Você não pode selecionar mais de 25 tópicos Os tópicos devem começar com uma letra ou um número, podem incluir traços ('-') e podem ter até 35 caracteres.
Konstantin 0c886be631
Upgrade semver checks and set dev version with new compiler plugin. (#4705)
9 horas atrás
.github Update PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md (#4706) 10 horas atrás
.idea Update copyright notices 3 anos atrás
artwork Compose Multiplatform 1.4.0 docs (#3044) 1 ano atrás
benchmarks build(kn-performance): use compose 1.5.10 to fix the build (#4173) 3 meses atrás
build-helpers Create destination dir if it does not exist (#1438) 2 anos atrás
ci ci: restore Dockerfile used to run desktop tests 2 dias atrás
components [gradle] Add validation checks on invalid xml or item type. (#4680) 2 dias atrás
compose Update compose compiler version to (#4652) 1 semana atrás
docs Update links to docs on the new portal (#3897) 6 meses atrás
examples Compose 1.6.2 2 semanas atrás
experimental Updated example of building using the CLI to Kotlin 1.9.23 and Compose 1.6.1 (#4488) 1 mês atrás
gradle-plugins Upgrade semver checks and set dev version with new compiler plugin. (#4705) 9 horas atrás
html Add opportunity to use custom prefixes in StyleSheet (#3015) 3 meses atrás
idea-plugin Tooling maintenance (#3606) 8 meses atrás
license A third party license for NotoSans ttf fonts (#1870) 2 anos atrás
tooling Test Gradle plugin on relevant PRs (#2509) 1 ano atrás
tools Update replaceVersion.sh (#4142) 3 meses atrás
tutorials Compose 1.6.2 2 semanas atrás
.gitignore Fix examples, templates (#2359) 2 anos atrás
CHANGELOG.md Add `1.6.10-beta02` to changelog (#4695) 2 dias atrás
LICENSE.txt Update copyright notices 3 anos atrás
README.md Update links to docs on the new portal (#3897) 6 meses atrás
VERSIONING.md Update links to docs on the new portal (#3897) 6 meses atrás
gradle.properties Enable official code style when root dir is opened in Intellij 4 anos atrás


official project Latest release Latest build

Compose Multiplatform

Compose Multiplatform is a declarative framework for sharing UIs across multiple platforms with Kotlin. It is based on Jetpack Compose and developed by JetBrains and open-source contributors.

You can choose the platforms across which to share your UIs using Compose Multiplatform:

For example, you can share UIs between iOS and Android or Windows and MacOS.

Shared UIs of the iOS, Android, desktop, and web apps


iOS support is in Alpha. It may change incompatibly and require manual migration in the future. We would appreciate your feedback on it in the public Slack channel #compose-ios. If you face any issues, please report them on GitHub.

Compose Multiplatform shares most of its API with Jetpack Compose, the Android UI framework developed by Google. You can use the same APIs to build user interfaces for both Android and iOS.

Since Compose is built on top of Kotlin Multiplatform, you can easily access native APIs, such as the Camera API, and embed complex native UI views, such as MKMapView.

Get started with Compose Multiplatform


When Android is one of your targets, you can get the same experience for Android as if you were developing an Android app using Jetpack Compose.

Get started with Compose Multiplatform


Compose Multiplatform targets the JVM and supports high-performance hardware-accelerated UI rendering on all major desktop platforms – macOS, Windows, and Linux.

It has desktop extensions for menus, keyboard shortcuts, window manipulation, and notification management.

Get started with Compose Multiplatform

We would appreciate your feedback on Compose Multiplatform in the public Slack channel #compose.


Web support is Experimental and may be changed at any time. Use it only for evaluation purposes. We would appreciate your feedback on it in the public Slack channel #compose-web. If you face any issues, please report them on GitHub.

You can experiment with sharing your mobile or desktop UIs with the web. Compose for Web is based on Kotlin/Wasm, the newest target for Kotlin Multiplatform projects. It allows Kotlin developers to run their code in the browser with all the benefits that WebAssembly has to offer, such as good and predictable performance for your applications.

Get started with Compose for Web


Compose HTML

Compose HTML is a library targeting Kotlin/JS that provides Composable building blocks for creating web user interfaces with HTML and CSS.

Note that Compose HTML is not a multiplatform library. It can be used only with Kotlin/JS.

Learn more