required' ,
// ref : https://stackoverflow.com/a/46181
v => / ^ ( ( [ ^ < > ( ) [ \ ] \ . , ; : \ s @ \ "]+(\.[^<>()[\]\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@(([^<>()[\]\.,;:\s@\"]+\.)+[^<>()[\]\.,;:\s@\" ] { 2 , } ) $ / i . test ( v ) || 'E-mail must be valid'
] ,
password : [
v => ( this . PasswordValidate ( v ) ) || this . passwordValidateMsg
] ,
secret : [
v => ! ! v || 'Required'
} ,
formUtil : {
formErr : false ,
formErrMsg : '' ,
valid : false ,
valid1 : false ,
recpatcha : true ,
e3 : true ,
e4 : true ,
passwordProgress : 0 ,
progressColorValue : 'red'
} ,
googleAuthUrl : "/api/auth/google" ,
facebookAuthUrl : "/api/auth/facebook" ,
} ,
methods : {
openUrl ( url ) {
shell . openExternal ( url ) ;
} ,
openGoogleSiginInBrowser ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
// if(this._isMac) {
shell . openExternal ( process . env . auth . google . url ) ;
// }else{
// }
} ,
openGithubSiginInBrowser ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
shell . openExternal ( process . env . auth . github . url ) ;
} ,
onNormalVerify ( ) {
this . formUtil . recpatcha = true ;
//this.formUtil.recpatcha = false;
} ,
progressColor ( num ) {
return this . formUtil . progressColorValue = [ 'error' , 'warning' , 'info' , 'success' ] [ Math . floor ( num / 25 ) ]
} ,
PasswordValidate ( p ) {
if ( ! p ) {
this . passwordProgress = 0 ;
this . passwordValidateMsg = 'Atleast 8 letters with one Uppercase, one number and one special letter'
return false ;
let msg = '' ;
let validation = true ;
let progress = 0 ;
if ( ! ( p . length >= 8 ) ) {
msg += 'Atleast 8 letters. '
validation = validation && false ;
} else {
progress = Math . min ( 100 , progress + 25 )
if ( ! ( p . match ( /.*[A-Z].*/ ) ) ) {
msg += 'One Uppercase Letter. '
validation = validation && false ;
} else {
progress = Math . min ( 100 , progress + 25 )
if ( ! ( p . match ( /.*[0-9].*/ ) ) ) {
msg += 'One Number. '
validation = validation && false ;
} else {
progress = Math . min ( 100 , progress + 25 )
if ( ! ( p . match ( /[$&+,:;=?@#|'<>.^*()%!-]/ ) ) ) {
msg += 'One special letter. '
validation = validation && false ;
} else {
progress = Math . min ( 100 , progress + 25 )
this . formUtil . passwordProgress = progress ;
// console.log('progress', progress);
// console.log('color', this.progressColor(this.formUtil.passwordProgress));
this . progressColorValue = this . progressColor ( this . formUtil . passwordProgress ) ;
this . formUtil . passwordValidateMsg = msg ;
//console.log('msg', msg, validation);
return validation ;
} ,
PlusCounter ( ) {
this . $store . dispatch ( 'ActPlusCounter' )
} ,
async MtdOnSignup ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
if ( this . type === 'jwt' ) {
if ( this . $refs . formType . validate ( ) ) {
//console.log('hello', this.form);
this . form . firstName = this . form . username ;
this . form . lastName = this . form . username ;
// await this.$recaptchaLoaded()
// const recaptchaToken = await this.$recaptcha('login')
let err = await this . $store . dispatch ( 'users/ActSignUp' , { ... this . form , ignore _subscribe : ! this . subscribe } ) // recaptchaToken});
//console.log('in method signup', err);
await this . $store . dispatch ( 'project/ActLoadProjectInfo' ) ;
if ( err ) {
this . formUtil . formErr = true ;
this . formUtil . formErrMsg = err . data . msg ;
console . log ( err . data . msg ) ;
} else if ( this . type === 'masterKey' ) {
const valid = await this . $store . dispatch ( 'users/ActVerifyMasterKey' , this . form . secret ) ;
if ( ! valid ) {
this . formUtil . formErr = true ;
this . formUtil . formErrMsg = 'Invalid admin secret' ;
this . $store . commit ( 'users/MutMasterKey' , this . form . secret ) ;
if ( 'redirect_to' in this . $route . query ) {
this . $router . push ( this . $route . query . redirect _to ) ;
} else {
this . $router . push ( '/projects?toast' ) ;
} ,
MtdOnReset ( ) {
//console.log('in method reset');
} ,
async MtdOnSignupGoogle ( e ) {
let err = null ;
err = await this . $store . dispatch ( 'users/ActAuthGoogle' ) ;
//console.log('MtdOnSignupGoogle', err);
} ,
} ,
computed : {
counter ( ) {
return this . $store . getters [ 'users/GtrCounter' ]
} ,
displayName ( ) {
return this . $store . getters [ 'users/GtrUser' ]
} ,
type ( ) {
return this . $store . state . project . projectInfo && this . $store . state . project . projectInfo . authType ;
} ,
firstUser ( ) {
return this . $store . state . project . projectInfo && this . $store . state . project . projectInfo . firstUser ;
} ,
googleAuthEnabled ( ) {
return this . $store . state . project . projectInfo && this . $store . state . project . projectInfo . googleAuthEnabled ;
} ,
beforeCreated ( ) {
} ,
async created ( ) {
// const type = await this.$store.dispatch('users/ActGetAuthType');
// this.type = type.type;
// this.firstUser = type.firstUser;
// let ckeditor = document.createElement('script');
// ckeditor.setAttribute('src',"https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js");
// document.head.appendChild(ckeditor);
} ,
mounted ( ) {
if ( 'buy' in this . $route . query ) {
this . googleAuthUrl += '?redirect_to=/' ;
this . facebookAuthUrl += '?redirect_to=/' ;
} else {
this . googleAuthUrl += '?redirect_to=/' ;
this . facebookAuthUrl += '?redirect_to=/' ;
} ,
beforeDestroy ( ) {
} ,
destroy ( ) {
} ,
validate ( { params } ) {
return true
} ,
head ( ) {
return {
title : 'Sign Up | Noco' ,
meta : [
{ hid : 'Sign Up To Noco' , name : 'Sign Up To Noco' , content : 'Sign Up To Noco' }
} ,
props : { } ,
watch : { } ,
directives : { } ,
< / script >
< style scoped >
/deep/ . v - input _ _control . v - input _ _slot . v - input -- selection - controls _ _input {
transform : scale ( .6 ) ;
margin - right : 0 ;
< / style >
/ * *
* @ copyright Copyright ( c ) 2021 , Xgene Cloud Ltd
* @ author Naveen MR < oof1lab @ gmail.com >
* @ author Pranav C Balan < pranavxc @ gmail.com >
* @ license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
* This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the
* License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program . If not , see < http : / / www.gnu.org / licenses / > .
* /
-- >