@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ public class ReftableCompactor {
private final ReftableWriter writer = new ReftableWriter ( ) ;
private final ArrayDeque < Reftable > tables = new ArrayDeque < > ( ) ;
private long compactBytesLimit ;
private long bytesToCompact ;
private boolean includeDeletes ;
private long minUpdateIndex ;
private long maxUpdateIndex ;
@ -87,6 +89,16 @@ public class ReftableCompactor {
return this ;
/ * *
* @param bytes
* limit on number of bytes from source tables to compact .
* @return { @code this }
* /
public ReftableCompactor setCompactBytesLimit ( long bytes ) {
compactBytesLimit = bytes ;
return this ;
/ * *
* @param deletes
* { @code true } to include deletions in the output , which may be
@ -139,6 +151,9 @@ public class ReftableCompactor {
/ * *
* Add all of the tables , in the specified order .
* < p >
* Unconditionally adds all tables , ignoring the
* { @link # setCompactBytesLimit ( long ) } .
* @param readers
* tables to compact . Tables should be ordered oldest first / most
@ -149,6 +164,32 @@ public class ReftableCompactor {
tables . addAll ( readers ) ;
/ * *
* Try to add this reader at the bottom of the stack .
* < p >
* A reader may be rejected by returning { @code false } if the compactor is
* already rewriting its { @link # setCompactBytesLimit ( long ) } . When this
* happens the caller should stop trying to add tables , and execute the
* compaction .
* @param reader
* the reader to insert at the bottom of the stack . Caller is
* responsible for closing the reader .
* @return { @code true } if the compactor accepted this table ; { @code false }
* if the compactor has reached its limit .
* @throws IOException
* if size of { @code reader } cannot be read .
* /
public boolean tryAddFirst ( ReftableReader reader ) throws IOException {
long sz = reader . size ( ) ;
if ( compactBytesLimit > 0 & & bytesToCompact + sz > compactBytesLimit ) {
return false ;
bytesToCompact + = sz ;
tables . addFirst ( reader ) ;
return true ;
/ * *
* Write a compaction to { @code out } .