import com.github.autostyle.generic.DefaultCopyrightStyle import com.github.autostyle.gradle.BaseFormatExtension import com.github.vlsi.gradle.crlf.CrLfSpec import com.github.vlsi.gradle.crlf.LineEndings import import import import com.github.vlsi.gradle.publishing.dsl.simplifyXml import com.github.vlsi.gradle.publishing.dsl.versionFromResolution plugins { idea id("com.github.autostyle") id("com.github.vlsi.crlf") id("com.github.vlsi.gradle-extensions") id("com.github.vlsi.stage-vote-release") id("org.ajoberstar.grgit") } val skipJavadoc by props() val enableMavenLocal by props(false) val enableGradleMetadata by props() val skipAutostyle by props(false) val isRelease = project.stringProperty("release").toBool() val snapshotName by props("") val String.v: String get() = rootProject.extra["$this.version"] as String val projectVersion = "darklaf".v val snapshotIdentifier = if (!isRelease && snapshotName.isNotEmpty()) "-$snapshotName" else "" releaseParams { tlp.set("darklaf") organizationName.set("weisJ") componentName.set("darklaf") prefixForProperties.set("gh") svnDistEnabled.set(false) sitePreviewEnabled.set(false) release.set(isRelease) if (!isRelease) { rcTag.set("v$projectVersion$snapshotIdentifier$snapshotSuffix") } nexus { mavenCentral() } voteText.set { """ ${it.componentName} v${it.version}-rc${it.rc} is ready for preview. Git SHA: ${it.gitSha} Staging repository: ${it.nexusRepositoryUri} """.trimIndent() } } tasks.closeRepository.configure { enabled = isRelease } val buildVersion = "$projectVersion$snapshotIdentifier${releaseParams.snapshotSuffix}" println("Building: Darklaf $buildVersion") println(" JDK: " + System.getProperty("java.home")) println(" Gradle: " + gradle.gradleVersion) fun BaseFormatExtension.license(addition: String = "") { val extra = if (addition.isEmpty()) "" else "\n$addition" licenseHeader(File("${project.rootDir}/LICENSE").readText() + extra) { filter { exclude("**/org/pbjar/jxlayer/*") } copyrightStyle("bat", DefaultCopyrightStyle.REM) copyrightStyle("cmd", DefaultCopyrightStyle.REM) } trimTrailingWhitespace() if (addition.isEmpty()) { endWithNewline() } } fun BaseFormatExtension.configFilter(init: PatternFilterable.() -> Unit) { filter { // Autostyle does not support gitignore yet exclude("out/**") exclude(".idea/**", ".run/**") if (project == rootProject) { exclude("gradlew*", "gradle/**") } else { exclude("bin/**") } init() } } allprojects { group = "com.github.weisj" version = buildVersion repositories { if (enableMavenLocal) { mavenLocal() } if (!isRelease) { maven { url = uri("") } } mavenCentral() } configurations.all { resolutionStrategy.cacheChangingModulesFor(0, "seconds") } val githubAccessToken by props("") plugins.withType { val failIfLibraryMissing by props(false) prebuiltBinaries { prebuiltLibrariesFolder = "pre-build-libraries" failIfLibraryIsMissing = failIfLibraryMissing github( user = "weisj", repository = "darklaf", workflow = "libs.yml" ) { val currentBranch = System.getenv("GITHUB_HEAD_REF") ?: grgit.branch.current()?.name branches = listOfNotNull(currentBranch, "master", "v$projectVersion", projectVersion) accessToken = githubAccessToken manualDownloadUrl = "" timeout = 50000 } } } if (!skipAutostyle) { apply(plugin = "com.github.autostyle") autostyle { kotlinGradle { ktlint(version = "ktlint".v) } format("properties") { configFilter { include("**/*.properties") exclude("**/") } license("\nsuppress inspection \"UnusedProperty\" for whole file") } format("configs") { configFilter { include("**/*.sh", "**/*.bsh", "**/*.cmd", "**/*.bat") include("**/*.xsd", "**/*.xsl", "**/*.xml") exclude("**/*.eclipseformat.xml") } license() } format("markdown") { filter.include("**/*.md") endWithNewline() } cpp { trimTrailingWhitespace() endWithNewline() license() eclipse { configFile("${project.rootDir}/darklaf_cpp.eclipseformat.xml") } } plugins.withType().configureEach { java { importOrder("java", "javax", "org", "com") removeUnusedImports() license() eclipse { configFile("${project.rootDir}/darklaf_java.eclipseformat.xml") } } } } } tasks.withType().configureEach { // Ensure builds are reproducible isPreserveFileTimestamps = false isReproducibleFileOrder = true dirMode = "775".toInt(8) fileMode = "664".toInt(8) } if (!enableGradleMetadata) { tasks.withType { enabled = false } } plugins.withType { configure { sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 withSourcesJar() if (!skipJavadoc && isRelease) { withJavadocJar() } } apply(plugin = "maven-publish") val useInMemoryKey by props() if (useInMemoryKey) { apply(plugin = "signing") configure { useInMemoryPgpKeys( project.stringProperty("signing.inMemoryKey")?.replace("#", "\n"), project.stringProperty("signing.password") ) } } tasks { withType().configureEach { options.encoding = "UTF-8" } withType().configureEach { from(source) { include("**/*.properties") filteringCharset = "UTF-8" duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.INCLUDE // apply native2ascii conversion since Java 8 expects properties to have ascii symbols only filter( } } withType().configureEach { manifest { attributes["Bundle-License"] = "MIT" attributes["Implementation-Title"] = attributes["Implementation-Version"] = project.version attributes["Specification-Vendor"] = "Darklaf" attributes["Specification-Version"] = project.version attributes["Specification-Title"] = "Darklaf" attributes["Implementation-Vendor"] = "Darklaf" attributes["Implementation-Vendor-Id"] = "com.github.weisj" } CrLfSpec(LineEndings.LF).run { into("META-INF") { filteringCharset = "UTF-8" duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE // This includes either project-specific license or a default one if (file("$projectDir/LICENSE").exists()) { textFrom("$projectDir/LICENSE") } else { textFrom("$rootDir/LICENSE") } } } } withType().configureEach { (options as StandardJavadocDocletOptions).apply { // -add-exports requires target 9 // The library is built with target=1.8, so add-exports if (project.the().targetCompatibility.isJava9Compatible) { addStringOption("-add-exports", "java.desktop/sun.swing=ALL-UNNAMED") addStringOption("-add-exports", "java.desktop/sun.awt=ALL-UNNAMED") addStringOption("-add-exports", "java.desktop/") addStringOption("-add-exports", "java.desktop/") } quiet() locale = "en" docEncoding = "UTF-8" charSet = "UTF-8" encoding = "UTF-8" docTitle = "Darklaf ${} API" windowTitle = "Darklaf ${} API" header = "Darklaf" addBooleanOption("Xdoclint:none", true) addStringOption("source", "8") if (JavaVersion.current().isJava9Compatible) { addBooleanOption("html5", true) links("") } else { links("") } } } } configure { if (project.path == ":") { // Skip the root project return@configure } publications { create( { artifactId = "${}$snapshotIdentifier" version = buildVersion description = project.description from(project.components["java"]) } withType { // Use the resolved versions in pom.xml // Gradle might have different resolution rules, so we set the versions // that were used in Gradle build/test. versionFromResolution() pom { simplifyXml() description.set( project.description ?: "A themeable Look and Feel for java swing" ) name.set( (project.findProperty("") as? String) ?:"-", " ") ) url.set("") organization { name.set("com.github.weisj") url.set("") } issueManagement { system.set("GitHub") url.set("") } licenses { license { name.set("MIT") url.set("") distribution.set("repo") } } scm { url.set("") connection.set("scm:git:git://") developerConnection.set("scm:git:ssh://") } developers { developer { name.set("Jannis Weis") } } } } } } } }