@ -21,29 +21,20 @@
*/ |
package com.github.weisj.darklaf; |
import java.awt.*; |
import java.io.IOException; |
import java.io.InputStream; |
import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator; |
import java.util.*; |
import java.util.List; |
import java.util.function.Function; |
import java.util.function.Predicate; |
import java.util.logging.Level; |
import java.util.logging.Logger; |
import java.util.stream.Collectors; |
import javax.swing.*; |
import javax.swing.plaf.DimensionUIResource; |
import javax.swing.plaf.InsetsUIResource; |
import com.github.weisj.darklaf.color.ColorUtil; |
import com.github.weisj.darklaf.icons.DarkUIAwareIcon; |
import com.github.weisj.darklaf.icons.EmptyIcon; |
import com.github.weisj.darklaf.icons.IconLoader; |
import com.github.weisj.darklaf.icons.StateIcon; |
import com.github.weisj.darklaf.uiresource.DarkColorUIResource; |
import com.github.weisj.darklaf.uiresource.DarkFontUIResource; |
import com.github.weisj.darklaf.parser.ParseResult; |
import com.github.weisj.darklaf.parser.Parser; |
import com.github.weisj.darklaf.parser.ParserContext; |
import com.github.weisj.darklaf.util.*; |
/** |
@ -53,40 +44,8 @@ import com.github.weisj.darklaf.util.*;
public final class PropertyLoader { |
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogUtil.getLogger(PropertyLoader.class); |
private static final IconLoader ICON_LOADER = IconLoader.get(IconLoader.class); |
private static final char INT_LIST_START = '['; |
private static final char INT_LIST_END = ']'; |
private static final String DUAL_KEY = "[dual]"; |
private static final String AWARE_KEY = "[aware]"; |
private static final String THEMED_KEY = "[themed]"; |
private static final String ICON_EMPTY = "empty"; |
private static final char REFERENCE_PREFIX = '%'; |
private static final String FALLBACK_PREFIX = "?:"; |
private static final String FONT_FROM = "from"; |
private static final String FONT_SIZE = "withSize"; |
private static final String FONT_STYLE = "withStyle"; |
private static final char FONT_DELIMITER = '-'; |
private static final char LIST_START = '{'; |
private static final char LIST_END = '}'; |
private static final char ARG_START = '('; |
private static final char ARG_END = ')'; |
private static final char SEPARATOR = ','; |
private static final char LIST_SEPARATOR = ';'; |
private static final char PAIR_SEPARATOR = ':'; |
private static boolean debugMode; |
private static final Map<AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute, Integer> attributes = Collections.emptyMap(); |
public static void setDebugMode(final boolean debugMode) { |
PropertyLoader.debugMode = debugMode; |
} |
public static boolean isDebugMode() { |
return debugMode; |
} |
public static Properties loadProperties(final Class<?> clazz, final String name, final String path) { |
final Properties properties = new Properties(); |
@ -120,15 +79,21 @@ public final class PropertyLoader {
public static void putProperties(final Map<Object, Object> properties, final Set<String> keys, |
final Map<Object, Object> accumulator, final UIDefaults currentDefaults, final IconLoader iconLoader) { |
ParserContext context = new ParserContext(accumulator, currentDefaults, iconLoader); |
for (final String key : keys) { |
final String value = properties.get(key).toString(); |
Object parsed = parseValue(key, value, accumulator, currentDefaults, iconLoader); |
if (parsed != null) { |
String k = parseKey(key); |
if (parsed instanceof FallbackValue && accumulator.containsKey(k)) continue; |
accumulator.put(parseKey(key), parsed); |
} else { |
currentDefaults.remove(parseKey(key)); |
ParseResult parseResult = Parser.parse(Parser.createParseResult(key, value), context); |
if (parseResult.finished) { |
Object result = parseResult.result; |
if (result != null) { |
if (Parser.isDebugMode()) { |
accumulator.put(parseResult.key, parseResult); |
} else { |
accumulator.put(parseResult.key, result); |
} |
} else { |
currentDefaults.remove(parseResult.key); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -157,362 +122,12 @@ public final class PropertyLoader {
.forEach(e -> Optional.ofNullable(mapper.apply((Map.Entry<Object, T>) e)).ifPresent(e::setValue)); |
} |
private static String parseKey(final String key) { |
if (debugMode) return key; |
return key.startsWith(String.valueOf(REFERENCE_PREFIX)) ? key.substring(1) : key; |
} |
public static Object parseValue(final String propertyKey, final String val, final Map<Object, Object> accumulator, |
final Map<Object, Object> currentDefaults, final IconLoader iconLoader) { |
if (val == null || PropertyValue.NULL.equals(val)) { |
return null; |
} |
String key = propertyKey; |
boolean isFallback = val.startsWith(FALLBACK_PREFIX); |
String value = !isFallback ? val : val.substring(FALLBACK_PREFIX.length()); |
boolean skipObjects = false; |
if (key.startsWith(String.valueOf(REFERENCE_PREFIX))) { |
skipObjects = true; |
} |
key = parseKey(key); |
final Color color = ColorUtil.fromHex(value, null); |
final Integer invVal = getInteger(value); |
final Boolean boolVal = PropertyValue.TRUE.equalsIgnoreCase(value) ? Boolean.TRUE |
: PropertyValue.FALSE.equalsIgnoreCase(value) ? Boolean.FALSE : null; |
if (color != null && (value.length() == 6 || value.length() == 8)) { |
return maybeWrap(new DarkColorUIResource(color), isFallback); |
} else if (invVal != null) { |
return maybeWrap(invVal, isFallback); |
} else if (boolVal != null) { |
return maybeWrap(boolVal, isFallback); |
} |
Object returnVal = new LoadError(); |
if (key.endsWith("Insets") || key.endsWith(".insets") || key.endsWith(".margins")) { |
returnVal = parseInsets(value, accumulator, currentDefaults, iconLoader); |
} else if (!skipObjects && (key.endsWith("Border") || key.endsWith(".border") || key.endsWith("Renderer"))) { |
return maybeWrap((UIDefaults.LazyValue) def -> parseObject(value), isFallback); |
} else if (key.endsWith(".component") || key.endsWith("Component")) { |
return maybeWrap((UIDefaults.ActiveValue) (def) -> parseObject(value), isFallback); |
} else if (key.toLowerCase().endsWith("font")) { |
returnVal = parseFont(key, value, accumulator, currentDefaults); |
} else if (key.endsWith(".icon") || key.endsWith("Icon") || key.endsWith("Image")) { |
returnVal = parseIcon(value, accumulator, currentDefaults, iconLoader); |
} else if (key.endsWith("Size") || key.endsWith(".size")) { |
returnVal = parseSize(value); |
} else if (value.startsWith(String.valueOf(LIST_START)) && value.endsWith(String.valueOf(LIST_END))) { |
returnVal = parseList((v, acc, defs, iconL) -> PropertyLoader.parseValue("", v, acc, defs, iconL), value, |
accumulator, currentDefaults, iconLoader); |
} else if (value.startsWith(String.valueOf(INT_LIST_START)) && value.endsWith(String.valueOf(INT_LIST_END))) { |
returnVal = parseList((SimpleValueMapper<Integer>) Integer::parseInt, value, accumulator, currentDefaults, |
} else if (value.contains(String.valueOf(PAIR_SEPARATOR))) { |
returnVal = parsePair((v, acc, defs, iconL) -> PropertyLoader.parseValue("", v, acc, defs, iconL), value, |
accumulator, currentDefaults, iconLoader); |
} else if (PropertyValue.NULL.equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { |
returnVal = null; |
} else if (value.startsWith(String.valueOf(REFERENCE_PREFIX))) { |
returnVal = parseReference(key, value, accumulator, currentDefaults); |
} |
if (!(returnVal instanceof LoadError)) return maybeWrap(returnVal, isFallback); |
return maybeWrap(value, isFallback); |
} |
private static Object maybeWrap(final Object value, final boolean isDefaultValue) { |
return !isDefaultValue ? value : new FallbackValue(value); |
} |
private static <T> Pair<T, T> parsePair(final ParseFunction<T> mapper, final String value, |
final Map<Object, Object> accumulator, final Map<Object, Object> currentDefaults, |
final IconLoader iconLoader) { |
return parsePair(mapper, mapper, value, accumulator, currentDefaults, iconLoader); |
} |
private static <T, K> Pair<T, K> parsePair(final ParseFunction<T> firstMapper, final ParseFunction<K> secondMapper, |
final String value, final Map<Object, Object> accumulator, final Map<Object, Object> currentDefaults, |
final IconLoader iconLoader) { |
String[] pairVals = value.split(String.valueOf(PAIR_SEPARATOR), 2); |
return new Pair<>(firstMapper.parseValue(pairVals[0], accumulator, currentDefaults, iconLoader), |
secondMapper.parseValue(pairVals[1], accumulator, currentDefaults, iconLoader)); |
} |
private static Object parseReference(final String key, final String value, final Map<Object, Object> accumulator, |
final Map<Object, Object> currentDefault) { |
String val = parseKey(value); |
String referenceFreeKey = val.substring(1); |
boolean accumulatorContainsKey = |
accumulator.containsKey(val) || (debugMode && accumulator.containsKey(referenceFreeKey)); |
boolean defaultsContainKey = |
currentDefault.containsKey(val) || (debugMode && currentDefault.containsKey(referenceFreeKey)); |
if (!defaultsContainKey && !accumulatorContainsKey) { |
LOGGER.warning("Could not reference value '" + val + "' while loading '" + key + "'. " |
+ "Maybe is a forward reference"); |
} |
Object returnVal = accumulatorContainsKey ? accumulator.get(val) : currentDefault.get(val); |
if (debugMode) { |
if (returnVal == null) { |
returnVal = accumulatorContainsKey ? accumulator.get(referenceFreeKey) : currentDefault.get(val); |
} |
returnVal = new ReferenceInfo<>(value, returnVal); |
} |
return returnVal; |
} |
private static Object parseInsets(final String value, final Map<Object, Object> accumulator, |
final Map<Object, Object> currentDefaults, final IconLoader iconLoader) { |
List<Integer> insets = parseList((SimpleValueMapper<Integer>) Integer::parseInt, value, accumulator, |
currentDefaults, iconLoader, Character.MIN_VALUE, Character.MIN_VALUE, SEPARATOR); |
return new InsetsUIResource(insets.get(0), insets.get(1), insets.get(2), insets.get(3)); |
} |
@SuppressWarnings("MagicConstant") |
private static Object parseFont(final String key, final String value, final Map<Object, Object> accumulator, |
final Map<Object, Object> currentDefaults) { |
String val = value; |
Font base = null; |
int size = -1; |
int style = -1; |
while (true) { |
if (val.startsWith(FONT_FROM)) { |
Pair<Font, String> result = parseFrom(val, accumulator, currentDefaults); |
base = result.getFirst(); |
val = result.getSecond(); |
} else if (val.startsWith(FONT_SIZE)) { |
Pair<Integer, String> result = parseFontAttribute(FONT_SIZE, val, accumulator, currentDefaults); |
size = result.getFirst(); |
val = result.getSecond(); |
} else if (val.startsWith(FONT_STYLE)) { |
Pair<Integer, String> result = parseFontAttribute(FONT_STYLE, val, accumulator, currentDefaults); |
style = result.getFirst(); |
val = result.getSecond(); |
} else { |
break; |
} |
if (val.isEmpty()) break; |
} |
if (base == null) base = parseExplicitFont(value); |
if (base == null) base = Types.safeCast(accumulator.get(key), Font.class); |
if (base == null) base = Types.safeCast(currentDefaults.get(key), Font.class); |
if (base == null) base = FontUtil.createFont(null, Font.PLAIN, 12); |
if (size <= 0) size = base.getSize(); |
if (style < 0) style = base.getStyle(); |
Font font = base.deriveFont(style, size); |
font = new DarkFontUIResource(font.deriveFont(attributes)); |
return font; |
} |
private static Font parseExplicitFont(final String value) { |
try { |
final String[] decode = value.split(String.valueOf(FONT_DELIMITER)); |
return FontUtil.createFont(decode[0], Integer.parseInt(decode[1]), Integer.parseInt(decode[2])); |
} catch (final Exception e) { |
return null; |
} |
} |
private static Pair<Integer, String> parseFontAttribute(final String identifier, final String val, |
final Map<Object, Object> accumulator, final Map<Object, Object> currrentDefault) { |
String key = val.substring(identifier.length() + 1); |
int lastIndex = key.indexOf(ARG_END); |
String rest = key.substring(lastIndex + 1); |
key = key.substring(0, lastIndex); |
String[] subKeys = key.split(String.valueOf(SEPARATOR)); |
int[] values = new int[subKeys.length]; |
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { |
if (subKeys[i].startsWith(String.valueOf(REFERENCE_PREFIX))) { |
Object ref = unpackReference(parseReference(identifier, subKeys[i], accumulator, currrentDefault)); |
values[i] = Types.safeCast(ref, Integer.class, 0); |
} else { |
try { |
values[i] = Integer.parseInt(subKeys[i]); |
} catch (final NumberFormatException ignored) { |
// In this case the value will be 0.
} |
} |
} |
int result = 0; |
for (int i : values) { |
result += i; |
} |
return new Pair<>(result, rest); |
} |
public static Object unpackReference(final Object object) { |
Object obj = object; |
while (obj instanceof ReferenceInfo) { |
obj = ((ReferenceInfo<?>) obj).getValue(); |
} |
return obj; |
} |
private static Pair<Font, String> parseFrom(final String val, final Map<Object, Object> accumulator, |
final Map<Object, Object> currentDefaults) { |
String key = val.substring(FONT_FROM.length() + 1); |
int index = key.indexOf(ARG_END); |
String rest = key.substring(index + 1); |
key = key.substring(0, index); |
Font font = Types.safeCast(accumulator.get(key), Font.class); |
if (font == null) font = Types.safeCast(currentDefaults.get(key), Font.class); |
return new Pair<>(font, rest); |
} |
private static <T> List<T> parseList(final ParseFunction<T> mapper, final String value, |
final Map<Object, Object> accumulator, final Map<Object, Object> currentDefaults, |
final IconLoader iconLoader) { |
return parseList(mapper, value, accumulator, currentDefaults, iconLoader, LIST_START, LIST_END, LIST_SEPARATOR); |
} |
private static <T> List<T> parseList(final ParseFunction<T> mapper, final String value, |
final Map<Object, Object> accumulator, final Map<Object, Object> currentDefaults, |
final IconLoader iconLoader, |
final char start, final char end, final char delimiter) { |
if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) return new ArrayList<>(); |
String val = value; |
if (val.charAt(0) == start) { |
val = value.substring(1, value.length() - 1); |
} |
String[] values = val.split(String.valueOf(delimiter)); |
if (values.length == 0) return Collections.emptyList(); |
return Arrays.stream(values).map(k -> mapper.parseValue(k, accumulator, currentDefaults, iconLoader)) |
.collect(Collectors.toList()); |
} |
private static Icon parseIcon(final String value, final Map<Object, Object> accumulator, |
final Map<Object, Object> currentDefaults, final IconLoader iconLoader) { |
if (value.startsWith(String.valueOf(LIST_START))) { |
return parseStateIcon(value, accumulator, currentDefaults, iconLoader); |
} |
String path = value; |
Dimension dim = new Dimension(16, 16); |
if (value.charAt(value.length() - 1) == ARG_END) { |
int i = path.lastIndexOf(ARG_START); |
String dimVal = path.substring(i + 1, path.length() - 1); |
int[] values = |
Arrays.stream(dimVal.split(String.valueOf(SEPARATOR), 2)).mapToInt(Integer::parseInt).toArray(); |
dim.width = values[0]; |
dim.height = values[1]; |
path = path.substring(0, i); |
} |
if (path.charAt(path.length() - 1) == INT_LIST_END) { |
String tag = null; |
if (path.endsWith(DUAL_KEY)) { |
tag = DUAL_KEY; |
} else if (path.endsWith(AWARE_KEY)) { |
tag = AWARE_KEY; |
} else if (path.endsWith(THEMED_KEY)) { |
tag = THEMED_KEY; |
} |
if (tag == null) { |
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid tag on icon path: '" + value + "'"); |
} |
String iconPath = path.substring(0, path.length() - tag.length()); |
if (tag.equals(THEMED_KEY)) { |
return iconLoader.getIcon(iconPath, dim.width, dim.height, true); |
} else { |
DarkUIAwareIcon icon = iconLoader.getUIAwareIcon(iconPath, dim.width, dim.height); |
if (tag.equals(DUAL_KEY)) { |
return icon.getDual(); |
} else { |
return icon; |
} |
} |
} |
if (path.equals(ICON_EMPTY)) { |
return EmptyIcon.create(dim.width, dim.height); |
} |
return iconLoader.getIcon(path, dim.width, dim.height); |
} |
private static Icon parseStateIcon(final String value, final Map<Object, Object> accumulator, |
final Map<Object, Object> currentDefaults, final IconLoader iconLoader) { |
return new StateIcon(parseList(PropertyLoader::parseIcon, value, accumulator, currentDefaults, iconLoader)); |
} |
private static Object parseSize(final String value) { |
try { |
int[] dim = Arrays.stream(value.split(String.valueOf(SEPARATOR), 2)).mapToInt(Integer::parseInt).toArray(); |
return new DimensionUIResource(dim[0], dim[1]); |
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException | NumberFormatException e) { |
return new LoadError(); |
} |
} |
private static Integer getInteger(final String value) { |
try { |
return Integer.parseInt(value); |
} catch (final NumberFormatException ignored) { |
return null; |
} |
} |
private static Double getDouble(final String value) { |
try { |
return Double.parseDouble(value); |
} catch (final NumberFormatException ignored) { |
return null; |
} |
} |
private static Object parseObject(final String value) { |
try { |
return Class.forName(value).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance(); |
} catch (final Exception ignored) { |
} |
return null; |
} |
public static String asKey(final String key) { |
if (debugMode) return REFERENCE_PREFIX + key; |
return key; |
} |
public static String getReferencePrefix() { |
return String.valueOf(REFERENCE_PREFIX); |
} |
private static final class LoadError { |
} |
private interface ParseFunction<T> { |
T parseValue(final String value, final Map<Object, Object> accumulator, |
final Map<Object, Object> currentDefaults, |
final IconLoader iconLoader); |
} |
private interface SimpleValueMapper<T> extends ParseFunction<T> { |
T map(final String value); |
@Override |
default T parseValue(final String value, final Map<Object, Object> accumulator, |
final Map<Object, Object> currentDefaults, final IconLoader iconLoader) { |
return map(value); |
} |
} |
public static class ReferenceInfo<T> extends Pair<String, T> { |
public ReferenceInfo(final String key, final T value) { |
super(key, value); |
} |
public String getReferenceKey() { |
return getFirst(); |
} |
public T getValue() { |
return getSecond(); |
} |
} |
private static class FallbackValue { |
private final Object value; |
private FallbackValue(final Object value) { |
this.value = value; |
} |
public static String asKey(final String key) { |
// if (Parser.isDebugMode()) return getReferencePrefix() + key;
return key; |
} |
} |