@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ cannotUnloadAModifiedTree=Cannot unload a modified tree.
cannotWorkWithOtherStagesThanZeroRightNow=Cannot work with other stages than zero right now. Won't write corrupt index.
cannotWorkWithOtherStagesThanZeroRightNow=Cannot work with other stages than zero right now. Won't write corrupt index.
canOnlyCherryPickCommitsWithOneParent=Cannot cherry-pick commit ''{0}'' because it has {1} parents, only commits with exactly one parent are supported.
canOnlyCherryPickCommitsWithOneParent=Cannot cherry-pick commit ''{0}'' because it has {1} parents, only commits with exactly one parent are supported.
canOnlyRevertCommitsWithOneParent=Cannot revert commit ''{0}'' because it has {1} parents, only commits with exactly one parent are supported
canOnlyRevertCommitsWithOneParent=Cannot revert commit ''{0}'' because it has {1} parents, only commits with exactly one parent are supported
commitDoesNotHaveGivenParent=The commit ''{0}'' does not have a parent number {1}.
cantFindObjectInReversePackIndexForTheSpecifiedOffset=Can't find object in (reverse) pack index for the specified offset {0}
cantFindObjectInReversePackIndexForTheSpecifiedOffset=Can't find object in (reverse) pack index for the specified offset {0}
cantPassMeATree=Can't pass me a tree!
cantPassMeATree=Can't pass me a tree!
channelMustBeInRange0_255=channel {0} must be in range [0, 255]
channelMustBeInRange0_255=channel {0} must be in range [0, 255]