import { createInjectionState } from '@vueuse/core'
import { Form } from 'ant-design-vue'
import type { ColumnType, TableType } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { UITypes } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import type { Ref } from 'vue'
import { useToast } from 'vue-toastification'
import { useColumn } from './useColumn'
import { computed } from '#imports'
import { useNuxtApp } from '#app'
import { extractSdkResponseErrorMsg } from '~/utils/errorUtils'
const useForm = Form.useForm
// enum ColumnAlterType {
// NEW=4,
// EDIT=2,
// RENAME=8,
// DELETE=0,
// }
const columnToValidate = [UITypes.Email, UITypes.URL, UITypes.PhoneNumber]
const [useProvideColumnCreateStore, useColumnCreateStore] = createInjectionState(
(meta: Ref<TableType>, column?: Ref<ColumnType>) => {
const { sqlUi } = useProject()
const { $api } = useNuxtApp()
const { getMeta } = useMetas()
const toast = useToast()
const idType = null
// state
// todo: give proper type - ColumnType
const formState = ref<Record<string, any>>({
title: 'title',
uidt: UITypes.SingleLineText,
...(column?.value || {}),
meta: column?.value?.meta || {},
const additionalValidations = ref<Record<string, any>>({})
const validators = computed(() => {
return {
title: [
required: true,
message: 'Column name is required',
// validation for unique column name
validator: (rule: any, value: any) => {
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
if (
(c) =>
c.id !== formState.value.id && // ignore current column
// compare against column_name and title
((value || '').toLowerCase() === (c.column_name || '').toLowerCase() ||
(value || '').toLowerCase() === (c.title || '').toLowerCase()),
) {
return reject(new Error('Duplicate column name'))
uidt: [
required: true,
message: 'UI Datatype is required',
...(additionalValidations?.value || {}),
const { resetFields, validate, validateInfos } = useForm(formState, validators)
const setAdditionalValidations = (validations: Record<string, any>) => {
additionalValidations.value = validations
// actions
const generateNewColumnMeta = () => {
formState.value = { meta: {}, ...sqlUi.value.getNewColumn((meta.value?.columns?.length || 0) + 1) }
formState.value.title = formState.value.title || formState.value.column_name
const onUidtOrIdTypeChange = () => {
const { isCurrency } = useColumn(ref(formState.value as ColumnType))
const colProp = sqlUi?.value.getDataTypeForUiType(formState?.value as any, idType as any)
formState.value = {
meta: {},
rqd: false,
pk: false,
ai: false,
cdf: null,
un: false,
dtx: 'specificType',
formState.value.dtxp = sqlUi.value.getDefaultLengthForDatatype(formState.value.dt)
formState.value.dtxs = sqlUi.value.getDefaultScaleForDatatype(formState.value.dt)
const selectTypes = [UITypes.MultiSelect, UITypes.SingleSelect]
if (column && selectTypes.includes(formState.value.uidt) && selectTypes.includes(column?.value?.uidt as UITypes)) {
formState.value.dtxp = column?.value?.dtxp
if (columnToValidate.includes(formState.value.uidt)) {
formState.value.meta = {
validate: formState.value.meta && formState.value.meta.validate,
if (isCurrency) {
if (column?.value?.uidt === UITypes.Currency) {
formState.value.dtxp = column.value.dtxp
formState.value.dtxs = column.value.dtxs
} else {
formState.value.dtxp = 19
formState.value.dtxs = 2
formState.value.altered = formState.value.altered || 2
const onDataTypeChange = () => {
const { isCurrency } = useColumn(ref(formState.value as ColumnType))
formState.value.rqd = false
if (formState.value.uidt !== UITypes.ID) {
formState.value.primaryKey = false
formState.value.ai = false
formState.value.cdf = null
formState.value.un = false
formState.value.dtxp = sqlUi.value.getDefaultLengthForDatatype(formState.value.dt)
formState.value.dtxs = sqlUi.value.getDefaultScaleForDatatype(formState.value.dt)
formState.value.dtx = 'specificType'
const selectTypes = [UITypes.MultiSelect, UITypes.SingleSelect]
if (column?.value && selectTypes.includes(formState.value.uidt) && selectTypes.includes(column?.value.uidt as UITypes)) {
formState.value.dtxp = column?.value.dtxp
if (isCurrency) {
if (column?.value?.uidt === UITypes.Currency) {
formState.value.dtxp = column.value.dtxp
formState.value.dtxs = column.value.dtxs
} else {
formState.value.dtxp = 19
formState.value.dtxs = 2
// this.$set(formState.value, 'uidt', sqlUi.value.getUIType(formState.value));
formState.value.altered = formState.value.altered || 2
// todo: type of onAlter is wrong, the first argument is `CheckboxChangeEvent` not a number.
const onAlter = (val = 2, cdf = false) => {
formState.value.altered = formState.value.altered || val
if (cdf) formState.value.cdf = formState.value.cdf || null
const addOrUpdate = async (onSuccess: () => void) => {
try {
console.log(formState, validators)
if (!(await validate())) return
formState.value.table_name = meta.value.table_name
// formState.value.title = formState.value.column_name
if (column?.value) {
await $api.dbTableColumn.update(column?.value?.id as string, formState.value)
toast.success('Column updated')
} else {
// todo : set additional meta for auto generated string id
if (formState.value.uidt === UITypes.ID) {
// based on id column type set autogenerated meta prop
// if (isAutoGenId) {
// this.newColumn.meta = {
// ag: 'nc',
// };
// }
await $api.dbTableColumn.create(meta.value.id as string, formState.value)
/** if LTAR column then force reload related table meta */
if (formState.value.uidt === UITypes.LinkToAnotherRecord && meta.value.id !== formState.value.childId) {
getMeta(formState.value.childId, true).then(() => {})
toast.success('Column created')
} catch (e: any) {
const error = await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)
if (error) toast.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e))
/** set column name same as title which is actual name in db */
() => formState.value?.title,
(newTitle) => (formState.value.column_name = newTitle),
return {
isEdit: computed(() => !!column?.value?.id),
export { useProvideColumnCreateStore }
export function useColumnCreateStoreOrThrow() {
const columnCreateStore = useColumnCreateStore()
if (columnCreateStore == null) throw new Error('Please call `useColumnCreateStore` on the appropriate parent component')
return columnCreateStore