Darklaf - A themeable swing Look and Feel based on Darcula-Laf
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org.gradle.parallel = true
kotlin.code.style = official
# See https://github.com/gradle/gradle/pull/11358 , https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-14923
# repository.apache.org does not yet support .sha256 and .sha512 checksums
systemProp.org.gradle.internal.publish.checksums.insecure = true
# Darklaf version
darklaf.version = 2.4.0
# Plugins
com.github.vlsi.vlsi-release-plugins.version = 1.70
com.github.autostyle.version = 3.1
nokee.version = 0.4.0
# Dependencies
jna.version = 5.5.0
jxlayer.version = 3.0.4
miglayout.version = 5.2
swingx.version = 1.6.1
svgSalamander.version =
junit.version = 5.6.2
rsyntaxtextarea.version = 3.1.1