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185 lines
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this.title = '统计';
let types = {
fastest: problem.type === 'submit-answer' ? null : '最快',
slowest: problem.type === 'submit-answer' ? null : '最慢',
shortest: problem.type === 'submit-answer' ? null : '最短',
longest: problem.type === 'submit-answer' ? null : '最长',
earliest: '最早',
min: problem.type === 'submit-answer' ? '最小' : '最小内存',
max: problem.type === 'submit-answer' ? '最大' : '最大内存'
<% include header %>
<script src="https://cdnjs.loli.net/ajax/libs/raphael/2.2.7/raphael.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.loli.net/ajax/libs/morris.js/0.5.1/morris.min.js"></script>
function getColorOfScore(score) {
var color = [];
color[0] = 'red';
color[1] = '#ff4b00';
color[2] = '#ff6200';
color[3] = '#ffa900';
color[4] = '#ffd800';
color[5] = '#c8ff00';
color[6] = '#a5ff00';
color[7] = '#52ff00';
color[8] = '#41f741';
color[9] = '#34d034';
color[10] = 'forestgreen';
return color[parseInt(score / 10)];
<div class="padding">
<h1 style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 30px; ">
<span class="ui header" style="margin-left: 10px; ">
<div class="ui compact menu">
<div class="ui simple dropdown item">
<%= types[statistics.type] %>
<i class="dropdown icon"></i>
<div class="menu">
<% for (let type in types) { %>
<% if (type !== statistics.type && types[type] !== null) { %>
<a class="item" href="<%= syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['problem', problem.id, 'statistics', type]) %>"><%= types[type] %></a>
<% } %>
<% } %>
<table class="ui very basic center aligned table" style="white-space: nowrap; ">
<% if (problem.type !== 'submit-answer') { %>
<% } else { %>
<% } %>
<% for (let judge of statistics.judge_state) { %>
<% include util %>
<td><a href="<%= syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['submission', judge.id]) %>">#<%= judge.id %></a></td>
<td><a href="<%= syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['problem', judge.problem_id]) %>">#<%= judge.problem_id %>. <%= judge.problem.title %></a></td>
<td><a href="<%= syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['submission', judge.id]) %>">
<span class="status <%= getStatusMeta(judge.status).toLowerCase().split(' ').join('_') %>">
<i class="<%= icon[getStatusMeta(judge.status)] || 'remove' %> icon"></i>
<%= judge.status %>
<td><a href="<%= syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['submission', judge.id]) %>"><span class="score score_<%= parseInt(judge.score / 10) || 0 %>"><%= judge.score %></span></a></td>
<% if (problem.type !== 'submit-answer') { %>
<td><%= judge.total_time %> ms</td>
<td><%= parseInt(judge.max_memory) || 0 %> K</td>
<td><a href="<%= syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['submission', judge.id]) %>"><%= syzoj.config.languages[judge.language].show %></a> / <%= syzoj.utils.formatSize(judge.code.length) %></td>
<% } else { %>
<td><%= syzoj.utils.formatSize(judge.max_memory) %></td>
<% } %>
<td><a href="<%= syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['user', judge.user_id]) %>"><%= judge.user.username %></a><% if (judge.user.nameplate) { %><%- judge.user.nameplate %><% } %></td>
<td><%= syzoj.utils.formatDate(judge.submit_time) %></td>
<% } %>
<% include page %>
<h1 style="text-align: center; ">
<div id="score-distribution-chart" style="height: 250px;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
new Morris.Bar({
element: 'score-distribution-chart',
data: <%- JSON.stringify(statistics.scoreDistribution) %>,
barColors: function(r, s, type) {
return getColorOfScore(r.label);
xkey: 'score',
ykeys: ['count'],
labels: ['number'],
hoverCallback: function(index, options, content, row) {
var scr = row.score;
return '<div class="morris-hover-row-label">分数:' + scr + '</div><div class="morris-hover-point">数量:' + row.count + '</div>';
resize: true
<h1 style="text-align: center; ">
<div id="score-distribution-chart-pre" style="height: 250px;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
for (let i in statistics.prefixSum) {
statistics.prefixSum[i].score *= 100;
new Morris.Line({
element: 'score-distribution-chart-pre',
data: <%- JSON.stringify(statistics.prefixSum) %>,
xkey: 'score',
ykeys: ['count'],
labels: ['number'],
lineColors: function(row, sidx, type) {
if (type == 'line') {
return '#0b62a4';
return getColorOfScore(row.src.score / 100);
xLabelFormat: function(x) {
return (x.getTime() / 100).toString();
hoverCallback: function(index, options, content, row) {
var scr = row.score / 100;
return '<div class="morris-hover-row-label">分数:≤ ' + scr + '</div><div class="morris-hover-point">数量:' + row.count + '</div>';
resize: true
<h1 style="text-align: center; ">
<div id="score-distribution-chart-suf" style="height: 250px;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
for (let i in statistics.suffixSum) {
statistics.suffixSum[i].score *= 100;
new Morris.Line({
element: 'score-distribution-chart-suf',
data: <%- JSON.stringify(statistics.suffixSum) %>,
xkey: 'score',
ykeys: ['count'],
labels: ['number'],
lineColors: function(row, sidx, type) {
if (type == 'line') {
return '#0b62a4';
return getColorOfScore(row.src.score / 100);
xLabelFormat: function(x) {
return (x.getTime() / 100).toString();
hoverCallback: function(index, options, content, row) {
var scr = row.score / 100;
return '<div class="morris-hover-row-label">分数:≥ ' + scr + '</div><div class="morris-hover-point">数量:' + row.count + '</div>';
resize: true
<% include footer %>