You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

130 lines
3.9 KiB

* Copyright 2020-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and respective authors and developers.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.compose.resources.vector.xmldom
import platform.Foundation.NSError
import platform.Foundation.NSString
import platform.Foundation.NSUTF8StringEncoding
import platform.Foundation.NSXMLParser
import platform.Foundation.NSXMLParserDelegateProtocol
import platform.Foundation.dataUsingEncoding
import platform.darwin.NSObject
internal fun parse(xml: String): Element {
val parser = DomXmlParser()
NSXMLParser((xml as NSString).dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)!!).apply {
shouldReportNamespacePrefixes = true
shouldProcessNamespaces = true
delegate = parser
return parser.root!!
private class ElementImpl(
override val localName: String,
override val nodeName: String,
override val namespaceURI: String,
val prefixMap: Map<String, String>,
val attributes: Map<Any?, *>
) : Element {
override var textContent: String? = null
override val childNodes: NodeList
get() = object : NodeList {
override fun item(i: Int): Node {
return childs[i]
override val length: Int
get() = childs.size
var childs = mutableListOf<Node>()
override fun getAttributeNS(nameSpaceURI: String, localName: String): String {
val prefix = prefixMap[nameSpaceURI]
val attrKey = if (prefix == null) localName else "$prefix:$localName"
return getAttribute(attrKey)
override fun getAttribute(name: String): String = attributes[name] as String? ?: ""
override fun lookupPrefix(namespaceURI: String): String = prefixMap[namespaceURI] ?: ""
private class DomXmlParser : NSObject(), NSXMLParserDelegateProtocol {
val curPrefixMapInverted = mutableMapOf<String, String>()
var curPrefixMap: Map<String, String> = emptyMap()
val nodeStack = mutableListOf<ElementImpl>()
var root: Element? = null
override fun parser(
parser: NSXMLParser,
didStartElement: String,
namespaceURI: String?,
qualifiedName: String?,
attributes: Map<Any?, *>
) {
val node = ElementImpl(
namespaceURI ?: "",
if (root == null) root = node
if (!nodeStack.isEmpty())
override fun parser(parser: NSXMLParser, foundCharacters: String) {
nodeStack.lastOrNull()?.textContent = foundCharacters
override fun parser(
parser: NSXMLParser,
didEndElement: String,
namespaceURI: String?,
qualifiedName: String?
) {
val node = nodeStack.removeLast()
override fun parser(
parser: NSXMLParser,
didStartMappingPrefix: String,
toURI: String
) {
curPrefixMapInverted.put(didStartMappingPrefix, toURI)
curPrefixMap = curPrefixMapInverted.entries.associateBy({ it.value }, { it.key })
override fun parser(parser: NSXMLParser, didEndMappingPrefix: String) {
curPrefixMap = curPrefixMapInverted.entries.associateBy({ it.value }, { it.key })
override fun parser(parser: NSXMLParser, validationErrorOccurred: NSError) {
throw MalformedXMLException("validation error occurred")
override fun parser(parser: NSXMLParser, parseErrorOccurred: NSError) {
throw MalformedXMLException("parse error occurred")