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Falling Balls game

Game can run on Android, iOS, desktop or in a browser.

Prerequisites: to run on iOS and Android, you should have "Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile" plugin installed either in Android Studio or in AppCode with installed CocoaPods.

How to run

Choose a run configuration for an appropriate target in IDE and run it.


To run on iOS device, please correct iosApp/Configuration/TeamId.xcconfig with your Apple Team ID. Alternatively, you may setup signing within XCode opening iosApp/FallingBalls.xcworkspace and then using "Signing & Capabilities" tab of FallingBalls target. See also how to prepare XCode section below.

Then choose iosApp configuration in IDE and run it (may also be referred as FallingBalls in the Run Configurations or iosApp_ for Android studio).

Run on desktop via Gradle

./gradlew desktopApp:run

Run JS in browser with WebAssembly Skia via Gradle

./gradlew jsApp:jsBrowserDevelopmentRun

Prepare Xcode to launch on iOS device

  1. Add your Apple ID.
    Xcode -> Preferences... -> Accounts

  2. Create certificates with XCode in temporary project.
    You can create a certificate in Xcode. Create a new iOS app in Xcode.
    File -> New -> Project
    Choose iOS, App:

  3. In next dialog set any product name and choose your teamID.

  4. Run project on iOS Device.
    Xcode prompts you to install the certificate. Require password from login.keychain

  5. Done After a successful launch on the device - you can delete this temporary project.
    Certificates will remain in login.keychain

Run native on MacOS

Choose shared[macosX64] or shared[macosArm64] configuration in IDE and run it.