# Darklaf - A Darcula Look and Feel [![Maven Central](https://img.shields.io/maven-central/v/com.github.weisj/darklaf.svg?label=Maven%20Central)](https://search.maven.org/search?q=g:%22com.github.weisj%22%20AND%20a:%22darklaf%22) This project is based on the [darcula](https://github.com/bulenkov/Darcula) look and feel for Swing. # Screenshots ![Darcula Theme](https://github.com/weisJ/darklaf/blob/master/img/file_chooser_darcula.png) | ![IntelliJ Theme](https://github.com/weisJ/darklaf/blob/master/img/file_chooser_intellij.png) :-------------------------:|:-------------------------: Darcula Theme | IntelliJ Theme ![Solarized Dark Theme](https://github.com/weisJ/darklaf/blob/master/img/file_chooser_solarized_dark.png) | ![Solarized Light Theme](https://github.com/weisJ/darklaf/blob/master/img/file_chooser_solarized_light.png) :-------------------------:|:-------------------------: Solarized Dark Theme | Solarized Light Theme # Usage & [Features](https://github.com/weisJ/darklaf/wiki/Features) The LaF is compatible with Java >=1.8 (you need >=1.9 to get proper scaling). You can either use the current build from [releases](https://github.com/weisJ/darklaf/releases) or the the [bin folder](https://github.com/weisJ/darklaf/tree/master/bin). These binaries already include a stripped down version of all dependecies. A list of all features can be found [here](https://github.com/weisJ/darklaf/wiki/Features). This project is available on Maven Central: ### Maven ````xml com.github.weisj darklaf ```` ### Gradle ```` implementation 'com.github.weisj:darklaf:' ```` ## Installation The LookAndFeel can be easily installed using the 'LafManager' ````java LafManager.install(); //For default theme (IntelliJ) LafManager.install(new DarculaTheme()); //Specify the used theme. ```` or by using the UIManager ````java LafManager.setTheme(new DarculaTheme()); UIManager.setLookAndFeel(DarkLaf.class.getCanonicalName()); ```` ## Example ````java import com.github.weisj.darklaf.LafManager; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class DarklafDemo { public static void main(final String[] args) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { LafManager.install(); JFrame frame = new JFrame("Darklaf - A themeable LaF for Swing"); frame.setSize(600, 400); JButton button = new JButton("Click here!"); JPanel content = new JPanel(); content.add(button); frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.setContentPane(content); frame.setVisible(true); }); } } ```` All custom component-variants and settings can be enabled by setting the appropriate client property of the component. They can be found [here](https://github.com/weisJ/darklaf/wiki/Features#alternative-visualsbehaviour-for-components). This LookAndFeel supports custom window decorations (only on Windows at this point). In contrast to most other LaFs the native window behaviour is not compromised giving a seamless experience that still looks native. # Build To build the project replace the ````build.gradle```` script with the one fitting your platform i.e. - You only have a x86 toolchain installation -> ````build_x86.gradle```` - You only have a x64 toolchain installation -> ````build_x64.gradle```` - You have a 86x_64x_multilib toolchain installation -> ````build.gradle```` # Contribute Here is a list of things that currently are not finished or need refinement. This list is a work in progress and being updated regulary. If you find any problems with the LaF feel free to submit an issue: - [Native window decorations on Linux and MacOS.](https://github.com/weisJ/darklaf/issues/2) * See [jniplatform/cpp](https://github.com/weisJ/darklaf/tree/master/src/jniplatform/cpp) for the windows implementation. - [Adjustment of platform specific properties](https://github.com/weisJ/darklaf/issues/2) * See the [properties folder](https://github.com/weisJ/darklaf/tree/master/src/main/resources/com/github/weisj/darklaf/properties) especially the plaform folder. - [Arrow button cycle support for JComboBox.](https://github.com/weisJ/darklaf/issues/10) - Create missing demo classes. (See Todo's in test/ui/)