@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue ;
import java.io.File ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.Collection ;
import java.util.List ;
import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.JGitTestUtil ;
import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.RepositoryTestCase ;
@ -61,6 +63,7 @@ import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.StoredConfig ;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit ;
import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.FetchResult ;
import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.RefSpec ;
import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.RemoteConfig ;
import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.TagOpt ;
import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.TrackingRefUpdate ;
@ -125,6 +128,91 @@ public class FetchCommandTest extends RepositoryTestCase {
res . getTrackingRefUpdate ( "refs/heads/master" ) . getResult ( ) ) ;
public void fetchAddsBranches ( ) throws Exception {
final String branch1 = "b1" ;
final String branch2 = "b2" ;
final String remoteBranch1 = "test/" + branch1 ;
final String remoteBranch2 = "test/" + branch2 ;
remoteGit . commit ( ) . setMessage ( "commit" ) . call ( ) ;
Ref branchRef1 = remoteGit . branchCreate ( ) . setName ( branch1 ) . call ( ) ;
remoteGit . commit ( ) . setMessage ( "commit" ) . call ( ) ;
Ref branchRef2 = remoteGit . branchCreate ( ) . setName ( branch2 ) . call ( ) ;
String spec = "refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/test/*" ;
git . fetch ( ) . setRemote ( "test" ) . setRefSpecs ( spec ) . call ( ) ;
assertEquals ( branchRef1 . getObjectId ( ) , db . resolve ( remoteBranch1 ) ) ;
assertEquals ( branchRef2 . getObjectId ( ) , db . resolve ( remoteBranch2 ) ) ;
public void fetchDoesntDeleteBranches ( ) throws Exception {
final String branch1 = "b1" ;
final String branch2 = "b2" ;
final String remoteBranch1 = "test/" + branch1 ;
final String remoteBranch2 = "test/" + branch2 ;
remoteGit . commit ( ) . setMessage ( "commit" ) . call ( ) ;
Ref branchRef1 = remoteGit . branchCreate ( ) . setName ( branch1 ) . call ( ) ;
remoteGit . commit ( ) . setMessage ( "commit" ) . call ( ) ;
Ref branchRef2 = remoteGit . branchCreate ( ) . setName ( branch2 ) . call ( ) ;
String spec = "refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/test/*" ;
git . fetch ( ) . setRemote ( "test" ) . setRefSpecs ( spec ) . call ( ) ;
assertEquals ( branchRef1 . getObjectId ( ) , db . resolve ( remoteBranch1 ) ) ;
assertEquals ( branchRef2 . getObjectId ( ) , db . resolve ( remoteBranch2 ) ) ;
remoteGit . branchDelete ( ) . setBranchNames ( branch1 ) . call ( ) ;
git . fetch ( ) . setRemote ( "test" ) . setRefSpecs ( spec ) . call ( ) ;
assertEquals ( branchRef1 . getObjectId ( ) , db . resolve ( remoteBranch1 ) ) ;
assertEquals ( branchRef2 . getObjectId ( ) , db . resolve ( remoteBranch2 ) ) ;
public void fetchUpdatesBranches ( ) throws Exception {
final String branch1 = "b1" ;
final String branch2 = "b2" ;
final String remoteBranch1 = "test/" + branch1 ;
final String remoteBranch2 = "test/" + branch2 ;
remoteGit . commit ( ) . setMessage ( "commit" ) . call ( ) ;
Ref branchRef1 = remoteGit . branchCreate ( ) . setName ( branch1 ) . call ( ) ;
remoteGit . commit ( ) . setMessage ( "commit" ) . call ( ) ;
Ref branchRef2 = remoteGit . branchCreate ( ) . setName ( branch2 ) . call ( ) ;
String spec = "refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/test/*" ;
git . fetch ( ) . setRemote ( "test" ) . setRefSpecs ( spec ) . call ( ) ;
assertEquals ( branchRef1 . getObjectId ( ) , db . resolve ( remoteBranch1 ) ) ;
assertEquals ( branchRef2 . getObjectId ( ) , db . resolve ( remoteBranch2 ) ) ;
remoteGit . commit ( ) . setMessage ( "commit" ) . call ( ) ;
branchRef2 = remoteGit . branchCreate ( ) . setName ( branch2 ) . setForce ( true ) . call ( ) ;
git . fetch ( ) . setRemote ( "test" ) . setRefSpecs ( spec ) . call ( ) ;
assertEquals ( branchRef1 . getObjectId ( ) , db . resolve ( remoteBranch1 ) ) ;
assertEquals ( branchRef2 . getObjectId ( ) , db . resolve ( remoteBranch2 ) ) ;
public void fetchPrunesBranches ( ) throws Exception {
final String branch1 = "b1" ;
final String branch2 = "b2" ;
final String remoteBranch1 = "test/" + branch1 ;
final String remoteBranch2 = "test/" + branch2 ;
remoteGit . commit ( ) . setMessage ( "commit" ) . call ( ) ;
Ref branchRef1 = remoteGit . branchCreate ( ) . setName ( branch1 ) . call ( ) ;
remoteGit . commit ( ) . setMessage ( "commit" ) . call ( ) ;
Ref branchRef2 = remoteGit . branchCreate ( ) . setName ( branch2 ) . call ( ) ;
String spec = "refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/test/*" ;
git . fetch ( ) . setRemote ( "test" ) . setRefSpecs ( spec ) . call ( ) ;
assertEquals ( branchRef1 . getObjectId ( ) , db . resolve ( remoteBranch1 ) ) ;
assertEquals ( branchRef2 . getObjectId ( ) , db . resolve ( remoteBranch2 ) ) ;
remoteGit . branchDelete ( ) . setBranchNames ( branch1 ) . call ( ) ;
git . fetch ( ) . setRemote ( "test" ) . setRefSpecs ( spec )
. setRemoveDeletedRefs ( true ) . call ( ) ;
assertNull ( db . resolve ( remoteBranch1 ) ) ;
assertEquals ( branchRef2 . getObjectId ( ) , db . resolve ( remoteBranch2 ) ) ;
public void fetchShouldAutoFollowTag ( ) throws Exception {
remoteGit . commit ( ) . setMessage ( "commit" ) . call ( ) ;
@ -248,4 +336,75 @@ public class FetchCommandTest extends RepositoryTestCase {
assertEquals ( "origin/HEAD should be unchanged" , originHeadId ,
clonedRepo . resolve ( "refs/remotes/origin/HEAD" ) ) ;
public void fetchAddRefsWithDuplicateRefspec ( ) throws Exception {
final String branchName = "branch" ;
final String remoteBranchName = "test/" + branchName ;
remoteGit . commit ( ) . setMessage ( "commit" ) . call ( ) ;
Ref branchRef = remoteGit . branchCreate ( ) . setName ( branchName ) . call ( ) ;
final String spec1 = "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/test/*" ;
final String spec2 = "refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/test/*" ;
final StoredConfig config = db . getConfig ( ) ;
RemoteConfig remoteConfig = new RemoteConfig ( config , "test" ) ;
remoteConfig . addFetchRefSpec ( new RefSpec ( spec1 ) ) ;
remoteConfig . addFetchRefSpec ( new RefSpec ( spec2 ) ) ;
remoteConfig . update ( config ) ;
git . fetch ( ) . setRemote ( "test" ) . setRefSpecs ( spec1 ) . call ( ) ;
assertEquals ( branchRef . getObjectId ( ) , db . resolve ( remoteBranchName ) ) ;
public void fetchPruneRefsWithDuplicateRefspec ( )
throws Exception {
final String branchName = "branch" ;
final String remoteBranchName = "test/" + branchName ;
remoteGit . commit ( ) . setMessage ( "commit" ) . call ( ) ;
Ref branchRef = remoteGit . branchCreate ( ) . setName ( branchName ) . call ( ) ;
final String spec1 = "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/test/*" ;
final String spec2 = "refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/test/*" ;
final StoredConfig config = db . getConfig ( ) ;
RemoteConfig remoteConfig = new RemoteConfig ( config , "test" ) ;
remoteConfig . addFetchRefSpec ( new RefSpec ( spec1 ) ) ;
remoteConfig . addFetchRefSpec ( new RefSpec ( spec2 ) ) ;
remoteConfig . update ( config ) ;
git . fetch ( ) . setRemote ( "test" ) . setRefSpecs ( spec1 ) . call ( ) ;
assertEquals ( branchRef . getObjectId ( ) , db . resolve ( remoteBranchName ) ) ;
remoteGit . branchDelete ( ) . setBranchNames ( branchName ) . call ( ) ;
git . fetch ( ) . setRemote ( "test" ) . setRefSpecs ( spec1 )
. setRemoveDeletedRefs ( true ) . call ( ) ;
assertNull ( db . resolve ( remoteBranchName ) ) ;
public void fetchUpdateRefsWithDuplicateRefspec ( ) throws Exception {
final String tagName = "foo" ;
remoteGit . commit ( ) . setMessage ( "commit" ) . call ( ) ;
Ref tagRef1 = remoteGit . tag ( ) . setName ( tagName ) . call ( ) ;
List < RefSpec > refSpecs = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
refSpecs . add ( new RefSpec ( "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" ) ) ;
refSpecs . add ( new RefSpec ( "+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*" ) ) ;
// Updating tags via the RefSpecs and setting TagOpt.FETCH_TAGS (or
// AUTO_FOLLOW) will result internally in *two* updates for the same
// ref.
git . fetch ( ) . setRemote ( "test" ) . setRefSpecs ( refSpecs )
. setTagOpt ( TagOpt . AUTO_FOLLOW ) . call ( ) ;
assertEquals ( tagRef1 . getObjectId ( ) , db . resolve ( tagName ) ) ;
remoteGit . commit ( ) . setMessage ( "commit 2" ) . call ( ) ;
Ref tagRef2 = remoteGit . tag ( ) . setName ( tagName ) . setForceUpdate ( true )
. call ( ) ;
FetchResult result = git . fetch ( ) . setRemote ( "test" ) . setRefSpecs ( refSpecs )
. setTagOpt ( TagOpt . FETCH_TAGS ) . call ( ) ;
assertEquals ( 2 , result . getTrackingRefUpdates ( ) . size ( ) ) ;
TrackingRefUpdate update = result
. getTrackingRefUpdate ( Constants . R_TAGS + tagName ) ;
assertEquals ( RefUpdate . Result . FORCED , update . getResult ( ) ) ;
assertEquals ( tagRef2 . getObjectId ( ) , db . resolve ( tagName ) ) ;