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* Copyright 2020-2022 JetBrains s.r.o. and respective authors and developers.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.compose.internal
import org.jetbrains.compose.ComposeCompilerCompatability
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinPlatformType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinTarget
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.SubpluginArtifact
internal class ComposeCompilerArtifactProvider(
private val kotlinVersion: String,
customPluginString: () -> String?
) {
fun checkTargetSupported(target: KotlinTarget) {
require(!unsupportedPlatforms.contains(target.platformType)) {
"This version of Compose Multiplatform doesn't support Kotlin " +
"$kotlinVersion for ${target.platformType} target. " +
"to know the latest supported version of Kotlin."
private var unsupportedPlatforms: Set<KotlinPlatformType> = emptySet()
val compilerArtifact: SubpluginArtifact
init {
val customPlugin = customPluginString()
val customCoordinates = customPlugin?.split(":")
when (customCoordinates?.size) {
null -> {
val version = requireNotNull(
) {
"This version of Compose Multiplatform doesn't support Kotlin " +
"$kotlinVersion. " +
"to know the latest supported version of Kotlin."
compilerArtifact = DefaultCompiler.pluginArtifact(
version = version.version
unsupportedPlatforms = version.unsupportedPlatforms
1 -> {
val customVersion = customCoordinates[0]
check(customVersion.isNotBlank()) { "'compose.kotlinCompilerPlugin' cannot be blank!" }
compilerArtifact = DefaultCompiler.pluginArtifact(version = customVersion)
3 -> compilerArtifact = DefaultCompiler.pluginArtifact(
version = customCoordinates[2],
groupId = customCoordinates[0],
artifactId = customCoordinates[1],
else -> error("""
Illegal format of 'compose.kotlinCompilerPlugin' property.
Expected format: either '<VERSION>' or '<GROUP_ID>:<ARTIFACT_ID>:<VERSION>'
Actual value: '$customPlugin'
val compilerHostedArtifact: SubpluginArtifact
get() = {
val newArtifactId =
if (groupId == DefaultCompiler.GROUP_ID && artifactId == DefaultCompiler.ARTIFACT_ID) {
} else artifactId
copy(artifactId = newArtifactId)
internal object DefaultCompiler {
const val GROUP_ID = "org.jetbrains.compose.compiler"
const val ARTIFACT_ID = "compiler"
const val HOSTED_ARTIFACT_ID = "compiler-hosted"
fun pluginArtifact(
version: String,
groupId: String = GROUP_ID,
artifactId: String = ARTIFACT_ID,
): SubpluginArtifact =
SubpluginArtifact(groupId = groupId, artifactId = artifactId, version = version)
internal fun SubpluginArtifact.copy(
groupId: String? = null,
artifactId: String? = null,
version: String? = null
): SubpluginArtifact =
groupId = groupId ?: this.groupId,
artifactId = artifactId ?: this.artifactId,
version = version ?: this.version