let Sequelize = require('sequelize'); let db = syzoj.db; let User = syzoj.model('user'); let Problem = syzoj.model('problem'); let ContestRanklist = syzoj.model('contest_ranklist'); let ContestPlayer = syzoj.model('contest_player'); let model = db.define('contest', { id: { type: Sequelize.INTEGER, primaryKey: true, autoIncrement: true }, title: { type: Sequelize.STRING(80) }, subtitle: { type: Sequelize.TEXT }, start_time: { type: Sequelize.INTEGER }, end_time: { type: Sequelize.INTEGER }, holder_id: { type: Sequelize.INTEGER, references: { model: 'user', key: 'id' } }, // type: noi, ioi, acm type: { type: Sequelize.STRING(10) }, information: { type: Sequelize.TEXT }, problems: { type: Sequelize.TEXT }, admins: { type: Sequelize.TEXT }, ranklist_id: { type: Sequelize.INTEGER, references: { model: 'contest_ranklist', key: 'id' } }, is_public: { type: Sequelize.BOOLEAN }, hide_statistics: { type: Sequelize.BOOLEAN } }, { timestamps: false, tableName: 'contest', indexes: [ { fields: ['holder_id'], }, { fields: ['ranklist_id'], } ] }); let Model = require('./common'); class Contest extends Model { static async create(val) { return Contest.fromRecord(Contest.model.build(Object.assign({ title: '', subtitle: '', problems: '', admins: '', information: '', type: 'noi', start_time: 0, end_time: 0, holder: 0, ranklist_id: 0, is_public: false, hide_statistics: false }, val))); } async loadRelationships() { this.holder = await User.fromID(this.holder_id); this.ranklist = await ContestRanklist.fromID(this.ranklist_id); } async isSupervisior(user) { return user && (user.is_admin || this.holder_id === user.id || this.admins.split('|').includes(user.id.toString())); } allowedSeeingOthers() { if (this.type === 'acm') return true; else return false; } allowedSeeingScore() { // If not, then the user can only see status if (this.type === 'ioi') return true; else return false; } allowedSeeingResult() { // If not, then the user can only see compile progress if (this.type === 'ioi' || this.type === 'acm') return true; else return false; } allowedSeeingTestcase() { if (this.type === 'ioi') return true; return false; } async getProblems() { if (!this.problems) return []; return this.problems.split('|').map(x => parseInt(x)); } async setProblemsNoCheck(problemIDs) { this.problems = problemIDs.join('|'); } async setProblems(s) { let a = []; await s.split('|').forEachAsync(async x => { let problem = await Problem.fromID(x); if (!problem) return; a.push(x); }); this.problems = a.join('|'); } async newSubmission(judge_state) { if (!(judge_state.submit_time >= this.start_time && judge_state.submit_time <= this.end_time)) { return; } let problems = await this.getProblems(); if (!problems.includes(judge_state.problem_id)) throw new ErrorMessage('当前比赛中无此题目。'); await syzoj.utils.lock(['Contest::newSubmission', judge_state.user_id], async () => { let player = await ContestPlayer.findInContest({ contest_id: this.id, user_id: judge_state.user_id }); if (!player) { player = await ContestPlayer.create({ contest_id: this.id, user_id: judge_state.user_id }); } await player.updateScore(judge_state); await player.save(); await this.loadRelationships(); await this.ranklist.updatePlayer(this, player); await this.ranklist.save(); }); } isRunning(now) { if (!now) now = syzoj.utils.getCurrentDate(); return now >= this.start_time && now < this.end_time; } isEnded(now) { if (!now) now = syzoj.utils.getCurrentDate(); return now >= this.end_time; } getModel() { return model; } } Contest.model = model; module.exports = Contest;