<% this.title = contest.id ? '编辑比赛' : '新建比赛' %> |
<% include header %> |
<% include monaco-editor %> |
<div class="padding"> |
<form action="<%= syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['contest', contest.id, 'edit']) %>" method="post"> |
<div class="ui form"> |
<div class="field"> |
<label>比赛名称</label> |
<input type="text" name="title" value="<%= contest.title %>"> |
</div> |
<div class="field"> |
<label>比赛描述</label> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div id="subtitle" class="editor editor-with-border" style="height: 100px; width: 100%; margin-bottom: 1em; "> |
<%- this.showLoadingEditor(); %> |
</div> |
<input type="hidden" name="subtitle"> |
<div class="ui form"> |
<div class="field"> |
<label>试题列表</label> |
<select class="ui fluid search dropdown" multiple="" id="search_problems" name="problems"> |
<% for (let problem of problems) { %> |
<option value="<%= problem.id %>" selected>#<%= problem.id %>. <%= problem.title %></option> |
<% } %> |
</select> |
</div> |
<div class="field"> |
<label>比赛管理员</label> |
<select class="ui fluid search dropdown" multiple="" id="search_admins" name="admins"> |
<% for (let admin of admins) { %> |
<option value="<%= admin.id %>" selected><%= admin.username %></option> |
<% } %> |
</select> |
</div> |
<div class="inline fields"> |
<label>赛制</label> |
<div class="field"> |
<div class="ui radio checkbox"> |
<input <% if (contest.id) { %>disabled <% } %>type="radio" name="type" id="type-noi" value="noi"<% if (contest.type === 'noi') { %> checked="checked"<% } %>> |
<label for="type-noi">NOI</label> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="field"> |
<div class="ui radio checkbox"> |
<input <% if (contest.id) { %>disabled <% } %>type="radio" name="type" id="type-ioi" value="ioi"<% if (contest.type === 'ioi') { %> checked="checked"<% } %>> |
<label for="type-ioi">IOI</label> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="field"> |
<div class="ui radio checkbox"> |
<input <% if (contest.id) { %>disabled <% } %>type="radio" name="type" id="type-acm" value="acm"<% if (contest.type === 'acm') { %> checked="checked"<% } %>> |
<label for="type-acm">ICPC</label> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="field"> |
<label>排行参数(格式:<code>{ "题目 ID": 分值倍数 }</code>)</label> |
<input type="text" name="ranking_params" value="<%= contest.ranklist ? JSON.stringify(contest.ranklist.ranking_params) : '' %>"> |
</div> |
<div class="field"> |
<label>比赛公告</label> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div id="information" class="editor editor-with-border" style="height: 100px; width: 100%; margin-bottom: 1em; "> |
<%- this.showLoadingEditor(); %> |
</div> |
<input type="hidden" name="information"> |
<div class="ui form"> |
<div class="field"> |
<label>开始时间</label> |
<input type="text" name="start_time" value="<%= syzoj.utils.formatDate(contest.start_time || syzoj.utils.getCurrentDate()) %>"> |
</div> |
<div class="field"> |
<label>结束时间</label> |
<input type="text" name="end_time" value="<%= syzoj.utils.formatDate(contest.end_time || syzoj.utils.getCurrentDate()) %>"> |
</div> |
<div class="inline field"> |
<label class="ui header">公开</label> |
<div class="ui toggle checkbox"> |
<input type="checkbox"<% if (contest.is_public) { %> checked<% } %> name="is_public"> |
<label><span style="visibility: hidden; "> </span></label> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="inline field"> |
<label class="ui header">隐藏统计信息</label> |
<div class="ui toggle checkbox"> |
<input type="checkbox"<% if (contest.hide_statistics) { %> checked<% } %> name="hide_statistics"> |
<label><span style="visibility: hidden; "> </span></label> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div style="text-align: center; "><button id="submit_button" type="submit" class="ui disabled labeled icon blue button"><i class="ui edit icon"></i>提交</button></div> |
</div> |
</form> |
<script> |
var editors = { |
subtitle: { defaultValue: <%- serializejs(contest.subtitle) %> }, |
information: { defaultValue: <%- serializejs(contest.information) %> } |
}; |
window.onEditorLoaded(function () { |
for (var name in editors) { |
var editor = editors[name]; |
var editorElement = document.getElementById(name); |
var input = document.getElementsByName(name)[0]; |
editor.editor = window.createMarkdownEditor(editorElement, editor.defaultValue, input); |
} |
$('#submit_button').removeClass('disabled'); |
}); |
$(function () { |
$('#search_admins') |
.dropdown({ |
debug: true, |
apiSettings: { |
url: '/api/v2/search/users/{query}', |
onResponse: function (response) { |
var a = $('#search_admins').val().map(function (x) { return parseInt(x) }); |
if (response.results) { |
response.results = response.results.filter(function(x){ return !a.includes(parseInt(x.value))}); |
} |
return response; |
}, |
cache: false |
} |
}); |
$('#search_problems') |
.dropdown({ |
debug: true, |
apiSettings: { |
url: '/api/v2/search/problems/{query}', |
onResponse: function (response) { |
var a = $('#search_problems').val().map(function (x) { return parseInt(x) }); |
if (response.results) { |
response.results = response.results.filter(function(x) {return !a.includes(parseInt(x.value));}); |
} |
return response; |
}, |
cache: false |
} |
}); |
}); |
</script> |
<% include footer %>