// playwright-dev-page.ts
import { Locator, Page, expect } from "@playwright/test";
import BasePage from "../Base";
import { GridPage } from "./Grid";
import { FormPage } from "./Form";
import { ExpandedFormPage } from "./ExpandedForm";
import { ChildList } from "./Grid/Column/LTAR/ChildList";
import { LinkRecord } from "./Grid/Column/LTAR/LinkRecord";
import { TreeViewPage } from "./TreeView";
import { SettingsPage } from "./Settings";
import { ViewSidebarPage } from "./ViewSidebar";
import { GalleryPage } from "./Gallery";
import { KanbanPage } from "./Kanban";
import { ToolbarPage } from "./common/Toolbar";
import { ImportAirtablePage } from "./Import/Airtable";
import { WebhookFormPage } from "./WebhookForm";
export class DashboardPage extends BasePage {
readonly project: any;
readonly tablesSideBar: Locator;
readonly tabBar: Locator;
readonly treeView: TreeViewPage;
readonly grid: GridPage;
readonly gallery: GalleryPage;
readonly form: FormPage;
readonly kanban: KanbanPage;
readonly expandedForm: ExpandedFormPage;
readonly webhookForm: WebhookFormPage;
readonly childList: ChildList;
readonly linkRecord: LinkRecord;
readonly settings: SettingsPage;
readonly viewSidebar: ViewSidebarPage;
readonly importAirtable: ImportAirtablePage;
constructor(rootPage: Page, project: any) {
this.project = project;
this.tablesSideBar = rootPage.locator(".nc-treeview-container");
this.tabBar = rootPage.locator(".nc-tab-bar");
this.treeView = new TreeViewPage(this, project);
this.grid = new GridPage(this);
this.gallery = new GalleryPage(this);
this.form = new FormPage(this);
this.kanban = new KanbanPage(this);
this.expandedForm = new ExpandedFormPage(this);
this.webhookForm = new WebhookFormPage(this);
this.childList = new ChildList(this);
this.linkRecord = new LinkRecord(this);
this.settings = new SettingsPage(this);
this.viewSidebar = new ViewSidebarPage(this);
this.importAirtable = new ImportAirtablePage(this);
get() {
return this.rootPage.locator("html");
async goto() {
await this.rootPage.goto(`/#/nc/${this.project.id}/auth`);
async gotoSettings() {
await this.rootPage.locator('[pw-data="nc-project-menu"]').click();
await this.rootPage
.locator('div.nc-project-menu-item:has-text(" Team & Settings")')
async verifyInTabBar({ title }: { title: string }) {
await this.tabBar
.then((text) => expect(text).toContain(title));
async closeTab({ title }: { title: string }) {
let tab = await this.tabBar.locator(`.ant-tabs-tab:has-text("${title}")`);
await tab.locator("button.ant-tabs-tab-remove").click();
// fix me!
// await tab.waitFor({ state: "detached" });
await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(2000);
async clickHome() {
await this.rootPage.locator('[data-cy="nc-noco-brand-icon"]').click();
async waitForTabRender({ title }: { title: string }) {
await this.get().locator('[pw-data="grid-id-column"]').waitFor();
await this.tabBar
// wait active tab animation to finish
await expect
.poll(async () => {
return await this.tabBar
.evaluate((el) => {
return window.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue("color");
.toBe("rgb(67, 81, 232)"); // active tab text color
await this.get()
.waitFor({ state: "hidden" });
await expect(this.rootPage).toHaveURL(
// Project page language menu
async openLanguageMenu() {
await this.rootPage.locator(".nc-menu-translate").click();
async selectLanguage({ index }: { index: number }) {
let modal = await this.rootPage.locator(".nc-dropdown-menu-translate");
await modal.locator(`.ant-dropdown-menu-item`).nth(index).click();
async verifyLanguage(param: { json: any }) {
let title = await this.rootPage
let menu = await this.rootPage
console.log(title, menu);
await this.rootPage
// create project
async createProject({
name = "sample",
type = "xcdb",
}: {
name?: string;
type?: string;
}) {
// fix me! wait for page to be rendered completely
await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(1000);
await this.rootPage.locator(".nc-new-project-menu").click();
const createProjectMenu = await this.rootPage.locator(
if (type === "xcdb") {
await createProjectMenu
} else {
await createProjectMenu
await this.rootPage.locator(`.nc-metadb-project-name`).waitFor();
await this.rootPage.locator(`input.nc-metadb-project-name`).fill(name);
await this.rootPage.locator(`input.nc-metadb-project-name`).press("Enter");