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import java.text.Format;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
* Date utils
* @author Jiaju Zhuang
public class DateUtils {
public static final String DATE_FORMAT_10 = "yyyy-MM-dd";
public static final String DATE_FORMAT_14 = "yyyyMMddHHmmss";
public static final String DATE_FORMAT_17 = "yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss";
public static final String DATE_FORMAT_19 = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
public static final String DATE_FORMAT_19_FORWARD_SLASH = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss";
private static final String MINUS = "-";
private DateUtils() {}
* convert string to date
5 years ago
* @param dateString
* @param dateFormat
* @return
* @throws ParseException
public static Date parseDate(String dateString, String dateFormat) throws ParseException {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(dateFormat)) {
dateFormat = switchDateFormat(dateString);
return new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat).parse(dateString);
* convert string to date
* @param dateString
* @return
* @throws ParseException
public static Date parseDate(String dateString) throws ParseException {
5 years ago
return parseDate(dateString, switchDateFormat(dateString));
* switch date format
* @param dateString
* @return
private static String switchDateFormat(String dateString) {
int length = dateString.length();
switch (length) {
case 19:
if (dateString.contains(MINUS)) {
return DATE_FORMAT_19;
} else {
case 17:
return DATE_FORMAT_17;
case 14:
return DATE_FORMAT_14;
case 10:
return DATE_FORMAT_10;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("can not find date format for:" + dateString);
* Format date
* <p>
* yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
5 years ago
* @param date
* @return
public static String format(Date date) {
return format(date, null);
* Format date
5 years ago
* @param date
* @param dateFormat
* @return
public static String format(Date date, String dateFormat) {
if (date == null) {
return "";
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(dateFormat)) {
dateFormat = DATE_FORMAT_19;
return new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat).format(date);
// /**
// * Determine if it is a date format.
// *
// * @param dataFormat
// * @param dataFormatString
// * @return
// */
// public static boolean isDateFormatted(Integer dataFormat, String dataFormatString) {
// if (cell == null) {
// return false;
// }
// boolean isDate = false;
// double d = cell.getNumericCellValue();
// if (DateUtil.isValidExcelDate(d)) {
// ExcelNumberFormat nf = ExcelNumberFormat.from(cell, cfEvaluator);
// if (nf == null) {
// return false;
// }
// bDate = isADateFormat(nf);
// }
// return bDate;
// }
// private String getFormattedDateString(Cell cell, ConditionalFormattingEvaluator cfEvaluator) {
// if (cell == null) {
// return null;
// }
// Format dateFormat = getFormat(cell, cfEvaluator);
// synchronized (dateFormat) {
// if(dateFormat instanceof ExcelStyleDateFormatter) {
// // Hint about the raw excel value
// ((ExcelStyleDateFormatter)dateFormat).setDateToBeFormatted(
// cell.getNumericCellValue()
// );
// }
// Date d = cell.getDateCellValue();
// return performDateFormatting(d, dateFormat);
// }
// }
// public static boolean isADateFormat(int formatIndex, String formatString) {
// // First up, is this an internal date format?
// if (isInternalDateFormat(formatIndex)) {
// return true;
// }
// if (StringUtils.isEmpty(formatString)) {
// return false;
// }
// // check the cache first
// if (isCached(formatString, formatIndex)) {
// return lastCachedResult.get();
// }
// String fs = formatString;
// /*if (false) {
// // Normalize the format string. The code below is equivalent
// // to the following consecutive regexp replacements:
// // Translate \- into just -, before matching
// fs = fs.replaceAll("\\\\-","-");
// // And \, into ,
// fs = fs.replaceAll("\\\\,",",");
// // And \. into .
// fs = fs.replaceAll("\\\\\\.",".");
// // And '\ ' into ' '
// fs = fs.replaceAll("\\\\ "," ");
// // If it end in ;@, that's some crazy dd/mm vs mm/dd
// // switching stuff, which we can ignore
// fs = fs.replaceAll(";@", "");
// // The code above was reworked as suggested in bug 48425:
// // simple loop is more efficient than consecutive regexp replacements.
// }*/
// final int length = fs.length();
// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(length);
// for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
// char c = fs.charAt(i);
// if (i < length - 1) {
// char nc = fs.charAt(i + 1);
// if (c == '\\') {
// switch (nc) {
// case '-':
// case ',':
// case '.':
// case ' ':
// case '\\':
// // skip current '\' and continue to the next char
// continue;
// }
// } else if (c == ';' && nc == '@') {
// i++;
// // skip ";@" duplets
// continue;
// }
// }
// sb.append(c);
// }
// fs = sb.toString();
// // short-circuit if it indicates elapsed time: [h], [m] or [s]
// if (date_ptrn4.matcher(fs).matches()) {
// cache(formatString, formatIndex, true);
// return true;
// }
// // If it starts with [DBNum1] or [DBNum2] or [DBNum3]
// // then it could be a Chinese date
// fs = date_ptrn5.matcher(fs).replaceAll("");
// // If it starts with [$-...], then could be a date, but
// // who knows what that starting bit is all about
// fs = date_ptrn1.matcher(fs).replaceAll("");
// // If it starts with something like [Black] or [Yellow],
// // then it could be a date
// fs = date_ptrn2.matcher(fs).replaceAll("");
// // You're allowed something like dd/mm/yy;[red]dd/mm/yy
// // which would place dates before 1900/1904 in red
// // For now, only consider the first one
// final int separatorIndex = fs.indexOf(';');
// if (0 < separatorIndex && separatorIndex < fs.length() - 1) {
// fs = fs.substring(0, separatorIndex);
// }
// // Ensure it has some date letters in it
// // (Avoids false positives on the rest of pattern 3)
// if (!date_ptrn3a.matcher(fs).find()) {
// return false;
// }
// // If we get here, check it's only made up, in any case, of:
// // y m d h s - \ / , . : [ ] T
// // optionally followed by AM/PM
// boolean result = date_ptrn3b.matcher(fs).matches();
// cache(formatString, formatIndex, result);
// return result;
// }
// /**
// * Given a format ID this will check whether the format represents an internal excel date format or not.
// *
// * @see #isADateFormat(int, java.lang.String)
// */
// public static boolean isInternalDateFormat(int format) {
// switch (format) {
// // Internal Date Formats as described on page 427 in
// // Microsoft Excel Dev's Kit...
// // 14-22
// case 0x0e:
// case 0x0f:
// case 0x10:
// case 0x11:
// case 0x12:
// case 0x13:
// case 0x14:
// case 0x15:
// case 0x16:
// // 27-36
// case 0x1b:
// case 0x1c:
// case 0x1d:
// case 0x1e:
// case 0x1f:
// case 0x20:
// case 0x21:
// case 0x22:
// case 0x23:
// case 0x24:
// // 45-47
// case 0x2d:
// case 0x2e:
// case 0x2f:
// // 50-58
// case 0x32:
// case 0x33:
// case 0x34:
// case 0x35:
// case 0x36:
// case 0x37:
// case 0x38:
// case 0x39:
// case 0x3a:
// return true;
// }
// return false;
// }