You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { isString } from '@vueuse/core'
import type { Permission } from './rolePermissions'
import rolePermissions from './rolePermissions'
import { useGlobal, useInjectionState, useRoles } from '#imports'
import type { ProjectRole, Role } from '~/lib'
const [setup, use] = useInjectionState(() => {
const { previewAs } = useGlobal()
const { allRoles } = useRoles()
const hasPermission = (role: Role | ProjectRole, hasRole: boolean, permission: Permission | string) => {
const rolePermission = rolePermissions[role]
if (!hasRole || !rolePermission) return false
if (isString(rolePermission) && rolePermission === '*') return true
return rolePermission[permission as keyof typeof rolePermission]
const isUIAllowed = (permission: Permission | string, skipPreviewAs = false) => {
if (previewAs.value && !skipPreviewAs) {
const hasPreviewPermission = hasPermission(previewAs.value, true, permission)
if (hasPreviewPermission) return true
return Object.entries(allRoles.value).some(([role, hasRole]) =>
hasPermission(role as Role | ProjectRole, hasRole, permission),
return { isUIAllowed, projectRoles }
}, 'useUIPermission')
export function useUIPermission() {
let usePermissions = use()
if (!usePermissions) {
usePermissions = setup()
return { isUIAllowed: usePermissions.isUIAllowed }