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Check for racy git in WorkingTreeIterator

The WorkingTreeIterator has a method to check whether
the current file differs from the corresponding index
entry. This commit improves this check to also handle
racy git situations.


Change-Id: I3ad0897211dcbb2eac9eebcb19d095a5052fb06b
Signed-off-by: Christian Halstrick <>
Signed-off-by: Matthias Sohn <>
Christian Halstrick 14 years ago
  1. 66


@ -398,20 +398,20 @@ public abstract class WorkingTreeIterator extends AbstractTreeIterator {
if (entry.isUpdateNeeded())
return true;
if (getEntryLength() != entry.getLength())
if (!entry.isSmudged() && (getEntryLength() != entry.getLength()))
return true;
// determine difference in mode-bits of file and index-entry. In the
// Determine difference in mode-bits of file and index-entry. In the
// bitwise presentation of modeDiff we'll have a '1' when the two modes
// differ at this position.
int modeDiff = getEntryRawMode() ^ entry.getRawMode();
// ignore the executable file bits if checkFilemode tells me to do so.
// Ignore the executable file bits if checkFilemode tells me to do so.
// Ignoring is done by setting the bits representing a EXECUTABLE_FILE
// to '0' in modeDiff
if (!checkFilemode)
modeDiff &= ~FileMode.EXECUTABLE_FILE.getBits();
if (modeDiff != 0)
// report a modification if the modes still (after potentially
// Report a modification if the modes still (after potentially
// ignoring EXECUTABLE_FILE bits) differ
return true;
@ -422,14 +422,58 @@ public abstract class WorkingTreeIterator extends AbstractTreeIterator {
long fileLastModified = getEntryLastModified();
if (cacheLastModified % 1000 == 0)
fileLastModified = fileLastModified - fileLastModified % 1000;
if (forceContentCheck) {
if (fileLastModified == cacheLastModified)
return false; // Same time, don't check content.
return !getEntryObjectId().equals(entry.getObjectId());
if (fileLastModified != cacheLastModified) {
// The file is dirty by timestamps
if (forceContentCheck) {
// But we are told to look at content even though timestamps
// tell us about modification
return contentCheck(entry);
} else {
// We are told to assume a modification if timestamps differs
return true;
} else {
// No content check forced, assume dirty if stat differs.
return fileLastModified != cacheLastModified;
// The file is clean when you look at timestamps.
if (entry.isSmudged()) {
// The file is clean by timestamps but the entry was smudged.
// Lets do a content check
return contentCheck(entry);
} else {
// The file is clean by timestamps and the entry is not
// smudged: Can't get any cleaner!
return false;
* Compares the entries content with the content in the filesystem.
* Unsmudges the entry when it is detected that it is clean.
* @param entry
* the entry to be checked
* @return <code>true</code> if the content matches, <code>false</code>
* otherwise
private boolean contentCheck(DirCacheEntry entry) {
if (getEntryObjectId().equals(entry.getObjectId())) {
// Content has not changed
// We know the entry can't be racily clean because it's still clean.
// Therefore we unsmudge the entry!
// If by any chance we now unsmudge although we are still in the
// same time-slot as the last modification to the index file the
// next index write operation will smudge again.
// Caution: we are unsmudging just by setting the length of the
// in-memory entry object. It's the callers task to detect that we
// have modified the entry and to persist the modified index.
entry.setLength((int) getEntryLength());
return false;
} else {
// Content differs: that's a real change!
return true;
