let Contest = syzoj.model('contest'); let ContestRanklist = syzoj.model('contest_ranklist'); let ContestPlayer = syzoj.model('contest_player'); let Problem = syzoj.model('problem'); let JudgeState = syzoj.model('judge_state'); let User = syzoj.model('user'); const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken'); const { getSubmissionInfo, getRoughResult, processOverallResult } = require('../libs/submissions_process'); app.get('/contests', async (req, res) => { try { let where; if (res.locals.user && res.locals.user.is_admin) where = {} else where = { is_public: true }; let paginate = syzoj.utils.paginate(await Contest.count(where), req.query.page, syzoj.config.page.contest); let contests = await Contest.query(paginate, where, [['start_time', 'desc']]); await contests.forEachAsync(async x => x.subtitle = await syzoj.utils.markdown(x.subtitle)); res.render('contests', { contests: contests, paginate: paginate }) } catch (e) { syzoj.log(e); res.render('error', { err: e }); } }); app.get('/contest/:id/edit', async (req, res) => { try { if (!res.locals.user || !res.locals.user.is_admin) throw new ErrorMessage('您没有权限进行此操作。'); let contest_id = parseInt(req.params.id); let contest = await Contest.fromID(contest_id); if (!contest) { contest = await Contest.create(); contest.id = 0; } else { await contest.loadRelationships(); } let problems = [], admins = []; if (contest.problems) problems = await contest.problems.split('|').mapAsync(async id => await Problem.fromID(id)); if (contest.admins) admins = await contest.admins.split('|').mapAsync(async id => await User.fromID(id)); res.render('contest_edit', { contest: contest, problems: problems, admins: admins }); } catch (e) { syzoj.log(e); res.render('error', { err: e }); } }); app.post('/contest/:id/edit', async (req, res) => { try { if (!res.locals.user || !res.locals.user.is_admin) throw new ErrorMessage('您没有权限进行此操作。'); let contest_id = parseInt(req.params.id); let contest = await Contest.fromID(contest_id); let ranklist = null; if (!contest) { contest = await Contest.create(); contest.holder_id = res.locals.user.id; ranklist = await ContestRanklist.create(); // Only new contest can be set type if (!['noi', 'ioi', 'acm'].includes(req.body.type)) throw new ErrorMessage('无效的赛制。'); contest.type = req.body.type; } else { await contest.loadRelationships(); ranklist = contest.ranklist; } try { ranklist.ranking_params = JSON.parse(req.body.ranking_params); } catch (e) { ranklist.ranking_params = {}; } await ranklist.save(); contest.ranklist_id = ranklist.id; if (!req.body.title.trim()) throw new ErrorMessage('比赛名不能为空。'); contest.title = req.body.title; contest.subtitle = req.body.subtitle; if (!Array.isArray(req.body.problems)) req.body.problems = [req.body.problems]; if (!Array.isArray(req.body.admins)) req.body.admins = [req.body.admins]; contest.problems = req.body.problems.join('|'); contest.admins = req.body.admins.join('|'); contest.information = req.body.information; contest.start_time = syzoj.utils.parseDate(req.body.start_time); contest.end_time = syzoj.utils.parseDate(req.body.end_time); contest.is_public = req.body.is_public === 'on'; contest.hide_statistics = req.body.hide_statistics === 'on'; await contest.save(); res.redirect(syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['contest', contest.id])); } catch (e) { syzoj.log(e); res.render('error', { err: e }); } }); app.get('/contest/:id', async (req, res) => { try { const curUser = res.locals.user; let contest_id = parseInt(req.params.id); let contest = await Contest.fromID(contest_id); if (!contest) throw new ErrorMessage('无此比赛。'); if (!contest.is_public && (!res.locals.user || !res.locals.user.is_admin)) throw new ErrorMessage('比赛未公开,请耐心等待 (´∀ `)'); const isSupervisior = await contest.isSupervisior(curUser); contest.running = contest.isRunning(); contest.ended = contest.isEnded(); contest.subtitle = await syzoj.utils.markdown(contest.subtitle); contest.information = await syzoj.utils.markdown(contest.information); let problems_id = await contest.getProblems(); let problems = await problems_id.mapAsync(async id => await Problem.fromID(id)); let player = null; if (res.locals.user) { player = await ContestPlayer.findInContest({ contest_id: contest.id, user_id: res.locals.user.id }); } problems = problems.map(x => ({ problem: x, status: null, judge_id: null, statistics: null })); if (player) { for (let problem of problems) { if (contest.type === 'noi') { if (player.score_details[problem.problem.id]) { let judge_state = await JudgeState.fromID(player.score_details[problem.problem.id].judge_id); problem.status = judge_state.status; if (!contest.ended && !await problem.problem.isAllowedEditBy(res.locals.user) && !['Compile Error', 'Waiting', 'Compiling'].includes(problem.status)) { problem.status = 'Submitted'; } problem.judge_id = player.score_details[problem.problem.id].judge_id; } } else if (contest.type === 'ioi') { if (player.score_details[problem.problem.id]) { let judge_state = await JudgeState.fromID(player.score_details[problem.problem.id].judge_id); problem.status = judge_state.status; problem.judge_id = player.score_details[problem.problem.id].judge_id; await contest.loadRelationships(); let multiplier = contest.ranklist.ranking_params[problem.problem.id] || 1.0; problem.feedback = (judge_state.score * multiplier).toString() + ' / ' + (100 * multiplier).toString(); } } else if (contest.type === 'acm') { if (player.score_details[problem.problem.id]) { problem.status = { accepted: player.score_details[problem.problem.id].accepted, unacceptedCount: player.score_details[problem.problem.id].unacceptedCount }; problem.judge_id = player.score_details[problem.problem.id].judge_id; } else { problem.status = null; } } } } let hasStatistics = false; if ((!contest.hide_statistics) || (contest.ended) || (isSupervisior)) { hasStatistics = true; await contest.loadRelationships(); let players = await contest.ranklist.getPlayers(); for (let problem of problems) { problem.statistics = { attempt: 0, accepted: 0 }; if (contest.type === 'ioi' || contest.type === 'noi') { problem.statistics.partially = 0; } for (let player of players) { if (player.score_details[problem.problem.id]) { problem.statistics.attempt++; if ((contest.type === 'acm' && player.score_details[problem.problem.id].accepted) || ((contest.type === 'noi' || contest.type === 'ioi') && player.score_details[problem.problem.id].score === 100)) { problem.statistics.accepted++; } if ((contest.type === 'noi' || contest.type === 'ioi') && player.score_details[problem.problem.id].score > 0) { problem.statistics.partially++; } } } } } res.render('contest', { contest: contest, problems: problems, hasStatistics: hasStatistics, isSupervisior: isSupervisior }); } catch (e) { syzoj.log(e); res.render('error', { err: e }); } }); app.get('/contest/:id/ranklist', async (req, res) => { try { let contest_id = parseInt(req.params.id); let contest = await Contest.fromID(contest_id); const curUser = res.locals.user; if (!contest) throw new ErrorMessage('无此比赛。'); if (!contest.is_public && (!res.locals.user || !res.locals.user.is_admin)) throw new ErrorMessage('比赛未公开,请耐心等待 (´∀ `)'); if ([contest.allowedSeeingResult() && contest.allowedSeeingOthers(), contest.isEnded(), await contest.isSupervisior(curUser)].every(x => !x)) throw new ErrorMessage('您没有权限进行此操作。'); await contest.loadRelationships(); let players_id = []; for (let i = 1; i <= contest.ranklist.ranklist.player_num; i++) players_id.push(contest.ranklist.ranklist[i]); let ranklist = await players_id.mapAsync(async player_id => { let player = await ContestPlayer.fromID(player_id); if (contest.type === 'noi' || contest.type === 'ioi') { player.score = 0; } for (let i in player.score_details) { player.score_details[i].judge_state = await JudgeState.fromID(player.score_details[i].judge_id); /*** XXX: Clumsy duplication, see ContestRanklist::updatePlayer() ***/ if (contest.type === 'noi' || contest.type === 'ioi') { let multiplier = (contest.ranklist.ranking_params || {})[i] || 1.0; player.score_details[i].weighted_score = player.score_details[i].score == null ? null : Math.round(player.score_details[i].score * multiplier); player.score += player.score_details[i].weighted_score; } } let user = await User.fromID(player.user_id); return { user: user, player: player }; }); let problems_id = await contest.getProblems(); let problems = await problems_id.mapAsync(async id => await Problem.fromID(id)); res.render('contest_ranklist', { contest: contest, ranklist: ranklist, problems: problems }); } catch (e) { syzoj.log(e); res.render('error', { err: e }); } }); function getDisplayConfig(contest) { return { showScore: contest.allowedSeeingScore(), showUsage: false, showCode: false, showResult: contest.allowedSeeingResult(), showOthers: contest.allowedSeeingOthers(), showDetailResult: contest.allowedSeeingTestcase(), showTestdata: false, inContest: true, showRejudge: false }; } app.get('/contest/:id/submissions', async (req, res) => { try { let contest_id = parseInt(req.params.id); let contest = await Contest.fromID(contest_id); if (!contest.is_public && (!res.locals.user || !res.locals.user.is_admin)) throw new ErrorMessage('比赛未公开,请耐心等待 (´∀ `)'); if (contest.isEnded()) { res.redirect(syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['submissions'], { contest: contest_id })); return; } const displayConfig = getDisplayConfig(contest); let problems_id = await contest.getProblems(); const curUser = res.locals.user; let user = req.query.submitter && await User.fromName(req.query.submitter); let where = { submit_time: { $gte: contest.start_time, $lte: contest.end_time } }; if (displayConfig.showOthers) { if (user) { where.user_id = user.id; } } else { if (curUser == null || // Not logined (user && user.id !== curUser.id)) { // Not querying himself throw new ErrorMessage("您没有权限执行此操作"); } where.user_id = curUser.id; } if (displayConfig.showScore) { let minScore = parseInt(req.query.min_score); let maxScore = parseInt(req.query.max_score); if (!isNaN(minScore) || !isNaN(maxScore)) { if (isNaN(minScore)) minScore = 0; if (isNaN(maxScore)) maxScore = 100; if (!(minScore === 0 && maxScore === 100)) { where.score = { $and: { $gte: parseInt(minScore), $lte: parseInt(maxScore) } }; } } } if (req.query.language) { if (req.query.language === 'submit-answer') where.language = ''; else where.language = req.query.language; } if (displayConfig.showResult) { if (req.query.status) where.status = { $like: req.query.status + '%' }; } if (req.query.problem_id) where.problem_id = problems_id[parseInt(req.query.problem_id) - 1]; where.type = 1; where.type_info = contest_id; let isFiltered = !!(where.problem_id || where.user_id || where.score || where.language || where.status); let paginate = syzoj.utils.paginate(await JudgeState.count(where), req.query.page, syzoj.config.page.judge_state); let judge_state = await JudgeState.query(paginate, where, [['submit_time', 'desc']]); await judge_state.forEachAsync(async obj => { await obj.loadRelationships(); obj.problem_id = problems_id.indexOf(obj.problem_id) + 1; obj.problem.title = syzoj.utils.removeTitleTag(obj.problem.title); }); const pushType = displayConfig.showResult ? 'rough' : 'compile'; res.render('submissions', { contest: contest, items: judge_state.map(x => ({ info: getSubmissionInfo(x, displayConfig), token: (getRoughResult(x, displayConfig) == null && x.task_id != null) ? jwt.sign({ taskId: x.task_id, type: pushType, displayConfig: displayConfig }, syzoj.config.session_secret) : null, result: getRoughResult(x, displayConfig), running: false, })), paginate: paginate, form: req.query, displayConfig: displayConfig, pushType: pushType, isFiltered: isFiltered }); } catch (e) { syzoj.log(e); res.render('error', { err: e }); } }); app.get('/contest/submission/:id', async (req, res) => { try { const id = parseInt(req.params.id); const judge = await JudgeState.fromID(id); if (!judge) throw new ErrorMessage("提交记录 ID 不正确。"); const curUser = res.locals.user; if ((!curUser) || judge.user_id !== curUser.id) throw new ErrorMessage("您没有权限执行此操作。"); if (judge.type !== 1) { return res.redirect(syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['submission', id])); } const contest = await Contest.fromID(judge.type_info); contest.ended = contest.isEnded(); const displayConfig = getDisplayConfig(contest); displayConfig.showCode = true; await judge.loadRelationships(); const problems_id = await contest.getProblems(); judge.problem_id = problems_id.indexOf(judge.problem_id) + 1; judge.problem.title = syzoj.utils.removeTitleTag(judge.problem.title); if (judge.problem.type !== 'submit-answer') { judge.codeLength = judge.code.length; judge.code = await syzoj.utils.highlight(judge.code, syzoj.languages[judge.language].highlight); } res.render('submission', { info: getSubmissionInfo(judge, displayConfig), roughResult: getRoughResult(judge, displayConfig), code: (displayConfig.showCode && judge.problem.type !== 'submit-answer') ? judge.code.toString("utf8") : '', formattedCode: judge.formattedCode ? judge.formattedCode.toString("utf8") : null, preferFormattedCode: res.locals.user ? res.locals.user.prefer_formatted_code : false, detailResult: processOverallResult(judge.result, displayConfig), socketToken: (displayConfig.showDetailResult && judge.pending && judge.task_id != null) ? jwt.sign({ taskId: judge.task_id, displayConfig: displayConfig, type: 'detail' }, syzoj.config.session_secret) : null, displayConfig: displayConfig, contest: contest, }); } catch (e) { syzoj.log(e); res.render('error', { err: e }); } }); app.get('/contest/:id/problem/:pid', async (req, res) => { try { let contest_id = parseInt(req.params.id); let contest = await Contest.fromID(contest_id); if (!contest) throw new ErrorMessage('无此比赛。'); const curUser = res.locals.user; let problems_id = await contest.getProblems(); let pid = parseInt(req.params.pid); if (!pid || pid < 1 || pid > problems_id.length) throw new ErrorMessage('无此题目。'); let problem_id = problems_id[pid - 1]; let problem = await Problem.fromID(problem_id); await problem.loadRelationships(); contest.ended = contest.isEnded(); if (!await contest.isSupervisior(curUser) && !(contest.isRunning() || contest.isEnded())) { if (await problem.isAllowedUseBy(res.locals.user)) { return res.redirect(syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['problem', problem_id])); } throw new ErrorMessage('比赛尚未开始。'); } problem.specialJudge = await problem.hasSpecialJudge(); await syzoj.utils.markdown(problem, ['description', 'input_format', 'output_format', 'example', 'limit_and_hint']); let state = await problem.getJudgeState(res.locals.user, false); let testcases = await syzoj.utils.parseTestdata(problem.getTestdataPath(), problem.type === 'submit-answer'); await problem.loadRelationships(); res.render('problem', { pid: pid, contest: contest, problem: problem, state: state, lastLanguage: res.locals.user ? await res.locals.user.getLastSubmitLanguage() : null, testcases: testcases }); } catch (e) { syzoj.log(e); res.render('error', { err: e }); } }); app.get('/contest/:id/:pid/download/additional_file', async (req, res) => { try { let id = parseInt(req.params.id); let contest = await Contest.fromID(id); if (!contest) throw new ErrorMessage('无此比赛。'); let problems_id = await contest.getProblems(); let pid = parseInt(req.params.pid); if (!pid || pid < 1 || pid > problems_id.length) throw new ErrorMessage('无此题目。'); let problem_id = problems_id[pid - 1]; let problem = await Problem.fromID(problem_id); contest.ended = contest.isEnded(); if (!(contest.isRunning() || contest.isEnded())) { if (await problem.isAllowedUseBy(res.locals.user)) { return res.redirect(syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['problem', problem_id, 'download', 'additional_file'])); } throw new ErrorMessage('比赛尚未开始。'); } await problem.loadRelationships(); if (!problem.additional_file) throw new ErrorMessage('无附加文件。'); res.download(problem.additional_file.getPath(), `additional_file_${id}_${pid}.zip`); } catch (e) { syzoj.log(e); res.status(404); res.render('error', { err: e }); } });