You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1417 lines
103 KiB

!function(e){if("object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module)module.exports=e();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define([],e);else{var f;"undefined"!=typeof window?f=window:"undefined"!=typeof global?f=global:"undefined"!=typeof self&&(f=self),f.jsondiffpatch=e()}}(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
var environment = require('./environment');
var DiffPatcher = require('./diffpatcher').DiffPatcher;
exports.DiffPatcher = DiffPatcher;
exports.create = function(options){
return new DiffPatcher(options);
exports.dateReviver = require('./date-reviver');
var defaultInstance;
exports.diff = function() {
if (!defaultInstance) {
defaultInstance = new DiffPatcher();
return defaultInstance.diff.apply(defaultInstance, arguments);
exports.patch = function() {
if (!defaultInstance) {
defaultInstance = new DiffPatcher();
return defaultInstance.patch.apply(defaultInstance, arguments);
exports.unpatch = function() {
if (!defaultInstance) {
defaultInstance = new DiffPatcher();
return defaultInstance.unpatch.apply(defaultInstance, arguments);
exports.reverse = function() {
if (!defaultInstance) {
defaultInstance = new DiffPatcher();
return defaultInstance.reverse.apply(defaultInstance, arguments);
exports.clone = function() {
if (!defaultInstance) {
defaultInstance = new DiffPatcher();
return defaultInstance.clone.apply(defaultInstance, arguments);
if (environment.isBrowser) {
exports.homepage = 'https://github.com/benjamine/jsondiffpatch';
exports.version = '0.2.4';
} else {
var packageInfoModuleName = '../package.json';
var packageInfo = require(packageInfoModuleName);
exports.homepage = packageInfo.homepage;
exports.version = packageInfo.version;
var formatterModuleName = './formatters';
var formatters = require(formatterModuleName);
exports.formatters = formatters;
// shortcut for console
exports.console = formatters.console;
var isArray = (typeof Array.isArray === 'function') ?
// use native function
Array.isArray :
// use instanceof operator
function(a) {
return a instanceof Array;
function cloneRegExp(re) {
var regexMatch = /^\/(.*)\/([gimyu]*)$/.exec(re.toString());
return new RegExp(regexMatch[1], regexMatch[2]);
function clone(arg) {
if (typeof arg !== 'object') {
return arg;
if (arg === null) {
return null;
if (isArray(arg)) {
return arg.map(clone);
if (arg instanceof Date) {
return new Date(arg.getTime());
if (arg instanceof RegExp) {
return cloneRegExp(arg);
var cloned = {};
for (var name in arg) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(arg, name)) {
cloned[name] = clone(arg[name]);
return cloned;
module.exports = clone;
var Pipe = require('../pipe').Pipe;
var Context = function Context(){
Context.prototype.setResult = function(result) {
this.result = result;
this.hasResult = true;
return this;
Context.prototype.exit = function() {
this.exiting = true;
return this;
Context.prototype.switchTo = function(next, pipe) {
if (typeof next === 'string' || next instanceof Pipe) {
this.nextPipe = next;
} else {
this.next = next;
if (pipe) {
this.nextPipe = pipe;
return this;
Context.prototype.push = function(child, name) {
child.parent = this;
if (typeof name !== 'undefined') {
child.childName = name;
child.root = this.root || this;
child.options = child.options || this.options;
if (!this.children) {
this.children = [child];
this.nextAfterChildren = this.next || null;
this.next = child;
} else {
this.children[this.children.length - 1].next = child;
child.next = this;
return this;
exports.Context = Context;
var Context = require('./context').Context;
var defaultClone = require('../clone');
var DiffContext = function DiffContext(left, right) {
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
this.pipe = 'diff';
DiffContext.prototype = new Context();
DiffContext.prototype.setResult = function(result) {
if (this.options.cloneDiffValues && typeof result === 'object') {
var clone = typeof this.options.cloneDiffValues === 'function' ?
this.options.cloneDiffValues : defaultClone;
if (typeof result[0] === 'object') {
result[0] = clone(result[0]);
if (typeof result[1] === 'object') {
result[1] = clone(result[1]);
return Context.prototype.setResult.apply(this, arguments);
exports.DiffContext = DiffContext;
var Context = require('./context').Context;
var PatchContext = function PatchContext(left, delta) {
this.left = left;
this.delta = delta;
this.pipe = 'patch';
PatchContext.prototype = new Context();
exports.PatchContext = PatchContext;
var Context = require('./context').Context;
var ReverseContext = function ReverseContext(delta) {
this.delta = delta;
this.pipe = 'reverse';
ReverseContext.prototype = new Context();
exports.ReverseContext = ReverseContext;
// use as 2nd parameter for JSON.parse to revive Date instances
module.exports = function dateReviver(key, value) {
var parts;
if (typeof value === 'string') {
parts = /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?:\.(\d*))?(Z|([+\-])(\d{2}):(\d{2}))$/.exec(value);
if (parts) {
return new Date(Date.UTC(+parts[1], +parts[2] - 1, +parts[3], +parts[4], +parts[5], +parts[6], +(parts[7] || 0)));
return value;
var Processor = require('./processor').Processor;
var Pipe = require('./pipe').Pipe;
var DiffContext = require('./contexts/diff').DiffContext;
var PatchContext = require('./contexts/patch').PatchContext;
var ReverseContext = require('./contexts/reverse').ReverseContext;
var clone = require('./clone');
var trivial = require('./filters/trivial');
var nested = require('./filters/nested');
var arrays = require('./filters/arrays');
var dates = require('./filters/dates');
var texts = require('./filters/texts');
var DiffPatcher = function DiffPatcher(options) {
this.processor = new Processor(options);
this.processor.pipe(new Pipe('diff').append(
this.processor.pipe(new Pipe('patch').append(
this.processor.pipe(new Pipe('reverse').append(
DiffPatcher.prototype.options = function() {
return this.processor.options.apply(this.processor, arguments);
DiffPatcher.prototype.diff = function(left, right) {
return this.processor.process(new DiffContext(left, right));
DiffPatcher.prototype.patch = function(left, delta) {
return this.processor.process(new PatchContext(left, delta));
DiffPatcher.prototype.reverse = function(delta) {
return this.processor.process(new ReverseContext(delta));
DiffPatcher.prototype.unpatch = function(right, delta) {
return this.patch(right, this.reverse(delta));
DiffPatcher.prototype.clone = function(value) {
return clone(value);
exports.DiffPatcher = DiffPatcher;
exports.isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined';
var DiffContext = require('../contexts/diff').DiffContext;
var PatchContext = require('../contexts/patch').PatchContext;
var ReverseContext = require('../contexts/reverse').ReverseContext;
var lcs = require('./lcs');
var ARRAY_MOVE = 3;
var isArray = (typeof Array.isArray === 'function') ?
// use native function
Array.isArray :
// use instanceof operator
function(a) {
return a instanceof Array;
var arrayIndexOf = typeof Array.prototype.indexOf === 'function' ?
function(array, item) {
return array.indexOf(item);
} : function(array, item) {
var length = array.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (array[i] === item) {
return i;
return -1;
function arraysHaveMatchByRef(array1, array2, len1, len2) {
for (var index1 = 0; index1 < len1; index1++) {
var val1 = array1[index1];
for (var index2 = 0; index2 < len2; index2++) {
var val2 = array2[index2];
if (index1 !== index2 && val1 === val2) {
return true;
function matchItems(array1, array2, index1, index2, context) {
var value1 = array1[index1];
var value2 = array2[index2];
if (value1 === value2) {
return true;
if (typeof value1 !== 'object' || typeof value2 !== 'object') {
return false;
var objectHash = context.objectHash;
if (!objectHash) {
// no way to match objects was provided, try match by position
return context.matchByPosition && index1 === index2;
var hash1;
var hash2;
if (typeof index1 === 'number') {
context.hashCache1 = context.hashCache1 || [];
hash1 = context.hashCache1[index1];
if (typeof hash1 === 'undefined') {
context.hashCache1[index1] = hash1 = objectHash(value1, index1);
} else {
hash1 = objectHash(value1);
if (typeof hash1 === 'undefined') {
return false;
if (typeof index2 === 'number') {
context.hashCache2 = context.hashCache2 || [];
hash2 = context.hashCache2[index2];
if (typeof hash2 === 'undefined') {
context.hashCache2[index2] = hash2 = objectHash(value2, index2);
} else {
hash2 = objectHash(value2);
if (typeof hash2 === 'undefined') {
return false;
return hash1 === hash2;
var diffFilter = function arraysDiffFilter(context) {
if (!context.leftIsArray) {
var matchContext = {
objectHash: context.options && context.options.objectHash,
matchByPosition: context.options && context.options.matchByPosition
var commonHead = 0;
var commonTail = 0;
var index;
var index1;
var index2;
var array1 = context.left;
var array2 = context.right;
var len1 = array1.length;
var len2 = array2.length;
var child;
if (len1 > 0 && len2 > 0 && !matchContext.objectHash &&
typeof matchContext.matchByPosition !== 'boolean') {
matchContext.matchByPosition = !arraysHaveMatchByRef(array1, array2, len1, len2);
// separate common head
while (commonHead < len1 && commonHead < len2 &&
matchItems(array1, array2, commonHead, commonHead, matchContext)) {
index = commonHead;
child = new DiffContext(context.left[index], context.right[index]);
context.push(child, index);
// separate common tail
while (commonTail + commonHead < len1 && commonTail + commonHead < len2 &&
matchItems(array1, array2, len1 - 1 - commonTail, len2 - 1 - commonTail, matchContext)) {
index1 = len1 - 1 - commonTail;
index2 = len2 - 1 - commonTail;
child = new DiffContext(context.left[index1], context.right[index2]);
context.push(child, index2);
var result;
if (commonHead + commonTail === len1) {
if (len1 === len2) {
// arrays are identical
// trivial case, a block (1 or more consecutive items) was added
result = result || {
_t: 'a'
for (index = commonHead; index < len2 - commonTail; index++) {
result[index] = [array2[index]];
if (commonHead + commonTail === len2) {
// trivial case, a block (1 or more consecutive items) was removed
result = result || {
_t: 'a'
for (index = commonHead; index < len1 - commonTail; index++) {
result['_' + index] = [array1[index], 0, 0];
// reset hash cache
delete matchContext.hashCache1;
delete matchContext.hashCache2;
// diff is not trivial, find the LCS (Longest Common Subsequence)
var trimmed1 = array1.slice(commonHead, len1 - commonTail);
var trimmed2 = array2.slice(commonHead, len2 - commonTail);
var seq = lcs.get(
trimmed1, trimmed2,
var removedItems = [];
result = result || {
_t: 'a'
for (index = commonHead; index < len1 - commonTail; index++) {
if (arrayIndexOf(seq.indices1, index - commonHead) < 0) {
// removed
result['_' + index] = [array1[index], 0, 0];
var detectMove = true;
if (context.options && context.options.arrays && context.options.arrays.detectMove === false) {
detectMove = false;
var includeValueOnMove = false;
if (context.options && context.options.arrays && context.options.arrays.includeValueOnMove) {
includeValueOnMove = true;
var removedItemsLength = removedItems.length;
for (index = commonHead; index < len2 - commonTail; index++) {
var indexOnArray2 = arrayIndexOf(seq.indices2, index - commonHead);
if (indexOnArray2 < 0) {
// added, try to match with a removed item and register as position move
var isMove = false;
if (detectMove && removedItemsLength > 0) {
for (var removeItemIndex1 = 0; removeItemIndex1 < removedItemsLength; removeItemIndex1++) {
index1 = removedItems[removeItemIndex1];
if (matchItems(trimmed1, trimmed2, index1 - commonHead,
index - commonHead, matchContext)) {
// store position move as: [originalValue, newPosition, ARRAY_MOVE]
result['_' + index1].splice(1, 2, index, ARRAY_MOVE);
if (!includeValueOnMove) {
// don't include moved value on diff, to save bytes
result['_' + index1][0] = '';
index2 = index;
child = new DiffContext(context.left[index1], context.right[index2]);
context.push(child, index2);
removedItems.splice(removeItemIndex1, 1);
isMove = true;
if (!isMove) {
// added
result[index] = [array2[index]];
} else {
// match, do inner diff
index1 = seq.indices1[indexOnArray2] + commonHead;
index2 = seq.indices2[indexOnArray2] + commonHead;
child = new DiffContext(context.left[index1], context.right[index2]);
context.push(child, index2);
diffFilter.filterName = 'arrays';
var compare = {
numerically: function(a, b) {
return a - b;
numericallyBy: function(name) {
return function(a, b) {
return a[name] - b[name];
var patchFilter = function nestedPatchFilter(context) {
if (!context.nested) {
if (context.delta._t !== 'a') {
var index, index1;
var delta = context.delta;
var array = context.left;
// first, separate removals, insertions and modifications
var toRemove = [];
var toInsert = [];
var toModify = [];
for (index in delta) {
if (index !== '_t') {
if (index[0] === '_') {
// removed item from original array
if (delta[index][2] === 0 || delta[index][2] === ARRAY_MOVE) {
toRemove.push(parseInt(index.slice(1), 10));
} else {
throw new Error('only removal or move can be applied at original array indices' +
', invalid diff type: ' + delta[index][2]);
} else {
if (delta[index].length === 1) {
// added item at new array
index: parseInt(index, 10),
value: delta[index][0]
} else {
// modified item at new array
index: parseInt(index, 10),
delta: delta[index]
// remove items, in reverse order to avoid sawing our own floor
toRemove = toRemove.sort(compare.numerically);
for (index = toRemove.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
index1 = toRemove[index];
var indexDiff = delta['_' + index1];
var removedValue = array.splice(index1, 1)[0];
if (indexDiff[2] === ARRAY_MOVE) {
// reinsert later
index: indexDiff[1],
value: removedValue
// insert items, in reverse order to avoid moving our own floor
toInsert = toInsert.sort(compare.numericallyBy('index'));
var toInsertLength = toInsert.length;
for (index = 0; index < toInsertLength; index++) {
var insertion = toInsert[index];
array.splice(insertion.index, 0, insertion.value);
// apply modifications
var toModifyLength = toModify.length;
var child;
if (toModifyLength > 0) {
for (index = 0; index < toModifyLength; index++) {
var modification = toModify[index];
child = new PatchContext(context.left[modification.index], modification.delta);
context.push(child, modification.index);
if (!context.children) {
patchFilter.filterName = 'arrays';
var collectChildrenPatchFilter = function collectChildrenPatchFilter(context) {
if (!context || !context.children) {
if (context.delta._t !== 'a') {
var length = context.children.length;
var child;
for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) {
child = context.children[index];
context.left[child.childName] = child.result;
collectChildrenPatchFilter.filterName = 'arraysCollectChildren';
var reverseFilter = function arraysReverseFilter(context) {
if (!context.nested) {
if (context.delta[2] === ARRAY_MOVE) {
context.newName = '_' + context.delta[1];
context.setResult([context.delta[0], parseInt(context.childName.substr(1), 10), ARRAY_MOVE]).exit();
if (context.delta._t !== 'a') {
var name, child;
for (name in context.delta) {
if (name === '_t') {
child = new ReverseContext(context.delta[name]);
context.push(child, name);
reverseFilter.filterName = 'arrays';
var reverseArrayDeltaIndex = function(delta, index, itemDelta) {
if (typeof index === 'string' && index[0] === '_') {
return parseInt(index.substr(1), 10);
} else if (isArray(itemDelta) && itemDelta[2] === 0) {
return '_' + index;
var reverseIndex = +index;
for (var deltaIndex in delta) {
var deltaItem = delta[deltaIndex];
if (isArray(deltaItem)) {
if (deltaItem[2] === ARRAY_MOVE) {
var moveFromIndex = parseInt(deltaIndex.substr(1), 10);
var moveToIndex = deltaItem[1];
if (moveToIndex === +index) {
return moveFromIndex;
if (moveFromIndex <= reverseIndex && moveToIndex > reverseIndex) {
} else if (moveFromIndex >= reverseIndex && moveToIndex < reverseIndex) {
} else if (deltaItem[2] === 0) {
var deleteIndex = parseInt(deltaIndex.substr(1), 10);
if (deleteIndex <= reverseIndex) {
} else if (deltaItem.length === 1 && deltaIndex <= reverseIndex) {
return reverseIndex;
var collectChildrenReverseFilter = function collectChildrenReverseFilter(context) {
if (!context || !context.children) {
if (context.delta._t !== 'a') {
var length = context.children.length;
var child;
var delta = {
_t: 'a'
for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) {
child = context.children[index];
var name = child.newName;
if (typeof name === 'undefined') {
name = reverseArrayDeltaIndex(context.delta, child.childName, child.result);
if (delta[name] !== child.result) {
delta[name] = child.result;
collectChildrenReverseFilter.filterName = 'arraysCollectChildren';
exports.diffFilter = diffFilter;
exports.patchFilter = patchFilter;
exports.collectChildrenPatchFilter = collectChildrenPatchFilter;
exports.reverseFilter = reverseFilter;
exports.collectChildrenReverseFilter = collectChildrenReverseFilter;
var diffFilter = function datesDiffFilter(context) {
if (context.left instanceof Date) {
if (context.right instanceof Date) {
if (context.left.getTime() !== context.right.getTime()) {
context.setResult([context.left, context.right]);
} else {
} else {
context.setResult([context.left, context.right]);
} else if (context.right instanceof Date) {
context.setResult([context.left, context.right]).exit();
diffFilter.filterName = 'dates';
exports.diffFilter = diffFilter;
LCS implementation that supports arrays or strings
reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_common_subsequence_problem
var defaultMatch = function(array1, array2, index1, index2) {
return array1[index1] === array2[index2];
var lengthMatrix = function(array1, array2, match, context) {
var len1 = array1.length;
var len2 = array2.length;
var x, y;
// initialize empty matrix of len1+1 x len2+1
var matrix = [len1 + 1];
for (x = 0; x < len1 + 1; x++) {
matrix[x] = [len2 + 1];
for (y = 0; y < len2 + 1; y++) {
matrix[x][y] = 0;
matrix.match = match;
// save sequence lengths for each coordinate
for (x = 1; x < len1 + 1; x++) {
for (y = 1; y < len2 + 1; y++) {
if (match(array1, array2, x - 1, y - 1, context)) {
matrix[x][y] = matrix[x - 1][y - 1] + 1;
} else {
matrix[x][y] = Math.max(matrix[x - 1][y], matrix[x][y - 1]);
return matrix;
var backtrack = function(matrix, array1, array2, index1, index2, context) {
if (index1 === 0 || index2 === 0) {
return {
sequence: [],
indices1: [],
indices2: []
if (matrix.match(array1, array2, index1 - 1, index2 - 1, context)) {
var subsequence = backtrack(matrix, array1, array2, index1 - 1, index2 - 1, context);
subsequence.sequence.push(array1[index1 - 1]);
subsequence.indices1.push(index1 - 1);
subsequence.indices2.push(index2 - 1);
return subsequence;
if (matrix[index1][index2 - 1] > matrix[index1 - 1][index2]) {
return backtrack(matrix, array1, array2, index1, index2 - 1, context);
} else {
return backtrack(matrix, array1, array2, index1 - 1, index2, context);
var get = function(array1, array2, match, context) {
context = context || {};
var matrix = lengthMatrix(array1, array2, match || defaultMatch, context);
var result = backtrack(matrix, array1, array2, array1.length, array2.length, context);
if (typeof array1 === 'string' && typeof array2 === 'string') {
result.sequence = result.sequence.join('');
return result;
exports.get = get;
var DiffContext = require('../contexts/diff').DiffContext;
var PatchContext = require('../contexts/patch').PatchContext;
var ReverseContext = require('../contexts/reverse').ReverseContext;
var collectChildrenDiffFilter = function collectChildrenDiffFilter(context) {
if (!context || !context.children) {
var length = context.children.length;
var child;
var result = context.result;
for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) {
child = context.children[index];
if (typeof child.result === 'undefined') {
result = result || {};
result[child.childName] = child.result;
if (result && context.leftIsArray) {
result._t = 'a';
collectChildrenDiffFilter.filterName = 'collectChildren';
var objectsDiffFilter = function objectsDiffFilter(context) {
if (context.leftIsArray || context.leftType !== 'object') {
var name, child, propertyFilter = context.options.propertyFilter;
for (name in context.left) {
if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(context.left, name)) {
if (propertyFilter && !propertyFilter(name, context)) {
child = new DiffContext(context.left[name], context.right[name]);
context.push(child, name);
for (name in context.right) {
if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(context.right, name)) {
if (propertyFilter && !propertyFilter(name, context)) {
if (typeof context.left[name] === 'undefined') {
child = new DiffContext(undefined, context.right[name]);
context.push(child, name);
if (!context.children || context.children.length === 0) {
objectsDiffFilter.filterName = 'objects';
var patchFilter = function nestedPatchFilter(context) {
if (!context.nested) {
if (context.delta._t) {
var name, child;
for (name in context.delta) {
child = new PatchContext(context.left[name], context.delta[name]);
context.push(child, name);
patchFilter.filterName = 'objects';
var collectChildrenPatchFilter = function collectChildrenPatchFilter(context) {
if (!context || !context.children) {
if (context.delta._t) {
var length = context.children.length;
var child;
for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) {
child = context.children[index];
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(context.left, child.childName) && child.result === undefined) {
delete context.left[child.childName];
} else if (context.left[child.childName] !== child.result) {
context.left[child.childName] = child.result;
collectChildrenPatchFilter.filterName = 'collectChildren';
var reverseFilter = function nestedReverseFilter(context) {
if (!context.nested) {
if (context.delta._t) {
var name, child;
for (name in context.delta) {
child = new ReverseContext(context.delta[name]);
context.push(child, name);
reverseFilter.filterName = 'objects';
var collectChildrenReverseFilter = function collectChildrenReverseFilter(context) {
if (!context || !context.children) {
if (context.delta._t) {
var length = context.children.length;
var child;
var delta = {};
for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) {
child = context.children[index];
if (delta[child.childName] !== child.result) {
delta[child.childName] = child.result;
collectChildrenReverseFilter.filterName = 'collectChildren';
exports.collectChildrenDiffFilter = collectChildrenDiffFilter;
exports.objectsDiffFilter = objectsDiffFilter;
exports.patchFilter = patchFilter;
exports.collectChildrenPatchFilter = collectChildrenPatchFilter;
exports.reverseFilter = reverseFilter;
exports.collectChildrenReverseFilter = collectChildrenReverseFilter;
/* global diff_match_patch */
var TEXT_DIFF = 2;
var cachedDiffPatch = null;
var getDiffMatchPatch = function(required) {
/*jshint camelcase: false */
if (!cachedDiffPatch) {
var instance;
if (typeof diff_match_patch !== 'undefined') {
// already loaded, probably a browser
instance = typeof diff_match_patch === 'function' ?
new diff_match_patch() : new diff_match_patch.diff_match_patch();
} else if (typeof require === 'function') {
try {
var dmpModuleName = 'diff_match_patch_uncompressed';
var dmp = require('../../public/external/' + dmpModuleName);
instance = new dmp.diff_match_patch();
} catch (err) {
instance = null;
if (!instance) {
if (!required) {
return null;
var error = new Error('text diff_match_patch library not found');
error.diff_match_patch_not_found = true;
throw error;
cachedDiffPatch = {
diff: function(txt1, txt2) {
return instance.patch_toText(instance.patch_make(txt1, txt2));
patch: function(txt1, patch) {
var results = instance.patch_apply(instance.patch_fromText(patch), txt1);
for (var i = 0; i < results[1].length; i++) {
if (!results[1][i]) {
var error = new Error('text patch failed');
error.textPatchFailed = true;
return results[0];
return cachedDiffPatch;
var diffFilter = function textsDiffFilter(context) {
if (context.leftType !== 'string') {
var minLength = (context.options && context.options.textDiff &&
context.options.textDiff.minLength) || DEFAULT_MIN_LENGTH;
if (context.left.length < minLength ||
context.right.length < minLength) {
context.setResult([context.left, context.right]).exit();
// large text, try to use a text-diff algorithm
var diffMatchPatch = getDiffMatchPatch();
if (!diffMatchPatch) {
// diff-match-patch library not available, fallback to regular string replace
context.setResult([context.left, context.right]).exit();
var diff = diffMatchPatch.diff;
context.setResult([diff(context.left, context.right), 0, TEXT_DIFF]).exit();
diffFilter.filterName = 'texts';
var patchFilter = function textsPatchFilter(context) {
if (context.nested) {
if (context.delta[2] !== TEXT_DIFF) {
// text-diff, use a text-patch algorithm
var patch = getDiffMatchPatch(true).patch;
context.setResult(patch(context.left, context.delta[0])).exit();
patchFilter.filterName = 'texts';
var textDeltaReverse = function(delta) {
var i, l, lines, line, lineTmp, header = null,
headerRegex = /^@@ +\-(\d+),(\d+) +\+(\d+),(\d+) +@@$/,
lineHeader, lineAdd, lineRemove;
lines = delta.split('\n');
for (i = 0, l = lines.length; i < l; i++) {
line = lines[i];
var lineStart = line.slice(0, 1);
if (lineStart === '@') {
header = headerRegex.exec(line);
lineHeader = i;
lineAdd = null;
lineRemove = null;
// fix header
lines[lineHeader] = '@@ -' + header[3] + ',' + header[4] + ' +' + header[1] + ',' + header[2] + ' @@';
} else if (lineStart === '+') {
lineAdd = i;
lines[i] = '-' + lines[i].slice(1);
if (lines[i - 1].slice(0, 1) === '+') {
// swap lines to keep default order (-+)
lineTmp = lines[i];
lines[i] = lines[i - 1];
lines[i - 1] = lineTmp;
} else if (lineStart === '-') {
lineRemove = i;
lines[i] = '+' + lines[i].slice(1);
return lines.join('\n');
var reverseFilter = function textsReverseFilter(context) {
if (context.nested) {
if (context.delta[2] !== TEXT_DIFF) {
// text-diff, use a text-diff algorithm
context.setResult([textDeltaReverse(context.delta[0]), 0, TEXT_DIFF]).exit();
reverseFilter.filterName = 'texts';
exports.diffFilter = diffFilter;
exports.patchFilter = patchFilter;
exports.reverseFilter = reverseFilter;
var isArray = (typeof Array.isArray === 'function') ?
// use native function
Array.isArray :
// use instanceof operator
function(a) {
return a instanceof Array;
var diffFilter = function trivialMatchesDiffFilter(context) {
if (context.left === context.right) {
if (typeof context.left === 'undefined') {
if (typeof context.right === 'function') {
throw new Error('functions are not supported');
if (typeof context.right === 'undefined') {
context.setResult([context.left, 0, 0]).exit();
if (typeof context.left === 'function' || typeof context.right === 'function') {
throw new Error('functions are not supported');
context.leftType = context.left === null ? 'null' : typeof context.left;
context.rightType = context.right === null ? 'null' : typeof context.right;
if (context.leftType !== context.rightType) {
context.setResult([context.left, context.right]).exit();
if (context.leftType === 'boolean' || context.leftType === 'number') {
context.setResult([context.left, context.right]).exit();
if (context.leftType === 'object') {
context.leftIsArray = isArray(context.left);
if (context.rightType === 'object') {
context.rightIsArray = isArray(context.right);
if (context.leftIsArray !== context.rightIsArray) {
context.setResult([context.left, context.right]).exit();
if (context.left instanceof RegExp) {
if (context.right instanceof RegExp) {
context.setResult([context.left.toString(), context.right.toString()]).exit();
} else {
context.setResult([context.left, context.right]).exit();
diffFilter.filterName = 'trivial';
var patchFilter = function trivialMatchesPatchFilter(context) {
if (typeof context.delta === 'undefined') {
context.nested = !isArray(context.delta);
if (context.nested) {
if (context.delta.length === 1) {
if (context.delta.length === 2) {
if (context.left instanceof RegExp) {
var regexArgs = /^\/(.*)\/([gimyu]+)$/.exec(context.delta[1]);
if (regexArgs) {
context.setResult(new RegExp(regexArgs[1], regexArgs[2])).exit();
if (context.delta.length === 3 && context.delta[2] === 0) {
patchFilter.filterName = 'trivial';
var reverseFilter = function trivialReferseFilter(context) {
if (typeof context.delta === 'undefined') {
context.nested = !isArray(context.delta);
if (context.nested) {
if (context.delta.length === 1) {
context.setResult([context.delta[0], 0, 0]).exit();
if (context.delta.length === 2) {
context.setResult([context.delta[1], context.delta[0]]).exit();
if (context.delta.length === 3 && context.delta[2] === 0) {
reverseFilter.filterName = 'trivial';
exports.diffFilter = diffFilter;
exports.patchFilter = patchFilter;
exports.reverseFilter = reverseFilter;
var Pipe = function Pipe(name) {
this.name = name;
this.filters = [];
Pipe.prototype.process = function(input) {
if (!this.processor) {
throw new Error('add this pipe to a processor before using it');
var debug = this.debug;
var length = this.filters.length;
var context = input;
for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) {
var filter = this.filters[index];
if (debug) {
this.log('filter: ' + filter.filterName);
if (typeof context === 'object' && context.exiting) {
context.exiting = false;
if (!context.next && this.resultCheck) {
Pipe.prototype.log = function(msg) {
console.log('[jsondiffpatch] ' + this.name + ' pipe, ' + msg);
Pipe.prototype.append = function() {
this.filters.push.apply(this.filters, arguments);
return this;
Pipe.prototype.prepend = function() {
this.filters.unshift.apply(this.filters, arguments);
return this;
Pipe.prototype.indexOf = function(filterName) {
if (!filterName) {
throw new Error('a filter name is required');
for (var index = 0; index < this.filters.length; index++) {
var filter = this.filters[index];
if (filter.filterName === filterName) {
return index;
throw new Error('filter not found: ' + filterName);
Pipe.prototype.list = function() {
var names = [];
for (var index = 0; index < this.filters.length; index++) {
var filter = this.filters[index];
return names;
Pipe.prototype.after = function(filterName) {
var index = this.indexOf(filterName);
var params = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
if (!params.length) {
throw new Error('a filter is required');
params.unshift(index + 1, 0);
Array.prototype.splice.apply(this.filters, params);
return this;
Pipe.prototype.before = function(filterName) {
var index = this.indexOf(filterName);
var params = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
if (!params.length) {
throw new Error('a filter is required');
params.unshift(index, 0);
Array.prototype.splice.apply(this.filters, params);
return this;
Pipe.prototype.clear = function() {
this.filters.length = 0;
return this;
Pipe.prototype.shouldHaveResult = function(should) {
if (should === false) {
this.resultCheck = null;
if (this.resultCheck) {
var pipe = this;
this.resultCheck = function(context) {
if (!context.hasResult) {
var error = new Error(pipe.name + ' failed');
error.noResult = true;
throw error;
return this;
exports.Pipe = Pipe;
var Processor = function Processor(options){
this.selfOptions = options || {};
this.pipes = {};
Processor.prototype.options = function(options) {
if (options) {
this.selfOptions = options;
return this.selfOptions;
Processor.prototype.pipe = function(name, pipe) {
if (typeof name === 'string') {
if (typeof pipe === 'undefined') {
return this.pipes[name];
} else {
this.pipes[name] = pipe;
if (name && name.name) {
pipe = name;
if (pipe.processor === this) { return pipe; }
this.pipes[pipe.name] = pipe;
pipe.processor = this;
return pipe;
Processor.prototype.process = function(input, pipe) {
var context = input;
context.options = this.options();
var nextPipe = pipe || input.pipe || 'default';
var lastPipe, lastContext;
while (nextPipe) {
if (typeof context.nextAfterChildren !== 'undefined') {
// children processed and coming back to parent
context.next = context.nextAfterChildren;
context.nextAfterChildren = null;
if (typeof nextPipe === 'string') {
nextPipe = this.pipe(nextPipe);
lastContext = context;
lastPipe = nextPipe;
nextPipe = null;
if (context) {
if (context.next) {
context = context.next;
nextPipe = lastContext.nextPipe || context.pipe || lastPipe;
return context.hasResult ? context.result : undefined;
exports.Processor = Processor;