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Add '`' to SQLs in README

Menci 6 years ago
  1. 12
  2. 12


@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ ALTER TABLE `syzoj`.`judge_state` ADD INDEX `judge_state_is_public` (`id`, `is_p
Who upgrade from a commit BEFORE [26d66ceef24fbb35481317453bcb89ead6c69076]( (Nov 5, 2018) **MUST** perform the following SQL on the database.
ALTER TABLE contest_player CHANGE score_details score_details JSON NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE contest_ranklist CHANGE ranking_params ranking_params JSON NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE contest_ranklist CHANGE ranklist ranklist JSON NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE custom_test CHANGE result result JSON NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE judge_state CHANGE compilation compilation JSON NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE judge_state CHANGE result result JSON NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `contest_player` CHANGE `score_details` `score_details` JSON NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `contest_ranklist` CHANGE `ranking_params` `ranking_params` JSON NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `contest_ranklist` CHANGE `ranklist` `ranklist` JSON NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `custom_test` CHANGE `result` `result` JSON NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `judge_state` CHANGE `compilation` `compilation` JSON NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `judge_state` CHANGE `result` `result` JSON NOT NULL;
Who upgraded from a commit BEFORE [84b9e2d7b51e4ed3ab426621b66cf5ae9e1e1c23]( (Nov 6, 2018) **MUST** perform the following SQL on the database.


@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ ALTER TABLE `syzoj`.`judge_state` ADD INDEX `judge_state_is_public` (`id`, `is_p
从该 commit [26d66ceef24fbb35481317453bcb89ead6c69076]( 年 11 月 5 日)前更新的用户**必须**在其数据库上执行以下 SQL 语句。
ALTER TABLE contest_player CHANGE score_details score_details JSON NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE contest_ranklist CHANGE ranking_params ranking_params JSON NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE contest_ranklist CHANGE ranklist ranklist JSON NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE custom_test CHANGE result result JSON NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE judge_state CHANGE compilation compilation JSON NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE judge_state CHANGE result result JSON NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `contest_player` CHANGE `score_details` `score_details` JSON NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `contest_ranklist` CHANGE `ranking_params` `ranking_params` JSON NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `contest_ranklist` CHANGE `ranklist` `ranklist` JSON NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `custom_test` CHANGE `result` `result` JSON NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `judge_state` CHANGE `compilation` `compilation` JSON NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `judge_state` CHANGE `result` `result` JSON NOT NULL;
从该 commit [84b9e2d7b51e4ed3ab426621b66cf5ae9e1e1c23]( 年 11 月 6 日)前更新的用户**必须**在其数据库上执行以下 SQL 语句。
