You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
556 lines
22 KiB
556 lines
22 KiB
/** |
* Script for creating a changelog. Call: |
* ``` |
* kotlin changelog.main.kts v1.7.0+dev555 |
* ``` |
* or: |
* ``` |
* kotlin changelog.main.kts v1.7.0..v1.7.1+dev555 |
* ``` |
* where: |
* v1.7.0+dev555 - the tag/branch of the version. The previous version will be read from |
* v1.7.0..v1.7.1+dev555 - the range of tag/branches for the changelog |
* |
* It modifies and adds new changes between the last version in and the specified version. |
* |
* Changelog entries are generated from reading Release Notes in GitHub PR's. |
* |
* ## How to run Kotlin scripts |
* Option 1 - via Command line |
* 1. Download and add `bin` to PATH |
* |
* Option 2 - via IntelliJ: |
* 1. Right click on the script |
* 2. More Run/Debug |
* 3. Modify Run Configuration... |
* 4. Add Program arguments |
* 5. Clear all "Before launch" tasks (you can edit the system-wide template as well) |
* 6. OK |
*/ |
@file:Repository("") |
@file:DependsOn("") |
import |
import |
import java.lang.ProcessBuilder.Redirect |
import |
import |
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8 |
import java.time.LocalDate |
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter |
import java.util.* |
import kotlin.text.substringAfterLast |
//region ========================================== CONSTANTS ========================================= |
// Sections from the template |
// Changelog should contain only these categories |
val standardSections = listOf( |
"Highlights", |
"Known Issues", |
"Breaking Changes", |
"Features", |
"Fixes", |
) |
val standardSubsections = listOf( |
"Multiple Platforms", |
"iOS", |
"Desktop", |
"Web", |
"Android", |
"Resources", |
"Gradle Plugin", |
"Lifecycle", |
"Navigation", |
) |
val changelogFile = __FILE__.resolve("../../").canonicalFile |
//endregion |
val argsKeyless = args |
.filter { !it.contains("=") } |
val argsKeyToValue = args |
.filter { it.contains("=") } |
.associate { it.substringBefore("=") to it.substringAfter("=") } |
val commitsArg = argsKeyless.getOrNull(0) ?: "HEAD" |
var previousVersionCommitArg: String? |
var versionCommitArg: String |
if (commitsArg.contains("..")) { |
previousVersionCommitArg = commitsArg.substringBefore("..") |
versionCommitArg = commitsArg.substringAfter("..") |
} else { |
previousVersionCommitArg = null |
versionCommitArg = commitsArg |
} |
val versionCommit = versionCommitArg |
val token = argsKeyToValue["token"] |
println("Note. The script supports optional arguments: kotlin changelog.main.kts [previousVersionCommit..versionCommit] [token=githubToken]") |
if (token == null) { |
println("To increase the rate limit, specify token (") |
} |
println() |
val androidxLibToPreviousVersion = previousVersionCommitArg?.let(::androidxLibToVersion) |
val androidxLibToVersion = androidxLibToVersion(versionCommit) |
val androidxLibToRedirectingVersion = androidxLibToRedirectingVersion(versionCommit) |
fun formatAndroidxLibPreviousVersion(libName: String) = |
androidxLibToPreviousVersion?.get(libName) ?: "PLACEHOLDER".also { |
println("Can't find $libName previous version. Using PLACEHOLDER") |
} |
fun formatAndroidxLibVersion(libName: String) = |
androidxLibToVersion[libName] ?: "PLACEHOLDER".also { |
println("Can't find $libName version. Using PLACEHOLDER") |
} |
fun formatAndroidxLibRedirectingVersion(libName: String) = |
androidxLibToRedirectingVersion[libName] ?: "PLACEHOLDER".also { |
println("Can't find $libName redirecting version. Using PLACEHOLDER") |
} |
val versionCompose = formatAndroidxLibVersion("COMPOSE") |
val versionComposeMaterial3Adaptive = formatAndroidxLibVersion("COMPOSE_MATERIAL3_ADAPTIVE") |
val versionLifecycle = formatAndroidxLibVersion("LIFECYCLE") |
val versionNavigation = formatAndroidxLibVersion("NAVIGATION") |
val versionRedirectingCompose = formatAndroidxLibRedirectingVersion("compose") |
val versionRedirectingComposeFoundation = formatAndroidxLibRedirectingVersion("") |
val versionRedirectingComposeMaterial = formatAndroidxLibRedirectingVersion("compose.material") |
val versionRedirectingComposeMaterial3 = formatAndroidxLibRedirectingVersion("compose.material3") |
val versionRedirectingComposeMaterial3Adaptive = formatAndroidxLibRedirectingVersion("compose.material3.adaptive") |
val versionRedirectingLifecycle = formatAndroidxLibRedirectingVersion("lifecycle") |
val versionRedirectingNavigation = formatAndroidxLibRedirectingVersion("navigation") |
val versionName = versionCompose |
val currentChangelog = changelogFile.readText() |
val previousChangelog = |
if (currentChangelog.startsWith("# $versionName ")) { |
val nextChangelogIndex = currentChangelog.indexOf("\n# ") |
currentChangelog.substring(nextChangelogIndex).removePrefix("\n") |
} else { |
currentChangelog |
} |
var previousVersionCommit: String |
var previousVersion: String |
if (previousVersionCommitArg != null) { |
previousVersionCommit = previousVersionCommitArg!! |
previousVersion = formatAndroidxLibPreviousVersion("COMPOSE") |
} else { |
val previousVersionInChangelog = previousChangelog.substringAfter("# ").substringBefore(" (") |
previousVersionCommit = "v$previousVersionInChangelog" |
previousVersion = previousVersionInChangelog |
} |
println() |
println("Generating changelog between $previousVersion and $versionName") |
val newChangelog = getChangelog(previousVersionCommit, versionCommit, previousVersion) |
changelogFile.writeText( |
newChangelog + previousChangelog |
) |
println() |
println(" changed") |
fun getChangelog(firstCommit: String, lastCommit: String, firstVersion: String): String { |
val entries = entriesForRepo("JetBrains/compose-multiplatform-core", firstCommit, lastCommit) + |
entriesForRepo("JetBrains/compose-multiplatform", firstCommit, lastCommit) |
return buildString { |
appendLine("# $versionName (${currentChangelogDate()})") |
appendLine() |
appendLine("_Changes since ${firstVersion}_") |
appendLine() |
entries |
.sortedBy { it.sectionOrder() } |
.groupBy { it.sectionName() } |
.forEach { (section, sectionEntries) -> |
appendLine("## $section") |
appendLine() |
sectionEntries |
.sortedBy { it.subsectionOrder() } |
.groupBy { it.subsectionName() } |
.forEach { (subsection, subsectionEntries) -> |
appendLine("### $subsection") |
appendLine() |
subsectionEntries.forEach { |
appendLine(it.format()) |
} |
appendLine() |
} |
} |
append( |
""" |
## Dependencies |
- Gradle Plugin `org.jetbrains.compose`, version `$versionCompose`. Based on Jetpack Compose libraries: |
- [Runtime $versionRedirectingCompose]($versionRedirectingCompose) |
- [UI $versionRedirectingCompose]($versionRedirectingCompose) |
- [Foundation $versionRedirectingComposeFoundation]($versionRedirectingComposeFoundation) |
- [Material $versionRedirectingComposeMaterial]($versionRedirectingComposeMaterial) |
- [Material3 $versionRedirectingComposeMaterial3]($versionRedirectingComposeMaterial3) |
- Lifecycle libraries `org.jetbrains.androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-*:$versionLifecycle`. Based on [Jetpack Lifecycle $versionRedirectingLifecycle]($versionRedirectingLifecycle) |
- Navigation libraries `org.jetbrains.androidx.navigation:navigation-*:$versionNavigation`. Based on [Jetpack Navigation $versionRedirectingNavigation]($versionRedirectingNavigation) |
- Material3 Adaptive libraries `org.jetbrains.compose.material3.adaptive:adaptive*:$versionComposeMaterial3Adaptive`. Based on [Jetpack Material3 Adaptive $versionRedirectingComposeMaterial3Adaptive]($versionRedirectingComposeMaterial3Adaptive) |
--- |
""".trimIndent() |
) |
appendLine() |
appendLine() |
val nonstandardSectionEntries = entries |
.filter { |
it.section != null && it.subsection != null |
&& it.section !in standardSections && it.subsection !in standardSubsections |
} |
if (nonstandardSectionEntries.isNotEmpty()) { |
println() |
println("WARNING! Changelog contains nonstandard sections. Please change them to the standard ones, or enhance the list in the PR template.") |
for (entry in nonstandardSectionEntries) { |
println("${entry.section} - ${entry.subsection} in ${}") |
} |
} |
} |
} |
/** |
* September 2024 |
*/ |
fun currentChangelogDate() ="MMMM yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH)) |
/** |
* Formats: |
* - A new approach to implementation of `platformLayers`. Now extra layers (such as Dialogs and Popups) drawing is merged into a single screen size canvas. |
* |
* to: |
* - [A new approach to implementation of `platformLayers`](link). Now extra layers (such as Dialogs and Popups) drawing is merged into a single screen size canvas. |
*/ |
fun ChangelogEntry.format(): String { |
return try { |
tryFormat() |
} catch (e: Exception) { |
throw RuntimeException("Formatting error of ChangelogEntry. Message:\n$message", e) |
} |
} |
fun ChangelogEntry.tryFormat(): String { |
return if (link != null) { |
val prefixRegex = "^[-\\s]*" // "- " |
val tagRegex1 = "\\(.*\\)\\s*" // "(something) " |
val tagRegex2 = "\\[.*\\]\\s*" // "[something] " |
val tagRegex3 = "_.*_\\s*" // "_something_ " |
val linkStartIndex = maxOf( |
message.endIndexOfFirstGroup(Regex("($prefixRegex).*"))?.plus(1) ?: 0, |
message.endIndexOfFirstGroup(Regex("($prefixRegex$tagRegex1).*"))?.plus(1) ?: 0, |
message.endIndexOfFirstGroup(Regex("($prefixRegex$tagRegex2).*"))?.plus(1) ?: 0, |
message.endIndexOfFirstGroup(Regex("($prefixRegex$tagRegex3).*"))?.plus(1) ?: 0, |
) |
val linkLastIndex = message.indexOfAny(listOf(". ", " ("), linkStartIndex).ifNegative { message.length } |
val beforeLink = message.substring(0, linkStartIndex) |
val inLink = message.substring(linkStartIndex, linkLastIndex).removeLinks() |
val afterLink = message.substring(linkLastIndex, message.length) |
"$beforeLink[$inLink]($link)$afterLink" |
} else { |
message |
} |
} |
fun Int.ifNegative(value: () -> Int): Int = if (this < 0) value() else this |
fun String.endIndexOfFirstGroup(regex: Regex): Int? = |
regex.find(this)?.groups?.toList()?.getOrNull(1)?.range?.endInclusive |
/** |
* Converts: |
* Message (title)[some link], message |
* |
* to: |
* Message title, message |
*/ |
fun String.removeLinks(): String = replace(Regex("\\[([^)]*)\\]\\([^\\]]*\\)"), "$1") |
/** |
* Extract by format |
*/ |
fun GitHubPullEntry.extractReleaseNotes(link: String): List<ChangelogEntry> { |
// extract body inside "## Release Notes" |
val relNoteBody = run { |
val after = body?.substringAfter("## Release Notes", "")?.ifBlank { null } |
?: body?.substringAfter("## Release notes", "")?.ifBlank { null } ?: body?.substringAfter( |
"## RelNote", |
"" |
)?.ifBlank { null } |
val before = after?.substringBefore("\n## ", "")?.ifBlank { null } ?: after?.substringBefore("\n# ", "") |
?.ifBlank { null } ?: after |
before?.trim() |
} |
if (relNoteBody?.trim()?.lowercase() == "n/a") return emptyList() |
val list = mutableListOf<ChangelogEntry>() |
var section: String? = null |
var subsection: String? = null |
var isFirstLine = true |
var shouldPadLines = false |
for (line in relNoteBody.orEmpty().split("\n")) { |
// parse "### Section - Subsection" |
if (line.startsWith("### ")) { |
val s = line.removePrefix("### ") |
section = s.substringBefore("-", "").trim().normalizeSectionName().ifEmpty { null } |
subsection = s.substringAfter("-", "").trim().normalizeSubsectionName().ifEmpty { null } |
isFirstLine = true |
shouldPadLines = false |
} else if (section != null && line.isNotBlank()) { |
var lineFixed = line |
if (isFirstLine && !lineFixed.startsWith("-")) { |
lineFixed = "- $lineFixed" |
shouldPadLines = true |
} |
if (!isFirstLine && shouldPadLines) { |
lineFixed = " $lineFixed" |
} |
lineFixed = lineFixed.trimEnd().removeSuffix(".") |
val isTopLevel = lineFixed.startsWith("-") |
list.add( |
ChangelogEntry( |
lineFixed, |
section, |
subsection, |
link.takeIf { isTopLevel } |
) |
) |
isFirstLine = false |
} |
} |
return list |
} |
/** |
* @param repo Example: |
* JetBrains/compose-multiplatform-core |
*/ |
fun entriesForRepo(repo: String, firstCommit: String, lastCommit: String): List<ChangelogEntry> { |
val pulls = (1..5) |
.flatMap { |
requestJson<Array<GitHubPullEntry>>("$repo/pulls?state=closed&per_page=100&page=$it").toList() |
} |
val pullNumberToPull = pulls.associateBy { it.number } |
val pullTitleToPull = pulls.associateBy { it.title } |
fun prForCommit(commit: GitHubCompareResponse.CommitEntry): GitHubPullEntry? { |
val (repoTitle, repoNumber) = repoTitleAndNumberForCommit(commit) |
return repoNumber?.let(pullNumberToPull::get) ?: pullTitleToPull[repoTitle] |
} |
fun changelogEntriesFor( |
pullRequest: GitHubPullEntry? |
): List<ChangelogEntry> { |
return if (pullRequest != null) { |
val prTitle = pullRequest.title |
val prNumber = pullRequest.number |
val prLink = "$repo/pull/$prNumber" |
val prList = pullRequest.extractReleaseNotes(prLink) |
val changelogMessage = "- $prTitle" |
prList.ifEmpty { |
listOf(ChangelogEntry(changelogMessage, null, null, prLink)) |
} |
} else { |
listOf() |
} |
} |
class CommitsResult(val commits: List<GitHubCompareResponse.CommitEntry>, val mergeBaseSha: String) |
fun fetchCommits(firsCommitSha: String, lastCommitSha: String): CommitsResult { |
lateinit var mergeBaseCommit: String |
val commits = fetchPagedUntilEmpty { page -> |
val result = requestJson<GitHubCompareResponse>("$repo/compare/$firsCommitSha...$lastCommitSha?per_page=1000&page=$page") |
mergeBaseCommit = result.merge_base_commit.sha |
result.commits |
} |
return CommitsResult(commits, mergeBaseCommit) |
} |
val main = fetchCommits(firstCommit, lastCommit) |
val previous = fetchCommits(main.mergeBaseSha, firstCommit) |
val pullRequests = main.commits.mapNotNull { prForCommit(it) }.toSet() |
val previousVersionPullRequests = previous.commits.mapNotNull { prForCommit(it) }.toSet() |
return (pullRequests - previousVersionPullRequests).flatMap { changelogEntriesFor(it) } |
} |
/** |
* Extract the PR number from the commit. |
*/ |
fun repoTitleAndNumberForCommit(commit: GitHubCompareResponse.CommitEntry): Pair<String, Int?> { |
val commitTitle = commit.commit.message.substringBefore("\n") |
// check title similar to `Fix import android flavors with compose resources (#4319)` |
val title = commitTitle.substringBeforeLast(" (#") |
val number = commitTitle.substringAfterLast(" (#").substringBefore(")").toIntOrNull() |
return title to number |
} |
/** |
* Extract redirecting versions from core repo, file |
* |
* Example |
* |
* |
*/ |
fun androidxLibToRedirectingVersion(commit: String): Map<String, String> { |
val gradleProperties = githubContentOf("JetBrains/compose-multiplatform-core", "", commit) |
val regex = Regex("artifactRedirecting\\.androidx\\.(.*)\\.version=(.*)") |
return regex.findAll(gradleProperties).associate { result -> |
result.groupValues[1].trim() to result.groupValues[2].trim() |
} |
} |
/** |
* Extract versions from CI config, file .teamcity/compose/Library.kt |
* |
* Example |
* |
* Library.CORE_BUNDLE -> "1.1.0-alpha01" |
*/ |
fun androidxLibToVersion(commit: String): Map<String, String> { |
val repo = "ssh://" |
val file = ".teamcity/compose/Library.kt" |
val libraryKt = spaceContentOf(repo, file, commit) |
return if (libraryKt.isBlank()) { |
println("Can't clone $repo to know library versions. Please register your ssh key in") |
emptyMap() |
} else { |
val regex = Regex("Library\\.(.*)\\s*->\\s*\"(.*)\"") |
return regex.findAll(libraryKt).associate { result -> |
result.groupValues[1].trim() to result.groupValues[2].trim() |
} |
} |
} |
fun githubContentOf(repo: String, path: String, commit: String): String { |
val commitEncoded = URLEncoder.encode(commit, UTF_8) |
return requestPlain("$repo/$commitEncoded/$path") |
} |
fun spaceContentOf(repoUrl: String, path: String, tagName: String): String { |
return pipeProcess("git archive --remote=$repoUrl $tagName $path") |
.pipeTo("tar -xO $path") |
.readText() |
} |
data class ChangelogEntry( |
val message: String, |
val section: String?, |
val subsection: String?, |
val link: String?, |
) |
fun ChangelogEntry.sectionOrder(): Int = section?.let(standardSections::indexOf) ?: standardSections.size |
fun ChangelogEntry.subsectionOrder(): Int = subsection?.let(standardSubsections::indexOf) ?: standardSubsections.size |
fun ChangelogEntry.sectionName(): String = section ?: "Unknown" |
fun ChangelogEntry.subsectionName(): String = subsection ?: "Unknown" |
fun String.normalizeSectionName() = standardSections.find { it.lowercase() == this.lowercase() } ?: this |
fun String.normalizeSubsectionName() = standardSubsections.find { it.lowercase() == this.lowercase() } ?: this |
// example |
data class GitHubCompareResponse(val commits: List<CommitEntry>, val merge_base_commit: CommitEntry) { |
data class CommitEntry(val sha: String, val commit: Commit) |
data class Commit(val message: String) |
} |
// example |
data class GitHubPullEntry(val number: Int, val title: String, val body: String?, val labels: List<Label>) { |
class Label(val name: String) |
} |
//region ========================================== UTILS ========================================= |
fun pipeProcess(command: String) = ProcessBuilder(command.split(" ")) |
.redirectOutput(Redirect.PIPE) |
.redirectError(Redirect.PIPE) |
.start()!! |
fun Process.pipeTo(command: String): Process = pipeProcess(command).also { |
inputStream.use { input -> |
it.outputStream.use { out -> |
input.copyTo(out) |
} |
} |
} |
fun Process.readText(): String = inputStream.bufferedReader().use { it.readText() } |
inline fun <reified T> requestJson(url: String): T = |
Gson().fromJson(requestPlain(url), |
fun requestPlain(url: String): String = exponentialRetry { |
println("Request $url") |
val connection = URL(url).openConnection() |
connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Compose-Multiplatform-Script") |
if (token != null) { |
connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Bearer $token") |
} |
connection.getInputStream().use { |
it.bufferedReader().readText() |
} |
} |
fun <T> exponentialRetry(block: () -> T): T { |
val exception = IOException() |
val retriesMinutes = listOf(1, 5, 15, 30, 60) |
for (retriesMinute in retriesMinutes) { |
try { |
return block() |
} catch (e: IOException) { |
e.printStackTrace() |
exception.addSuppressed(e) |
println("Retry in $retriesMinute minutes") |
Thread.sleep(retriesMinute.toLong() * 60 * 1000) |
} |
} |
throw exception |
} |
inline fun <T> fetchPagedUntilEmpty(fetch: (page: Int) -> List<T>): MutableList<T> { |
val all = mutableListOf<T>() |
var page = 1 |
do { |
val result = fetch(page++) |
all.addAll(result) |
} while (result.isNotEmpty()) |
return all |
} |