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Shallow fetch: Respect "shallow" lines

When fetching from a shallow clone, the client sends "have" lines
to tell the server about objects it already has and "shallow" lines
to tell where its local history terminates. In some circumstances,
the server fails to honor the shallow lines and fails to return
objects that the client needs.

UploadPack passes the "have" lines to PackWriter so PackWriter can
omit them from the generated pack. UploadPack processes "shallow"
lines by calling RevWalk.assumeShallow() with the set of shallow
commits. RevWalk creates and caches RevCommits for these shallow
commits, clearing out their parents. That way, walks correctly
terminate at the shallow commits instead of assuming the client has
history going back behind them. UploadPack converts its RevWalk to an
ObjectWalk, maintaining the cached RevCommits, and passes it to

Unfortunately, to support shallow fetches the PackWriter does the

  if (shallowPack && !(walk instanceof DepthWalk.ObjectWalk))
    walk = new DepthWalk.ObjectWalk(reader, depth);

That is, when the client sends a "deepen" line (fetch --depth=<n>)
and the caller has not passed in a DepthWalk.ObjectWalk, PackWriter
throws away the RevWalk that was passed in and makes a new one. The
cleared parent lists prepared by RevWalk.assumeShallow() are lost.
Fortunately UploadPack intends to pass in a DepthWalk.ObjectWalk.
It tries to create it by calling toObjectWalkWithSameObjects() on
a DepthWalk.RevWalk. But it doesn't work: because DepthWalk.RevWalk
does not override the standard RevWalk#toObjectWalkWithSameObjects
implementation, the result is a plain ObjectWalk instead of an
instance of DepthWalk.ObjectWalk.

The result is that the "shallow" information is thrown away and
objects reachable from the shallow commits can be omitted from the
pack sent when fetching with --depth from a shallow clone.

Multiple factors collude to limit the circumstances under which this
bug can be observed:

1. Commits with depth != 0 don't enter DepthGenerator's pending queue.
   That means a "have" cannot have any effect on DepthGenerator unless
   it is also a "want".

2. DepthGenerator#next() doesn't call carryFlagsImpl(), so the
   uninteresting flag is not propagated to ancestors there even if a
   "have" is also a "want".

3. JGit treats a depth of 1 as "1 past the wants".

Because of (2), the only place the UNINTERESTING flag can leak to a
shallow commit's parents is in the carryFlags() call from
markUninteresting(). carryFlags() only traverses commits that have
already been parsed: commits yet to be parsed are supposed to inherit
correct flags from their parent in PendingGenerator#next (which
doesn't happen here --- that is (2)). So the list of commits that have
already been parsed becomes relevant.

When we hit the markUninteresting() call, all "want"s, "have"s, and
commits to be unshallowed have been parsed. carryFlags() only
affects the parsed commits. If the "want" is a direct parent of a
"have", then it carryFlags() marks it as uninteresting. If the "have"
was also a "shallow", then its parent pointer should have been null
and the "want" shouldn't have been marked, so we see the bug. If the
"want" is a more distant ancestor then (2) keeps the uninteresting
state from propagating to the "want" and we don't see the bug. If the
"shallow" is not also a "have" then the shallow commit isn't parsed
so (2) keeps the uninteresting state from propagating to the "want
so we don't see the bug.

Here is a reproduction case (time flowing left to right, arrows
pointing to parents). "C" must be a commit that the client
reports as a "have" during negotiation. That can only happen if the
server reports it as an existing branch or tag in the first round of

  A <-- B <-- C <-- D

First do

  git clone --depth 1 <repo>

which yields D as a "have" and C as a "shallow" commit. Then try

  git fetch --depth 1 <repo> B:refs/heads/B

Negotiation sets up: have D, shallow C, have C, want B.
But due to this bug B is marked as uninteresting and is not sent.

Change-Id: I6e14b57b2f85e52d28cdcf356df647870f475440
Signed-off-by: Terry Parker <>
Terry Parker 9 years ago committed by Jonathan Nieder
  1. 97
  2. 1
  3. 1
  4. 5
  5. 8


@ -111,6 +111,26 @@ public class PackWriterTest extends SampleDataRepositoryTestCase {
private FileRepository dst;
private RevBlob contentA;
private RevBlob contentB;
private RevBlob contentC;
private RevBlob contentD;
private RevBlob contentE;
private RevCommit c1;
private RevCommit c2;
private RevCommit c3;
private RevCommit c4;
private RevCommit c5;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
@ -517,16 +537,16 @@ public class PackWriterTest extends SampleDataRepositoryTestCase {
TestRepository<FileRepository> testRepo = new TestRepository<FileRepository>(
BranchBuilder bb = testRepo.branch("refs/heads/master");
RevBlob contentA = testRepo.blob("A");
RevCommit c1 = bb.commit().add("f", contentA).create();
contentA = testRepo.blob("A");
c1 = bb.commit().add("f", contentA).create();
PackIndex pf1 = writePack(repo, wants(c1), EMPTY_ID_SET);
Arrays.asList(c1.getId(), c1.getTree().getId(),
RevBlob contentB = testRepo.blob("B");
RevCommit c2 = bb.commit().add("f", contentB).create();
contentB = testRepo.blob("B");
c2 = bb.commit().add("f", contentB).create();
PackIndex pf2 = writePack(repo, wants(c2), Sets.of((ObjectIdSet) pf1));
@ -547,24 +567,7 @@ public class PackWriterTest extends SampleDataRepositoryTestCase {
public void testShallowIsMinimal() throws Exception {
FileRepository repo = createBareRepository();
TestRepository<Repository> r = new TestRepository<Repository>(repo);
BranchBuilder bb = r.branch("refs/heads/master");
RevBlob contentA = r.blob("A");
RevBlob contentB = r.blob("B");
RevBlob contentC = r.blob("C");
RevBlob contentD = r.blob("D");
RevBlob contentE = r.blob("E");
RevCommit c1 = bb.commit().add("a", contentA).create();
RevCommit c2 = bb.commit().add("b", contentB).create();
RevCommit c3 = bb.commit().add("c", contentC).create();
RevCommit c4 = bb.commit().add("d", contentD).create();
RevCommit c5 = bb.commit().add("e", contentE).create();
FileRepository repo = setupRepoForShallowFetch();
PackIndex idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 1, wants(c2), NONE, NONE);
@ -580,6 +583,56 @@ public class PackWriterTest extends SampleDataRepositoryTestCase {
contentD.getId(), contentE.getId()));
public void testShallowFetchShallowParent() throws Exception {
FileRepository repo = setupRepoForShallowFetch();
PackIndex idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 1, wants(c5), NONE, NONE);
Arrays.asList(c4.getId(), c5.getId(), c4.getTree().getId(),
c5.getTree().getId(), contentA.getId(),
contentB.getId(), contentC.getId(), contentD.getId(),
idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 1, wants(c3), haves(c4, c5), shallows(c4));
assertContent(idx, Arrays.asList(c2.getId(), c3.getId(),
c2.getTree().getId(), c3.getTree().getId()));
public void testShallowFetchShallowAncestor() throws Exception {
FileRepository repo = setupRepoForShallowFetch();
PackIndex idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 1, wants(c5), NONE, NONE);
Arrays.asList(c4.getId(), c5.getId(), c4.getTree().getId(),
c5.getTree().getId(), contentA.getId(),
contentB.getId(), contentC.getId(), contentD.getId(),
idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 1, wants(c2), haves(c4, c5), shallows(c4));
assertContent(idx, Arrays.asList(c1.getId(), c2.getId(),
c1.getTree().getId(), c2.getTree().getId()));
private FileRepository setupRepoForShallowFetch() throws Exception {
FileRepository repo = createBareRepository();
TestRepository<Repository> r = new TestRepository<Repository>(repo);
BranchBuilder bb = r.branch("refs/heads/master");
contentA = r.blob("A");
contentB = r.blob("B");
contentC = r.blob("C");
contentD = r.blob("D");
contentE = r.blob("E");
c1 = bb.commit().add("a", contentA).create();
c2 = bb.commit().add("b", contentB).create();
c3 = bb.commit().add("c", contentC).create();
c4 = bb.commit().add("d", contentD).create();
c5 = bb.commit().add("e", contentE).create();
r.getRevWalk().parseHeaders(c5); // fully initialize the tip RevCommit
return repo;
private static PackIndex writePack(FileRepository repo,
Set<? extends ObjectId> want, Set<ObjectIdSet> excludeObjects)
throws IOException {


@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ sequenceTooLargeForDiffAlgorithm=Sequence too large for difference algorithm.
serviceNotEnabledNoName=Service not enabled
serviceNotPermitted={0} not permitted
shallowCommitsAlreadyInitialized=Shallow commits have already been initialized
shallowPacksRequireDepthWalk=Shallow packs require a DepthWalk
shortCompressedStreamAt=Short compressed stream at {0}
shortReadOfBlock=Short read of block.
shortReadOfOptionalDIRCExtensionExpectedAnotherBytes=Short read of optional DIRC extension {0}; expected another {1} bytes within the section.


@ -616,6 +616,7 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String serviceNotEnabledNoName;
/***/ public String serviceNotPermitted;
/***/ public String shallowCommitsAlreadyInitialized;
/***/ public String shallowPacksRequireDepthWalk;
/***/ public String shortCompressedStreamAt;
/***/ public String shortReadOfBlock;
/***/ public String shortReadOfOptionalDIRCExtensionExpectedAnotherBytes;


@ -752,7 +752,8 @@ public class PackWriter implements AutoCloseable {
if (countingMonitor == null)
countingMonitor = NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE;
if (shallowPack && !(walk instanceof DepthWalk.ObjectWalk))
walk = new DepthWalk.ObjectWalk(reader, depth);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
findObjectsToPack(countingMonitor, walk, interestingObjects,
@ -1654,7 +1655,7 @@ public class PackWriter implements AutoCloseable {
List<RevTag> wantTags = new ArrayList<RevTag>(want.size());
// Retrieve the RevWalk's versions of "want" and "have" objects to
// maintain any flags previously set in the RevWalk.
// maintain any state previously set in the RevWalk.
AsyncRevObjectQueue q = walker.parseAny(all, true);
try {
for (;;) {


@ -149,6 +149,14 @@ public interface DepthWalk {
public RevFlag getReinterestingFlag() {
public ObjectWalk toObjectWalkWithSameObjects() {
ObjectWalk ow = new ObjectWalk(reader, depth);
ow.objects = objects;
ow.freeFlags = freeFlags;
return ow;
/** Subclass of ObjectWalk that performs depth filtering. */
