import * as TypeORM from "typeorm"; import Model from "./common"; import * as fs from "fs-extra"; declare var syzoj, ErrorMessage: any; @TypeORM.Entity() export default class File extends Model { @TypeORM.PrimaryGeneratedColumn() id: number; @TypeORM.Index() @TypeORM.Column({ nullable: true, type: "varchar", length: 80 }) type: string; @TypeORM.Index({ unique: true }) @TypeORM.Column({ nullable: true, type: "varchar", length: 80 }) md5: string; unzipSize?: number; getPath() { return File.resolvePath(this.type, this.md5); } static resolvePath(type, md5) { return syzoj.utils.resolvePath(syzoj.config.upload_dir, type, md5); } // data: Array of { filename: string, data: buffer or string } static async zipFiles(files) { let tmp = require('tmp-promise'); let dir = await tmp.dir(), path = require('path'), fs = require('fs-extra'); let filenames = await files.mapAsync(async file => { let fullPath = path.join(dir.path, file.filename); await fs.writeFileAsync(fullPath,; return fullPath; }); let p7zip = new (require('node-7z')), zipFile = await tmp.tmpName() + '.zip'; await p7zip.add(zipFile, filenames); await fs.removeAsync(dir.path); return zipFile; } static async upload(path, type, noLimit) { let buf = await fs.readFile(path); if (!noLimit && buf.length > syzoj.config.limit.data_size) throw new ErrorMessage('数据包太大。'); let key = syzoj.utils.md5(buf); await fs.move(path, File.resolvePath(type, key), { overwrite: true }); let file = await File.findOne({ where: { md5: key } }); if (!file) { file = await File.create({ type: type, md5: key }); await; } return file; } async getUnzipSize() { if (this.unzipSize === undefined) { try { let p7zip = new (require('node-7z')); this.unzipSize = 0; await p7zip.list(this.getPath()).progress(files => { for (let file of files) this.unzipSize += file.size; }); } catch (e) { this.unzipSize = null; } } if (this.unzipSize === null) throw new ErrorMessage('无效的 ZIP 文件。'); else return this.unzipSize; } }