Make semantics for button border insets and margins more clear.
- Border insets subtract from the background area (The background area is the component size minus the insets).
- Margins add to the background area (the background area is the content area plus the margin).
- For borderless variants the size of the background is enforced to comply to the margin values.
Ensure tabbed and normal popups have the same header height.
Ensure more and new tab button in tabbedpane are aligned the same way and have the same height.
Made darklaf-theme and darklaf-utils be transitive dependencies to avoid confusion of classes are unavailable.
Added information about automatic library downloads and nightly builds in README.
Migrate to Nokee plugin.
Improved dark mode detection on macOS.
Fixed issue where the native theme option wasn't available in the theme settings on macOS.
Improved scrollbars.