- Heavyweight popups have an incorrect location after frame is moved to second monitor with possibly different scaling mode. af00f15f6402c95b7127f30ca15769a3ae4f6556
- Rounded and extended selection isn't painted correctly when text wrapping is enabled. 860680dc9374d3b5b37370f842c0cdab7f81b044
- Icons of buttons aren't properly clipped. 87a5295f06461532bfe659a1c2837a179f573bc0
- Selected and disabled `JToggleButton`s use the wrong foreground color. #191 6d4c3bc6df1a7a944cd40cf87ec15102f51759ec
- After switching to a different Laf the incorrect `PopupFactory` is used. 1c3d33af8bfdb00eed271083fda6d2fddb8da5e6
- Laf isn't installed if theme hasn't changed but current laf isn't Darklaf when using `LafManager#install(Theme)`. 9dd137120f93b46598e7257091e79c627d6f7043