@ -63,11 +63,13 @@ import org.eclipse.jgit.api.MergeResult.MergeStatus;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.RebaseCommand.InteractiveHandler ;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.RebaseCommand.Operation ;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.RebaseResult.Status ;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.JGitInternalException ;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.RefNotFoundException ;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.UnmergedPathsException ;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.WrongRepositoryStateException ;
import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheCheckout ;
import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.RepositoryTestCase ;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AbbreviatedObjectId ;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants ;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId ;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.PersonIdent ;
@ -1745,6 +1747,123 @@ public class RebaseCommandTest extends RepositoryTestCase {
assertEquals ( Action . REWORD , steps . get ( 1 ) . getAction ( ) ) ;
public void testRebaseShouldTryToParseValidLineMarkedAsComment ( )
throws IOException {
String todo = "# pick 1111111 Valid line commented out with space\n"
+ "#edit 2222222 Valid line commented out without space\n"
+ "# pick invalidLine Comment line at end\n" ;
write ( getTodoFile ( ) , todo ) ;
List < RebaseTodoLine > steps = db . readRebaseTodo ( GIT_REBASE_TODO , true ) ;
assertEquals ( 3 , steps . size ( ) ) ;
RebaseTodoLine firstLine = steps . get ( 0 ) ;
assertEquals ( "1111111" , firstLine . getCommit ( ) . name ( ) ) ;
assertEquals ( "Valid line commented out with space" ,
firstLine . getShortMessage ( ) ) ;
assertEquals ( "comment" , firstLine . getAction ( ) . toToken ( ) ) ;
try {
firstLine . setAction ( Action . PICK ) ;
assertEquals ( "1111111" , firstLine . getCommit ( ) . name ( ) ) ;
assertEquals ( "pick" , firstLine . getAction ( ) . toToken ( ) ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
fail ( "Valid parsable RebaseTodoLine that has been commented out should allow to change the action, but failed" ) ;
assertEquals ( "2222222" , steps . get ( 1 ) . getCommit ( ) . name ( ) ) ;
assertEquals ( "comment" , steps . get ( 1 ) . getAction ( ) . toToken ( ) ) ;
assertEquals ( null , steps . get ( 2 ) . getCommit ( ) ) ;
assertEquals ( null , steps . get ( 2 ) . getShortMessage ( ) ) ;
assertEquals ( "comment" , steps . get ( 2 ) . getAction ( ) . toToken ( ) ) ;
assertEquals ( "# pick invalidLine Comment line at end" , steps . get ( 2 )
. getComment ( ) ) ;
try {
steps . get ( 2 ) . setAction ( Action . PICK ) ;
fail ( "A comment RebaseTodoLine that doesn't contain a valid parsable line should fail, but doesn't" ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
// expected
@SuppressWarnings ( "unused" )
public void testRebaseTodoLineSetComment ( ) throws Exception {
try {
new RebaseTodoLine ( "This is a invalid comment" ) ;
fail ( "Constructing a comment line with invalid comment string should fail, but doesn't" ) ;
} catch ( JGitInternalException e ) {
// expected
RebaseTodoLine validCommentLine = new RebaseTodoLine (
"# This is a comment" ) ;
assertEquals ( Action . COMMENT , validCommentLine . getAction ( ) ) ;
assertEquals ( "# This is a comment" , validCommentLine . getComment ( ) ) ;
RebaseTodoLine actionLineToBeChanged = new RebaseTodoLine ( Action . EDIT ,
AbbreviatedObjectId . fromString ( "1111111" ) , "short Message" ) ;
assertEquals ( null , actionLineToBeChanged . getComment ( ) ) ;
try {
actionLineToBeChanged . setComment ( "invalid comment" ) ;
fail ( "Setting a invalid comment string should fail but doesn't" ) ;
} catch ( JGitInternalException e ) {
assertEquals ( null , actionLineToBeChanged . getComment ( ) ) ;
actionLineToBeChanged . setComment ( "# valid comment" ) ;
assertEquals ( "# valid comment" , actionLineToBeChanged . getComment ( ) ) ;
try {
actionLineToBeChanged . setComment ( "invalid comment" ) ;
fail ( "Setting a invalid comment string should fail but doesn't" ) ;
} catch ( JGitInternalException e ) {
// expected
// setting comment failed, but was successfully set before,
// therefore it may not be altered since then
assertEquals ( "# valid comment" , actionLineToBeChanged . getComment ( ) ) ;
try {
actionLineToBeChanged . setComment ( "# line1 \n line2" ) ;
actionLineToBeChanged . setComment ( "line1 \n line2" ) ;
actionLineToBeChanged . setComment ( "\n" ) ;
actionLineToBeChanged . setComment ( "# line1 \r line2" ) ;
actionLineToBeChanged . setComment ( "line1 \r line2" ) ;
actionLineToBeChanged . setComment ( "\r" ) ;
actionLineToBeChanged . setComment ( "# line1 \n\r line2" ) ;
actionLineToBeChanged . setComment ( "line1 \n\r line2" ) ;
actionLineToBeChanged . setComment ( "\n\r" ) ;
fail ( "Setting a multiline comment string should fail but doesn't" ) ;
} catch ( JGitInternalException e ) {
// expected
// Try setting valid comments
actionLineToBeChanged . setComment ( "# valid comment" ) ;
assertEquals ( "# valid comment" , actionLineToBeChanged . getComment ( ) ) ;
actionLineToBeChanged . setComment ( "# \t \t valid comment" ) ;
assertEquals ( "# \t \t valid comment" ,
actionLineToBeChanged . getComment ( ) ) ;
actionLineToBeChanged . setComment ( "# " ) ;
assertEquals ( "# " , actionLineToBeChanged . getComment ( ) ) ;
actionLineToBeChanged . setComment ( "" ) ;
assertEquals ( "" , actionLineToBeChanged . getComment ( ) ) ;
actionLineToBeChanged . setComment ( " " ) ;
assertEquals ( " " , actionLineToBeChanged . getComment ( ) ) ;
actionLineToBeChanged . setComment ( "\t\t" ) ;
assertEquals ( "\t\t" , actionLineToBeChanged . getComment ( ) ) ;
actionLineToBeChanged . setComment ( null ) ;
assertEquals ( null , actionLineToBeChanged . getComment ( ) ) ;
public void testRebaseInteractiveReword ( ) throws Exception {
// create file1 on master