Browse Source

Fix formatting errors in error messages

{} is plain wrong and is not accepted by MessageFormat, the other risk
becoming wrong if another single quote is introduced in the future and
sets a bad example.

Bug: 438261
Change-Id: I2948ca90c10f6ec2574f7f2b9be0a72821ea4daf
Robin Rosenberg 10 years ago committed by Robin Stocker
  1. 4
  2. 12


@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ cannotRenameDetachedHEAD=Cannot rename detached HEAD
cannotResolve=Cannot resolve {0}
cannotSetupConsole=Cannot setup console
cannotUseObjectsWithGlog=Cannot use --objects with glog
cantFindGitDirectory=error: can't find git directory
cantWrite=Can't write {0}
cantFindGitDirectory=error: can''t find git directory
cantWrite=Can''t write {0}
changesNotStagedForCommit=Changes not staged for commit:
changesToBeCommitted=Changes to be committed:
checkoutConflict=error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:


@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ abbreviationLengthMustBeNonNegative=Abbreviation length must not be negative.
abortingRebase=Aborting rebase: resetting to {0}
abortingRebaseFailed=Could not abort rebase
abortingRebaseFailedNoOrigHead=Could not abort rebase since ORIG_HEAD is null
advertisementCameBefore=advertisement of {0}^{} came before {1}
advertisementOfCameBefore=advertisement of {0}^{} came before {1}
advertisementCameBefore=advertisement of {0}^'{}' came before {1}
advertisementOfCameBefore=advertisement of {0}^'{}' came before {1}
amazonS3ActionFailed={0} of ''{1}'' failed: {2} {3}
amazonS3ActionFailedGivingUp={0} of ''{1}'' failed: Giving up after {2} attempts.
ambiguousObjectAbbreviation=Object abbreviation {0} is ambiguous
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ cannotWorkWithOtherStagesThanZeroRightNow=Cannot work with other stages than zer
canOnlyCherryPickCommitsWithOneParent=Cannot cherry-pick commit ''{0}'' because it has {1} parents, only commits with exactly one parent are supported.
canOnlyRevertCommitsWithOneParent=Cannot revert commit ''{0}'' because it has {1} parents, only commits with exactly one parent are supported
commitDoesNotHaveGivenParent=The commit ''{0}'' does not have a parent number {1}.
cantFindObjectInReversePackIndexForTheSpecifiedOffset=Can't find object in (reverse) pack index for the specified offset {0}
cantFindObjectInReversePackIndexForTheSpecifiedOffset=Can''t find object in (reverse) pack index for the specified offset {0}
cantPassMeATree=Can't pass me a tree!
channelMustBeInRange0_255=channel {0} must be in range [0, 255]
characterClassIsNotSupported=The character class {0} is not supported.
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ expectedCharacterEncodingGuesses=Expected {0} character encoding guesses
expectedEOFReceived=expected EOF; received ''{0}'' instead
expectedGot=expected ''{0}'', got ''{1}''
expectedLessThanGot=expected less than ''{0}'', got ''{1}''
expectedPktLineWithService=expected pkt-line with '# service=-', got ''{0}''
expectedPktLineWithService=expected pkt-line with ''# service=-'', got ''{0}''
expectedReceivedContentType=expected Content-Type {0}; received Content-Type {1}
expectedReportForRefNotReceived={0}: expected report for ref {1} not received
failedUpdatingRefs=failed updating refs
@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ skipMustBeNonNegative=skip must be >= 0
smartHTTPPushDisabled=smart HTTP push disabled
sourceDestinationMustMatch=Source/Destination must match.
sourceIsNotAWildcard=Source is not a wildcard.
sourceRefDoesntResolveToAnyObject=Source ref {0} doesn't resolve to any object.
sourceRefDoesntResolveToAnyObject=Source ref {0} doesn''t resolve to any object.
sourceRefNotSpecifiedForRefspec=Source ref not specified for refspec: {0}
squashCommitNotUpdatingHEAD=Squash commit -- not updating HEAD
staleRevFlagsOn=Stale RevFlags on {0}
@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ unsupportedArchiveFormat=Unknown archive format ''{0}''
unsupportedCommand0=unsupported command 0
unsupportedEncryptionAlgorithm=Unsupported encryption algorithm: {0}
unsupportedEncryptionVersion=Unsupported encryption version: {0}
unsupportedGC Unsupported garbage collector for repository type: {0}
unsupportedGC=Unsupported garbage collector for repository type: {0}
unsupportedOperationNotAddAtEnd=Not add-at-end: {0}
unsupportedPackIndexVersion=Unsupported pack index version {0}
unsupportedPackVersion=Unsupported pack version {0}.
