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* Copyright 2020-2022 JetBrains s.r.o. and respective authors and developers.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.compose.test.utils
import org.gradle.testkit.runner.BuildResult
import org.gradle.testkit.runner.TaskOutcome
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions
internal fun <T> Collection<T>.checkContains(vararg elements: T) {
val expectedElements = elements.toMutableSet()
forEach { expectedElements.remove(it) }
if (expectedElements.isNotEmpty()) {
error("Expected elements are missing from the collection: [${expectedElements.joinToString(", ")}]")
internal fun BuildResult.checks(fn: ChecksWrapper.() -> Unit) {
internal value class ChecksWrapper(val check: BuildResultChecks)
internal class BuildResultChecks(private val result: BuildResult) {
val log: String
get() = result.output
fun logContainsOnce(substring: String) {
val actualCount = log.countOccurrencesOf(substring)
if (actualCount != 1) throw AssertionError(
"Test output must contain substring '$substring' exactly once. " +
"Actual number of occurrences: $actualCount"
fun logContains(substring: String) {
if (!result.output.contains(substring)) {
throw AssertionError("Test output does not contain the expected string: '$substring'")
fun logDoesntContain(substring: String) {
if (result.output.contains(substring)) {
throw AssertionError("Test output contains the unexpected string: '$substring'")
fun taskSuccessful(task: String) {
taskOutcome(task, TaskOutcome.SUCCESS)
fun taskFailed(task: String) {
taskOutcome(task, TaskOutcome.FAILED)
fun taskUpToDate(task: String) {
taskOutcome(task, TaskOutcome.UP_TO_DATE)
fun taskFromCache(task: String) {
taskOutcome(task, TaskOutcome.FROM_CACHE)
fun taskSkipped(task: String) {
// task outcome for skipped task is null in Gradle 7.x
if (result.task(task)?.outcome != null) {
taskOutcome(task, TaskOutcome.SKIPPED)
private fun taskOutcome(task: String, expectedOutcome: TaskOutcome) {
val actualOutcome = result.task(task)?.outcome
if (actualOutcome != expectedOutcome) {
throw AssertionError(
"""|Unexpected outcome for task '$task'
|Expected: $expectedOutcome
|Actual: $actualOutcome
internal fun String.checkContains(substring: String) {
if (!contains(substring)) {
throw AssertionError("String '$substring' is not found in text:\n$this")
internal fun assertEqualTextFiles(actual: File, expected: File) {
"Content of '$expected' is not equal to content of '$actual'"
internal fun assertNotEqualTextFiles(actual: File, expected: File) {
"Content of '$expected' is equal to content of '$actual'"
private fun File.normalizedText() =
readLines().joinToString("\n") { it.trim() }
private fun String.countOccurrencesOf(substring: String): Int {
var count = 0
var i = 0
while (i >= 0 && i < length) {
i = indexOf(substring, startIndex = i)
if (i == -1) break
return count